Sep 2,2014 Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole
Agenda            Minutes
3.1 Minutes
File: 0550-03-02 
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, July 22, 2014 be adopted.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Special Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, July 29, 2014 be adopted. 
5.1 Designated Anchorage Area - Town Hall and Public Consultation Plan
Report: Engineering and Parks Services / File: 08-3010-01

It was noted that the proposed date for the Town Hall Meeting of September 16, 2014 conflicts with Pacific Coast Terminal's Public Consultation on their expansion plans, which has a similar target audience. It was also noted that the type of consultation and the input sought should be finalized before proceeding with the consultation. It was suggested that a workshop be held with Council in early 2015, so that the details of the program can be finalized in  advance of the 2015 boating season, including but not limited to enforcement program and cost, budget implications, communications, etc.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report back for a Council workshop in January 2015 to further determine the format of a Designated Anchorage Area Town Hall Meeting.
5.2 Port Moody Arts Centre Request to Install Permanent Outdoor “Little Free Library” on City Property
Moved, seconded and CARRIED:
THAT the installation of a Little Free Library on the Arts Centre property be approved as recommended in the report from Community Services, Cultural Services dated August 15, 2014.