Sep 9,2014 Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole

Agenda               Minutes
5.1 New Homes in the Established Ioco Road/ Pleasantside Neighbourhood – Proposed Public Consultation Process
Report: Development Services – Planning and Building Divisions, dated August 28, 2014. / File: 3900-05-03
 Councillor Nuttall indicated that he may have a conflict of interest on this item and is currently waiting for a legal opinion on the matter. Councillor Nuttall noted that he will refrain from discussions until confirmation is received from the City Solicitor, and left the meeting at 5:36pm and did not return.

Council acknowledged the need to move forward with the public consultation and requested that staff review the current proposed solutions and consider their ramifications and feasibility without delay.

Staff noted that as the issues are highly complex, a public education campaign will be included as part of the consultation process to facilitate informed cornments from residents.

Moved and seconded
THAT the report dated August 28, 2014 from Development Services regarding New Homes in the Established loco Road/Pleasantside Neighbourhood - Proposed Public Consultation Process be received;

AND THAT Council endorse the study area and staff be directed to undertake the public consultation process as recommended in the report, with an Information Session and Town Hall Meeting open to the public, to provide information and solicit comments and input from the residents of the loco Road/Pleasantside Neighbourhood and other interested parties;

AND THAT staff be directed to report back to Council on the findings.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding the following:
AND THAT a Town Hall Meeting be scheduled for October 27, 2014.

The question on the main motion was put and CARRIED.