1.1 Art at Council
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 7705-01
Mayor Clay provided the following verbal report and invited the artist to
Tonight's Art at Council is brought to us by Gay Mitchell.
As an artist Gay has exhibited locally, nationally, and internationally and presently works out of the 2709 Esplanade Studios here in Port Moody. She adjudicates and mentors emerging artists and has taught at Place des Arts, Port Moody Arts Centre, and Evergreen Cultural Centre since 1996. For the past thirty-nine years Gay has been engaged as a visual artist, musician, and educator. She says that it was at home that she learned the disciplines of art and music, and became committed to the creative process.
Gay Mitchell introduced one of her recent pieces titled Cloaked Trees.
Ms. Mitchell said that the geometry of the branches inspired her to make a charcoal sketch, which was later completed in watercolour, and that the piece is an invitation to the viewer to journey with her, see new things, enter the space, and share the mystery.
Greg Moore, Mayor of Port Coquitlam and Chair of the Metro Vancouver Board, gave a presentation on the upcoming Transportation Funding Plebiscite. Mayor Moore provided an overview of current transportation needs in Port Moody and the Tri-Cities, and the proposed plan to be funded by the sales tax. Mayor Moore provided information on the proposed service improvements to the various modes, including Skytrain, Westcost Express, Buses, Major Road Networks, walking and cycling facilities, etc., noting the lack of alternatives for funding these much needed proposed improvements. Mayor Moore then answered questions from Council on the causes of population growth, the dearth of alternatives, the process through which the Mayors' Council came to propose the current funding model, accountability, etc.
Cher Bond requested that Council consider allowing CannaLifeMD Wellness Centre to operate in Port Moody in contravention of City of Port Moody Controlled Substance Property Bylaw, which prohibits the trade, business, or manufacture of a controlled substance. Ms. Bond provided information on CannaLifeMD's proposed business model and the discussions they have had with the Port Moody Police Department. Ms. Bond then introduced Dr. James Macdonald, who gave a presentation on the benefits of using cannabis to treat various conditions.
Rick Pasin, Chair of the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce, gave a presentation on the services and activities hosted by the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Pasin provided an overview of the major events held in 2014, and outlined the services that the Chamber provides to visitors and local businesses. Mr. Pasin noted that Chamber membership is growing, and events are consistently selling out. Mr. Pasin answered questions from Council on membership numbers, facility considerations, assistance extended to members, and their funding model. Council invited the Chamber to nominate members to fill the civic committee positions reserved for Chamber representatives.
4.1 Adoption of Minutes
File: 0550-05
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday,February 10, 2015 be adopted.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the recommendations contained in the following items presented in the February 24, 2015 Regular Council Consent Agenda be adopted:
-5.1 - Arts and Culture Committee 2015 Work Plan
-5.2 - Community Care Committee - 2015 Work Plan and Related Appointments
-5.3 - Economic Development Committee 2015 Work Plan
-5.5 - Parks & Recreation Commission 2015 Work Plan
-5.6 - Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce - 2015 Fee for Service
-5.9 - 35th Anniversary Terry Fox Event
-5.10 - Council Indemnity
5.1 Arts and Culture Committee 2015 Work Plan
Report: Arts and Culture Committee, dated February 10, 2015 /
File: 0360-20-43
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the proposed Arts and Culture Committee 2015 Work Plan be approved as recommended in the report dated February 10, 2015 from the Arts and Culture Committee regarding the Arts and Culture Committee annual work plan.
5.2 Community Care Committee 2015 Work Plan
Report: Community Care Committee, dated February 9, 2015 / File: 0360-20-02
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the Community Care Committee's 2015 Work Plan and associated appointments be approved as recommended in the report dated February 9, 2015 from the Community Care Committee regarding the Community Care Committee - 2015 Work Plan and Related Appointments.
5.3 Economic Development Committee 2015 Work Plan
Report: Economic Development Committee, dated February 16, 2015 / File: 0360-20-03
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the 2015 Work Plan of the Economic Development Committee be approved as recommended in the report dated February 16, 2015 from the Economic Development Committee regarding the Economic Development Committee 2015 Work Plan.
5.4 Environmental Protection Committee 2015 Work Plan
Report: Environmental Protection Committee, dated February 16, 2015 / File: 0360-20-04
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2015 Work Plan of the Environmental Protection Committee be approved as recommended in the report dated February 16, 2015 from the Environmental Protection Committee regarding the Environmental Protection Committee 2015 Work Plan, with the addition of two areas of focus: oiled wildlife and air quality.
5.5 Parks & Recreation Committee 2015 Work Plan
Report: Parks & Recreation Commission, dated February 12, 2015 / File: 15-8160
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the 2015 Parks & Recreation Commission Work Plan attached to the report dated February 12, 2015 from the Parks & Recreation Commission regarding the 2015 Work Plan be approved.
5.6 Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce - 2015 Fee for Service
Report: Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division / File: 0230-20-02
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the Mayor and Corporate Officer be authorized to sign the 2015 Fee for Service Agreement as recommended in the report dated February 13, 2015 from the Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division regarding the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce - 2015 Fee for Service;
AND THAT staff be authorized to pay the 2015 Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce Fee for Service Invoice in the amount of $7,011.27 plus taxes;
AND THAT the funding for the 2015 Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce Services be paid for from 7002-101, City Manager, Chamber Fee for Service Account.
5.7 Metro Vancouver Board Recap
Report: Mayor Mike Clay, dated February 16, 2015 / File: 0480-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT item 6.5.7 - Metro Vancouver Board Recap be referred to the Finance Committee for creation of a reserve for the tipping fee reduction to be applied to future increases;
AND THAT the report dated February 16, 2015 from Mayor Mike Clay regarding Metro Vancouver Board Recap be received for information.
5.8 Update on CP Rail Issues
Report: Mayor Mike Clay, dated February 16, 2015 / File: 8310-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City work with Transport Canada to determine whether the loco spur is a candidate for whistle cessation;
AND THAT the report dated February 16, 2015 from Mayor Mike Clay regarding Update on CP Rail Activities be received for information.
5.9 35th Anniversary Terry Fox Event
Report: Engineering and Parks Services, dated February 16, 2015 / 5400-20-08
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT staff be authorized to install permanent Terry Fox Training Route Signs to support the 35th Annual Terry Fox Anniversary Celebrations as recommended in the report dated February 16, 2015 from Engineering and Parks regarding the 35th Anniversary Terry Fox Event;
AND THAT staff be authorized to provide traffic control in Port Moody during the event on April 4, 2015;
AND THAT the request for $2,500 for permanent sign placement and traffic control in Port Moody during the event be referred to the Finance Committee to determine a suitable funding source.
5.10 Council Indemnity
Report: Human Resources Division, Corporate Services, dated February 18,2015 / File: 2755-03
Recommendation Adopted on Consent:
THAT the report dated February 18, 2015 from the Human Resources Division regarding Council Indemnity be received for information.
7.1 Amendments to the Council Procedure Bylaw
File: 3900-50
City of Port Moody Council Procedure Bylaw, 2014, No. 2988, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2015, No. 2998, being a Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Council Procedure Bylaw, 2014, No. 2988.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City of Port Moody Council Procedure Bylaw, 2014, No. 2988, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2015, No. 2998 be adopted.
7.2 Zoning Bylaw Text Amendment - Commercial Medical Marihuana Production Prohibited Use
File: 6700-20-122
City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No, 228, 2015, No. 2999, being a Bylaw to include a definition of "Medical Marihuana Production and Testing Use" and, add that use to the list of prohibited uses in the Zoning Bylaw.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw 2999, cited as City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 228, 2015, No. 2999, be adopted.
7.3 Council Resolutinos Opposiing the Closure of Burrard Thermal
Report: Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division, dated February 17, 2015 / File: 0550-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council Resolution RC15/051 (as amended by RC15/052 and RC15/053) regarding opposition to the closure of Burrard Thermal be rescinded as recommended in the report dated February 17, 2015 from Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division regarding Council Resolutions Opposing the Closure of Burrard Thermal;
AND THAT the resolutions as set out in Attachment 1 and Attachment 3 of the report dated February 17, 2015 from Corporate Services Department - Legislative Services Division regarding Council Resolutions Opposing the Closure of Burrard Thermal be considered immediately.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
WHEREAS the City of Port Moody has been informed by the Government of British Columbia that the 900 MW (megawatt) natural gas-fired Burrard Thermal Generating Station in Port Moody is scheduled for closure in 2016, a plant which can provide an essential service by generating electricity to meet peak electrical loads in British Columbia during the winter months, is located in the lower mainland (the load centre of British Columbia) as an important strategic asset and can provide backup electricity in the event of low water levels behind BC Hydro dams or the failure of lengthy transmission lines due to forest fires, ice storms or similar causes;
AND WHEREAS the annual operating cost of Burrard Thermal, which has the lowest nitrogen oxides emissions of any natural gas standby plant in Canada, is approximately $20 million, as opposed to the $55 million presently being paid by BC Hydro to keep a smaller 275 MW natural gas-fired plant on standby in the outlying community of Campbell River;
AND WHEREAS BC Hydro's Integrated Resource Plan (2013) indicates a possible shortage of capacity (even in the absence of new electricity-supported Liquefied Natural Gas) as early as 2018, a shortage which is proposed to be met by constructing new natural gas plants;
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the City of Port Moody petition the Government of BC and BC Hydro to keep the Burrard Thermal Generating Station open until at the very least a review by the British Columbia Utilities Commission is conducted on the closing of Burrard Thermal and the construction of Site C Dam and that City staff be directed to forward a copy of this resolution to the Union of British Columbia Municipalities, Lower Mainland Local Government Association, British Columbia Utilities Commission and other local governments in British Columbia to seek support for this request.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City continue to work with Dr. Elaine Golds and Mr. Martin Cavin to develop a position paper to be circulated with the Council resolution opposing the closing of Burrard Thermal.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the letter on page 104 of the agenda be amended by adding "emergency backup" between "economic" and "power" in paragraph two.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by replacing the third clause with the following:
AND THAT the City of Port Moody, in coordination with the City of Coquitlam and the City of Port Coquitlam, implement a coordinated Tri-City public education and outreach program regarding healthy lawn care, and options to prevent and address the Chafer beetle issue;
AND THAT the City of Port Moody implement a coupon program which would provide a 50% subsidy on the purchase of nematodes with a budget of up to $5,000 per year for a 2-year trial period;
AND THAT the $5,000 for the nematode subsidy program be referred to the Finance Committee to identify an appropriate funding source.
The question on the main motion as amended was put to a vote, and the motion was carried.
9.2 Environmental Protection Committee Recommendations on Chafer Beetle
Report: Environmental Protection Committee / File: 0390-20-04
This item was addressed as part of item 9.1 - Chafer Beetle Damage - Management Options.
Moved and seconded
THAT the Fire Rescue Municipal Service Assessment as presented by the City Manager on February 24, 2015 be received for information.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
AND THAT the City re-establish the Fire Department Advisory Committee to act as a body for discussion and oversight during the implementation of the MSA recommendations.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
AND THAT the make up of the committee include the City Manager, an HR representative, the Fire Chief, at least one member of the IAFF 2399, and two members of Council.
The question on the main motion as amended was put to a vote, and the motion was carried.
9.4 Bylaw Amendments for Proposed Food Truck Program
Report: Development Services - Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division, dated February 16, 2015 / File: 09-3900-02-1
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Business Licensing and Regulation Bylaw, 2015, No. 3000 be read a first, second, and third time as recommended in the report dated February 16, 2015 from Development Services - Building, Bylaw and Licensing Division regarding Bylaw amendments for proposed food truck program.
(Voting Against: Councillors Glumac and Royer)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2014, No. 2987 Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2015, No. 3002 be read a first, second, and third time.
(Voting Against: Councillors Glumac and Royer)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to report back with the licence agreement for Council approval.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the meeting continue past 10:00pm.
9.5 Metro Vancouver Transportation Funding Plebiscite
Report: Mayor Mike Clay, dated February 19, 2015 /File: 0480-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council formally support the YES campaign of the Translink Mayor's Council for the Metro Vancouver Transportation Funding Plebiscite;
AND THAT staff be directed to make resources available to the YES campaign, including website exposure, billboard/kiosk advertising space and other public advertising space, AS AVAILABLE and where it does not impact other existing City programs/initiatives.
(Voting Against: Councillors Glumac and Vagramov)
11.1 Council Verbal Reports
Councillor Dilworth congratulated the Port Moody Arts Centre for a very successful Wearable Arts Awards, and the Heritage Society for a very successful Heritage Week Event.
12.1 Committees, Commissions, and Boards - Minutes
• Port Moody Preschool Task Force Minutes - October 6, 2014
• Arts and Culture Committee Minutes - November 6, 2014
• Economic Development Committee Minutes - November 13, 2014
• Heritage Commission Minutes - November 20, 2014
• Community Care Committee Minutes - November 24, 2014
• Parks & Recreation Commission Minutes - November 26, 2014
• Environmental Protection Committee Minutes - January 19, 2015
• Finance Committee Minutes - January 20, 2015
13. Public Input
Ann Hulbert, Port Moody, expressed concerns that the Fire Rescue Municipal Service Assessment did not address emergency planning.