Mar 10,2015 Regular Council
Regular Council Meeting
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 7705-01
2. Public Input
3.1 Presentation - E-Comm
Letter: Janice McCuaig , dated January 27, 2015 / File: 0230-01
4.1 Adoption of Minutes
File: 0550-05
THAT the minutes of the Public Hearing held Tuesday, February 24, 2015 be adopted.
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, February 24, 2015 be adopted.
5. Consent Agenda
Note: Council may adopt in one motion all recommendations appearing on the Consent Agenda or, prior to moving the recommendation, request that an item be removed from the Consent Agenda for debate or discussion, voting in opposition to a recommendation, or declaring a conflict of interest with an item.
5.1 Committee of the Whole Resolutions for Ratification
THAT the following recommendations from the Committee of the Whole meetings of February 17, 2015 be ratified:
New Homes in the Established Ioco Road / Pleasantside Neighbourhood
(COW15/007, 010)
THAT staff be directed to bring forward changes as set out in the report dated February 10, 2015 from Development Services Planning Division that address building height, size and siting concerns in a Zoning Bylaw Amendment;
AND THAT staff be directed to develop a fill permit process to track grade changes and regulate the placement and type of fill for Council¡'s consideration;
AND THAT staff be directed to develop a set of Good Neighbour Guidelines to foster and maintain positive community relations and cooperation with neighbours and authorities for Council consideration;
AND THAT staff be directed to report back on a mechanism for reducing minimum lot sizes for subdivisions in order to provide sensitive infill density and alternatives to building larger homes.
THAT a formal neighbour feedback process be explored allowing for comments regarding new home applications in existing neighbourhoods to be received by the City.
5.2 Finance Committee Resolutions for Ratification
THAT the following recommendations from the Finance Committee meetings of February 17, 2015 and March 3, 2015 be ratified:
February 17, 2015 Operating Budget Deliberations
THAT, given there is some uncertainty around the future use of significant revenue generating properties, the City create a Stabilization Reserve to transfer funds to, in order to mitigate the anticipated future revenue loss risk;
AND THAT the City transfer any growth revenues in excess of budgeted growth revenues starting in 2014 to the Stabilization Reserve to be used to mitigate the impact of future lost revenues.
THAT the City rename the WCB Compliance Reserve to OH&S/WCB Reserve;
AND THAT the Reserve be repurposed to include transfers of any external financial incentives received from COR WCB audits and any surplus related to specialized employee assessments to the Reserve, and funds be used to smooth out fluctuations in the area of specialized employee assessment and/or expand OH&S programs.
THAT the City create an HR Recruitment Reserve to address fluctuations in annual recruitment expenditures;
AND THAT any surplus related to annual recruitments be transferred to the Reserve
THAT the City create a Police Recruitment Reserve to address fluctuations in annual recruitment expenditures;
AND THAT any surplus related to annual recruitments be transferred to the Police Recruitment Reserve.
THAT the City create a Police Major Crime Reserve to address fluctuations in major crime related expenditures;
AND THAT any surplus related to the Major Crime Cost Centre be transferred to the Police Major Crime Reserve.
THAT the City reinstate the annual purchase of art in the amount of $923 to the base operating budget in 2015.
THAT $169,000 be added to the 2015 base operating Financial Plan, $64,000 to fund 1 FTE Building Service Worker, and $105,000 to fund 1 FTE Building Maintenance Technician, funded from taxation.
THAT staff be directed to prepare a 2015 Financial Plan presentation for the purposes of public consultation, including the March 5, 2015 Town Hall Meeting, which includes 2015 tax increases of 1.67% for General Government, 0.99% for the Police Board, and 1.0% for the Asset Levy;
AND THAT the 2015 budget impacts be flowed through and reflected in submitted budgets for years 2016 to 2019 for presentation and public consultation.
National Energy Board Submissions Funding
THAT the $40,000 City Council Contingency Budget be preapproved for 2015;
AND THAT $10,000 from the $40,000 pre-approved amount be allocated to undertake a legal assessment to evaluate the value to the City in participating in the formal hearing portion of the National Energy Board review process for the Trans Mountain Expansion Project.
March 3, 2015 Operating Budget Deliberations
THAT the part-time GIS/Land Management Position be included in the 2015 Capital Financial Plan and be funded equally by Water Reserve, Sewer & Drainage Reserve and Asset Reserve.
THAT the capital funding envelopes be allocated to capital programs as described in the report dated February 19, 2015 from Financial Services regarding 2015 ¡V 2019 Capital Financial Plan;
AND THAT staff be directed to report back on a preliminary spending plan for the proposed capital programs that is within the allocated Asset Reserve funding envelopes as described in the report dated February 19, 2015 from Financial Services regarding 2015 ¡V 2019 Capital Financial Plan.
THAT staff report back on capital projects, including proposed cycling infrastructure projects on Clarke Street and Murray Street, a Library Renovation project and upgrades to the Inlet Centre fields;
AND THAT this discussion take place as part of a broader discussion on capital funding and Recreation Centre debt retirement.
2014 Police Budget Surplus Prediction and Proposed Use of Funds
THAT, given that a sufficient Police Department overall operating surplus has been projected for 2014, $16,500 be transferred to the Police Recruitment Reserve for 2014;
AND THAT, upon confirmation that an overall Police Department operating surplus has been generated for the year, any future surplus related to annual Police Department recruitments be transferred to the Police Recruitment reserve and, if necessary, any deficit related to annual recruitments be funded from the reserve.
THAT, given that a sufficient Police Department overall operating surplus has been projected for 2014, $40,000 be transferred to the Major Crime Reserve for 2014;
AND THAT, upon confirmation that an overall Police Department operating surplus has been generated for the year, any future surplus related to major crime be transferred to the Major Crime Reserve, and, if necessary, any deficit related to major crime be funded from the reserve.
THAT, given that a sufficient Police Department overall operating surplus has been projected for 2014, $20,000 of the 2014 Police Department operating surplus be carried forward to increase the supply of ammunition to assist with further firearms testing in 2015.
THAT, given that a sufficient Police Department overall operating surplus has been projected for 2014, $10,000 of the 2014 Police Department operating surplus be carried forward to purchase the PRIME Data-Mart Module in 2015.
2014 Project Update ¡V 2 Year Limit and Cancelled Projects
THAT the 2014 projects as presented in the memo dated February 23, 2015 from the Manager of Accounting regarding 2014 Project Update ¡V 2 Year Limit and Cancelled Projects, be cancelled;
AND THAT funding from the cancelled projects be reallocated into the appropriate accounts.
35th Anniversary Terry Fox Event
THAT $2,500 for permanent sign placement and traffic control in Port Moody during the 35th Anniversary Terry Fox event on April 4, 2015 be funded from the 2015 Council Contingency.
Chafer Beetle Management Program
THAT $10,000 for the Enhanced Education and Management Program to inform residents about and minimize the damage associated with the European Chafer Beetle be funded from the 2015 Council Contingency.
Metro Vancouver Tipping Fees
THAT the City establish a Tipping Fee Reserve in the Solid Waste Fund to deposit savings from budgeted Metro Vancouver tipping fees over actual tipping fees;
AND THAT the Reserve be used to offset future solid waste fee increases and other operating funding challenges or initiatives.
Transportation Infrastructure Projects - Budget Consolidation
THAT consolidation of funds to address project budget shortfalls be authorized, as recommended in the report dated February 25, 2015 from Engineering and Parks Services regarding Transportation Infrastructure Projects ¡V Budget consolidation.
Report: Heritage Commission, dated February 27, 2015 / File: 0360-20-09-03-01Recommendations:
THAT the Heritage Commission 2015 Work Plan and Budget Option 1) be approved subject to additional funding approval as recommended in the report dated February 27, 2015 from the Heritage Commission regarding the Heritage Commission 2015 Work Plan and Budget;
AND THAT the request for additional funding of $7,500 be referred to the Finance Committee for consideration.
Report: Community Services, dated February 17, 2015 / File: 05-1855-03-06Recommendation:
THAT staff be authorized to apply to the 2015 Asset Management Planning Program for matching grant funds of up to $10,000 towards the Maintenance Connections Implementation project and for staff to provide overall grant management as recommended in the report dated February 17, 2015 by Community Services regarding the 2015 Asset Management Planning Program Grant.
Report: Development Services ¡V Building, Bylaws and Licensing Division dated February 23, 2015 / File: 09-4300-01
THAT staff be directed to advise the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch that the City of Port Moody wishes to opt out of the public consultation process as recommended in the report dated February 23, 2015 from Development Services regarding Yellow Dog Brewing Company¡¦s application for Lounge Endorsement.
Report: Development Services ¡V Building, Bylaw and Licensing Division, dated March 2, 2015 / File: 09-3900-02-1
THAT the Mobile Food Truck Licence Agreement be approved as recommended in the report dated March 2, 2015 from Development Services regarding Mobile Food Truck Licence Agreement.
Report: Engineering and Parks Services, dated March 2, 2015 / File: 08-3010-01/Vol 01
THAT staff proceed with the Designated Anchorage Area Pilot Program Town Hall and Public Consultation Plan as recommended in the report dated March 2, 2015 from Engineering and Parks Services regarding Designated Anchorage Area - Town Hall and Public Consultation Plan.
Report: Engineering and Parks Services, dated March 2, 2015 / File: 11-5400-02-02/2002-01Recommendation:
THAT Council support a grant application for upgrades to the CP Overpass and the Barnet/Ioco intersection, as recommended in the report dated March 2, 2015 from Engineering and Parks Services regarding the New Building Canada Fund ¡V National and Regional Projects.
File: 6700-20-122
City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 228, 2015, No. 2999, being a bylaw to include a definition of ¡§Medical Marihuana Production and Testing Use¡¨ and, add that use to the list of prohibited uses in the Zoning Bylaw.
THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 228, 2015, No. 2999 be read a third time.
THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 228, 2015, No. 2999 be adopted.
File: 09-3900-02-1
City of Port Moody Business Licensing and Regulation Bylaw, 2015, No. 3000, being a bylaw to provide for the licensing and regulation of businesses.
THAT City of Port Moody Business Licensing and Regulation Bylaw, 2015, No. 3000 be adopted.
File: 09-3900-02-1
City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2014, No. 2987, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2015, No. 3002, being a bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Council Fees Bylaw, 2014, No. 2987.
THAT City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2014, No. 2987 Amendment Bylaw No. 1, 2015, No. 3002 be adopted.
Report: Financial Services Department, dated February 13, 2015 / File:13-6510-30-01
WHEREAS Park Lane Heritage Woods Ltd. has met all obligations and reconciled all development levies related to the construction of Off Site Works and Off Site Costs identified in Bylaw No. 2179 - Section 286 Agreement Amendment and Assignment Agreement dated November 30, 1993;
BE IT RESOLVED THAT Bylaw No. 3003, a bylaw to close out Bylaw No. 2179 - Section 286 Agreement Amendment and Assignment Agreement dated November 30, 1993, be read a first, second, and third time as recommended in the report from the Financial Services Department titled Close out of Bylaw No. 2179 Section 286 Agreement Amendment and Assignment Agreement dated November 30, 1993.
Report: Development Services ¡V Planning Division, dated March 2, 2015 / File: 13-6800-12
THAT the demolition permit for the Belcarra South Cottages be issued.
Report: Development Services ¡V Planning Division, dated March 4, 2015 / File: 6700-20-123Recommendations:
THAT Bylaw 2996 be read a first and second time as recommended in the report dated March 4, 2015 from Development Services regarding Rezoning ¡V 2513-2519 Clarke Street;
AND THAT Bylaw No. 2996 be referred to a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 24, 2015 at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.
12.1 Committees, Commissions, and Boards ¡V Minutes
- Youth Focus Committee Minutes ¡V November 12, 2014
- Transportation Committee Minutes ¡V November 19, 2014
-Public Library Board Minutes¡V January 22, 2015
- Letter from Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure ¡V Evergreen Line Rapid Transit Project re: Suter Brook Residences Strata Noise Mitigation Concerns, dated February 12, 2015 in response to Letter from Mayor Clay dated December 22, 2014
- Letter from Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure ¡V Evergreen Line Rapid Transit Project re: Evergreen Line Communications for Tunnel Construction, dated February 12, 2015 in response to Letter from Mayor Clay dated January 14, 2015 regarding Sinkhole and Resident Communication for College Park
12.3 Release of Resolutions from Closed Council Meetings
From the Closed Council Meeting held on February 10, 2015:
Legal Advice re National Energy Board Hearing Process
THAT the City complete the information request phase of the National Energy Board Hearing Process and undertake a legal assessment to determine the value in proceeding into the formal hearing portion of the review process, as recommended in the report dated February 6, 2015 from Development Services ¡VSustainability Division regarding ¡§Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion ¡V Recommended Next Steps¡¨.
(Voting Against: Councillor Dilworth and Mayor Clay)