March 3,2015 Finance Committee

Agenda                Minutes
4.1 Capital Budget Deliberations

Financial Services staff provided an overview of the 2015 - 2019 Capital Budget process, noting the currently available funding, as well as projected shortfalls.

Discussion ensued with regard to current levels of backlog in the asset management plan and its incorporation into the Financial Plan.

Capital sidebar issues and considerations were discussed as follows:

- Library Renovation Project - $469,000 ¡V it was agreed that this item would be discussed in conjunction with a broader discussion on facilities funding
-  Additional Resources ¡V PT position required in IS Division at an estimated cost of $40,000 proposed to be funded by Capital (Water/Sewer/General - 1/3 each)


Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the part-time GIS/Land Management Position be included in the 2015 Capital Financial Plan and be funded equally by Water Reserve, Sewer & Drainage Reserve and Asset Reserve.
(Voting against: Mayor Clay and Councillor Glumac)
Moved, seconded and WITHDRAWN
THAT the capital funding envelopes be allocated to capital programs as described in the report dated February 19, 2015 from Financial Services regarding 2015-2019 Capital Financial Plan;
AND THAT staff be directed to report back on a preliminary spending plan for the proposed capital programs that is within the allocated Asset Reserve funding envelopes as described in the report dated February 19, 2015 from Financial Services regarding 2015 ¡V 2019 Capital Financial Plan.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT Road Rehabilitation-LRN fund in the Asset Management Plan be reduced by $200,000;
AND THAT a new Cycling and Pedestrian Infrastructure category be created within the Asset Management Plan, funded initially with that $200,000.
(Voting against: Mayor Clay, and Councillors Junker, Lahti, Royer)
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the capital funding envelopes be allocated to capital programs as described in the report dated February 19, 2015 from Financial Services regarding 2015 ¡V 2019 Capital Financial Plan;
AND THAT staff be directed to report back on a preliminary spending plan for the proposed capital programs that is within the allocated Asset Reserve funding envelopes as described in the report dated February 19, 2015 from Financial Services regarding 2015 ¡V 2019 Capital Financial Plan.

Discussion ensued with regard to which items would be brought back for discussion.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report back on capital projects, including proposed cycling infrastructure projects on Clarke Street and Murray Street, a Library Renovation project and upgrades to the Inlet Centre fields;
AND THAT this discussion take place as part of a broader discussion on capital funding and Recreation Centre debt retirement.
4.2 2014 Police Budget Surplus Prediction and Proposed Use of Funds
Memo: Chief Constable, dated February 11, 2015 / File: 05-1715-20-08

Staff provided an overview of the memo from the Chief Constable. Discussion ensued with regard to the details in the memo.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT, given that a sufficient Police Department overall operating surplus has been projected for 2014, $16,500 be transferred to the Police Recruitment Reserve for 2014;
AND THAT, upon confirmation that an overall Police Department operating surplus has been generated for the year, any future surplus related to annual Police Department recruitments be transferred to the Police Recruitment reserve and, if necessary, any deficit related to annual recruitments be funded from the reserve.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT, given that a sufficient Police Department overall operating surplus has been projected for 2014, $40,000 be transferred to the Major Crime Reserve for 2014;
AND THAT, upon confirmation that an overall Police Department operating surplus has been generated for the year, any future surplus related to major crime be transferred to the Major Crime Reserve, and, if necessary, any deficit related to major crime be funded from the reserve.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT, given that a sufficient Police Department overall operating surplus has been projected for 2014, $20,000 of the 2014 Police Department operating surplus be carried forward to increase the supply of ammunition to assist with further firearms testing in 2015.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT, given that a sufficient Police Department overall operating surplus has been projected for 2014, $10,000 of the 2014 Police Department operating surplus be carried forward to purchase the PRIME Data-Mart Module in 2015. 2014 Project
4.3 Update - 2 Year Limit and Cancelled Projects
Memo: Manager of Accounting, dated February 23, 2015 / File: 05-1830-02-17

Staff provided an overview of the memo from the Manager of Accounting regarding the 2014 Project Update - 2-year Limit and Cancelled Projects.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2014 projects as presented in the memo dated February 23, 2015 from the Manager of Accounting regarding 2014 Project Update ¡V 2 Year Limit and Cancelled Projects, be cancelled;
AND THAT funding from the cancelled projects be reallocated into the appropriate accounts.
4.4 35th Anniversary Terry Fox Event
Report referred from Council: Engineering and Parks Services, dated February 16, 2015 / File: 5400-20-08
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT $2,500 for permanent sign placement and traffic control in Port Moody during the 35th Anniversary Terry Fox event on April 4, 2015 be funded from the 2015 Council Contingency.
4.5 Chafer Beetle Management Program
Reports referred from Council: Engineering and Parks Services, dated February 16, 2015; Environmental Protection Committee, dated February 19, 2015
File: 13-6870-01/01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT $10,000 for the Enhanced Education and Management Program to inform residents about and minimize the damage associated with the European Chafer Beetle be funded from the 2015 Council Contingency.
4.6 Metro Vancouver Tipping Fees
Report referred from Council: Mayor Mike Clay, dated February 16, 2015 / File: 0480-01 /
Moved, seconded
THAT the City establish a Tipping Fee Reserve in the Solid Waste Fund to deposit savings from budgeted Metro Vancouver tipping fees over actual tipping fees;
AND THAT the Reserve be used to offset future solid waste fee increases and other operating funding challenges or initiatives.
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding the year 2015 between the words from and budgeted in the first clause.
The amending motion failed for lack of a seconder.
The question on the main motion was put and CARRIED.
4.7 Transportation Infrastructure Projects - Budget Consolidation
Report: Engineering and Parks Services, dated February 25, 2015 / File: 11-5240-01
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT consolidation of funds to address project budget shortfalls be authorized, as recommended in the report dated February 25, 2015 from Engineering and Parks Services regarding Transportation Infrastructure Projects - Budget consolidation.