June 2,2015 Finance Committee

Agenda                  Minutes
4.1 Heritage Inspection Order – Protected Heritage Buildings within the Ioco Townsite Heritage Conservation Area
Report: Development Services – Planning Division, dated May 14, 2015 / File: 6800-02

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT up to $6,000 in Heritage Inspection Order costs, as recommended in the report dated May 14, 2015 from Development Services – Planning Division regarding Heritage Inspection Order – Protected Heritage Buildings within the Ioco Townsite Heritage Conservation Area, be funded from Accumulated Surplus.

4.2 2015 Burrard Inlet Fish Festival
Report: Community Services, Cultural Services, dated April 30, 2015 / File: 18-7715-01

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the $8,300 allocated to the Canadian Sound Therapy Arts Society for the 2015 Burrard Inlet Fish Festival be funded from Accumulated Surplus.

4.3 Golden Spike Days Festival
Report: Community Services, Cultural Services, dated April 30, 2015 / File: 18-7780-40

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
WHEREAS the PCT Performance Stage is considered to be an existing City asset;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT $5,000 allocated to the installation of brackets on the PCT Performance Stage be funded from the unallocated balance in the Asset Reserve.

4.4 Cultural Events / Festival Budget – 2016 Budget
Verbal Report: Paul Rockwood

Staff provided an overview of various cultural events and festivals for which funding requests have been brought to Council, noting that staff believe it would be beneficial for Council to identify a cultural events / festival budget to deal with such funding requests. It was noted that supporting cultural events and festivals is one of the action items included in the 2015-2018 Council Strategic Plan.
Discussion ensued. It was agreed that a set budget for cultural events and festivals provides Council with a better understanding of how the funds are being used and is a more sustainable model within which Council can advance the importance of arts, culture, and learning.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT staff report back on the use of the Fee Waiver Policy in terms of frequency, funding levels, and usage;
AND THAT staff report back on the history around community grants that have been awarded and other community financial support requests that have been approved in the absence of a formal grant program.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT staff prepare a report to Council on using the Community Amenity Contribution program and other potential funding options to fund cultural events and festivals.


5.1 Contract Awards >$200K – January-May 2015
Memo: Manager of Corporate Purchasing & Risk Management, dated May 27, 2015
File: 03-1220-01