June 2,2015 Committee of the Whole

Committee of the Whole

Agenda                       Minutes

3.1 Minutes

Moved and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting of Tuesday, May 19, 2015 be adopted.

4.1 Tourism Strategic Plan:  2015 Review and Recommendations
Presentation: Councillor Diana Dilworth
Report: Councillor Diana Dilworth, Economic Development and Committee Chair, dated May 26, 2015
Recommendations File: 0360-20-03

Councillor Diana Dilworth presented the 2015 Tourism Strategic Plan Review, including background on the subcommittee's investigation into tourism possibilities in Port Moody and recommendations on next steps. It was noted that the Tourism Subcommittee report had been presented to the Economic Development Committee, the Arts and Culture Committee, and the Parks and Recreation Commission prior to being presented to Council, and that each committee supported the plan and were in favour of the recommendations.
Moved and CARRIED
THAT Council commit to the development of a new Tourism Strategic Plan incorporating the inventories, opportunities, and recommendations contained within and as recommended in the report dated May 26, 2015 from Councillor Diana Dilworth regarding Tourism Strategic Plan:
AND THAT Council establish a multi-stakeholder Tourism Committee to 1) monitor the development and implementation of a new Tourism Strategic Plan, 2) make further recommendations on the implementation, and 3) identify additional opportunities to enhance the plan as they arise;
AND THAT Council refer this item to the Finance Committee to identify funding to retain a consultant to facilitate the development of a new Tourism Strategic Plan with the Tourism Committee, staff, and other stakeholders as appropriate;
AND THAT Council refer this item to the Finance Committee to identify an ongoing budget item in the City's Five-Year Financial Plan for tourism purposes

4.2 Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program
Report: Community Services, dated May 22, 2015 / File: 05-1855-03
Moved and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to apply for grant funding as recommended in the report dated May 22, 2015 from Community Services regarding the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program;
AND THAT the Recreation Complex rehabilitation and renovation project be considered by the Finance Committee for funding.

4.3 Rocky Point Park Parking Enforcement Options
Report: Financial Services Department, dated May 28, 2015 / File: 5480-02
Staff responded to questions from Council on sign costs and sizes,
options to convert meters to pay parking, the need for Bylaw
Enforcement staff for various options, options for multiple time limits,
and data collection potential.
Moved and DEFEATED
THAT Parking Enforcement Strategy #2 - Metered Enforcement - No Parking Fees & Resident Exemptions be approved as set out in the report dated May 28, 2015 from the Financial Services Department regarding Rocky Point Park Parking Enforcement Options.
(Voting against: Councillors Junker, Lahti, and Vagramov)

THAT Parking Enforcement Strategy #3 - Expanded Parking Limitations be approved as recommended in the report dated May 28, 2015 from the Financial Services Department regarding Rocky Point Park Parking Enforcement Options;
AND THAT the parking enforcement program be run as a trial program for a period of one year with staff reporting back on the success of the trial program at the end of the trial;

Moved and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
"AND THAT the maximum parking time be restricted to four (4) hours."

(Voting against: Councillors Junker and Vagramov)
The question on the main motion (CW15/046) as amended (by CW15/047) was put to a vote;
the motion was CARRIED

4.4 Coronation Park Neighbourhood Plan
On-Table: Item for Consideration from Councillor Lahti, dated June 2, 2015
It has come to Council's attention that a private developer is planning to initiate a community planning discussion with a portion of the residents in the Coronation Park area, without involving the City and
all residents of the area.
Discussion ensued regarding the possibility of Council initiating its neighbourhood planning process for Coronation Park sooner than planned. It was noted that accelerating the Coronation Park Neighbourhood Planning schedule would result in delaying the Moody Centre Neighbourhood Plan process. It was also noted that funding has already been set aside for this public consultation process in the Council Strategic Priorities Reserve.
Moved and CARRIED
THAT the City commence the Coronation Park Neighbourhood planning process with a public consultation and town hall meeting on June 18, 2015, followed by a visioning exercise hosted by the Land Use Committee on July 7, 2015;
AND THAT, following these meetings, staff report back to Council with a proposed plan and timeline for further consultation and completion of the Coronation Park Neighbourhood Plan.

4.5 Role of Committee Chairs
Councillor Lahti reminded Council that the role of the Committee Chair is to serve as a liaison between the committee and Council, and that the Chair should not attempt to influence the decision making process to further personal agendas. It was noted that input from the various civic committee members aids Council in making decisions, and that committee members should feel free to provide input and express ideas.