May 6,2015 EDC Meeting

Economic Development Commttee

Agenda                   Minutes

2.1 Minutes

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Economic Development Committee meeting held Wednesday, April 1, 2015 be adopted as circulated.

3.1 High Tech / Marine Research Centre
Delegation: Gerry Nuttall and Rosemary Small

Gerry Nuttall and Rosemary Small, Chair and Vice Chair of the former High Tech Subcommittee, provided an overview of the High Tech Park initiative to date. It was noted that the subcommittee looked at the attributes of the community that could attract people and discussed the best way to approach the initiative. Several possible locations were discussed and it was decided that in order to move forward, a business plan would be required.
It was noted that the subcommittee worked with a facilitator to narrow the focus of the initiative, and it was agreed that the initiative would be termed an “Innovative Marine Research Park”. The subcommittee requested and received approval for funding in the amount of $2,000 from Council in the fall of 2014 to host a civic /business Leadership Synergy session with the assistance of a facilitator. It was noted that the Synergy session did not move forward due to election activities.
Mr. Nuttall and Ms. Small responded to questions from the committee. It was noted that the focus was on the marine aspect, but that the theme is not set in stone and the plan was that the proposed symposium would help to solidify the direction to take.
Councillor Dilworth thanked Mr. Nuttall and Ms. Small for their delegation. Mr. Nuttall and Ms. Small left the meeting at this point.
Discussion ensued among committee members and it was agreed that partnership funding, including other levels of governments,
would be essential for an initiative such as this to be successful. It was agreed that a symposium would work better if the theme were left open rather than going forward with a very narrow theme.
Discussion ensued with regard to whether the model of a park would be the way to go or whether a different model would be better. It was agreed that it might be better to have a symposium with existing high tech businesses to identify their needs and what the City can do for them to facilitate their growth.
Councillor Dilworth offered to arrange a meeting of the subcommittee.
Economic Development Committee members Moe Hamedani, Yvette Cuthbert, Aaron Robinson, and Adam Bird volunteered to join the subcommittee.

4.1 Council Update

Councillor Dilworth reported that the Council Strategic Plan is very close to completion and will be going to Council for adoption on May 12, 2015. She noted that there is a very good economic development section in the plan and she hopes to bring it back to this committee for discussion at the June meeting.
Councillor Dilworth also reported that the Tourism Subcommittee report was well received by the other committees and it will be coming back to this committee for discussion in June to prepare a final report to Council.

4.2 Mayor’s Report
Mayor Clay reported that he will be meeting with the General Manager of Development Services to debrief the business breakfast roundtables that were held in April. He noted that his office is considering the implementation of a car free day in the City, which would include vendors and business participation.

4.3 Business Roundtable Planning
It was agreed that the committee would prefer to focus on the high tech symposium discussed earlier in the agenda.

5.1 Spike Awards
Discussion ensued with regard to the 2015 Spike Awards scheduled for October, including the following suggestions:
. Awards Category Review:
.. Add award for employers giving back to the community
.. Look at wording for the Sustainability and the Technology and Innovation categories

. Program Review / Ideas for 10th Anniversary
.. Recognize companies that have been operating in the City for more than 10 years / 10 oldest businesses in the City Online Business

5.2 Retention Survey
Discussion ensued with regard to the possible development of an online business retention survey. It was agreed that it would be beneficial to find out what businesses in the community need and how the City can help them to grow and remain sustainable. It was noted that a professionally developed survey would require substantial funding. It was also agreed that this type of survey at this time might be premature, and that this discussion should be brought back to the committee later in the year.

6.1 Updated Monthly Work Plan
Attachment: Economic Development Committee 2015 Work Plan

Staff provided a review of the work plan and calendar.

6.2 Roundtable

Committee members reported on events and activities, including the following:

. Shop Hop event on May 23, 2015 put on by the Shop Local group
. Job Fair put on by Work BC and the Port Moody Library on May 4, 2015 in the Galleria was very successful, with 161 job seekers in attendance
. Economic Summit 2015 will be held on Thursday, May 21, 2015 at 7:00-11:30am at the Hard Rock Casino Vancouver