Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Economic Development Committee meeting held Wednesday, June 3, 2015 be amended as follows:
. Date in resolution EDC15/008 to read Wednesday, June 3, 2015;
AND THAT the minutes of the Economic Development Committee meeting held Wednesday, June 3, 2015 be adopted as amended.
3.1 Council Update
No update.
3.2 Mayor’s Report
Mayor Clay reported that a Food Truck Festival will be held on September 19, 2015 from 11am to 5pm at Inlet Field, presented by Memory Lane in conjunction with the Fraser Valley Food Truck Association. The Mayor noted that Memory Lane has put on a number of successful food truck festivals, and he anticipates a good turnout for the event in Port Moody.
3.3 Tourism Update
Mayor Clay reported that Tourism Committee appointments will be made at the September 8, 2015 Council meeting.
3.4 High Tech Subcommittee Update
It was reported that a meeting is being planned for September.
Members will be notified once the date and time have been set.
3.5 Spike Awards Plan
Staff reviewed previous discussion by the committee regarding potential ways to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Spike Awards. It was noted that the production of a video incorporating a retrospective of past awards events and a promotion of business in Port Moody. Discussion ensued and it was agreed that it would take more time than is available to develop the concept fully.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the committee endorse the implementation an overall economic development video project for the City of Port Moody;
AND THAT a slideshow retrospective be prepared to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the Spike Awards.
Staff reported that promotion of the October 20 Spike Awards have been launched. Nominations for the eight awards will be accepted until September 20. All business license holders will receive hand-delivered notices, emails will be sent out to City contacts during the week of September 7, and there will be numerous newspaper ads published prior to the event.
Entertainment between the slide show retrospective and the actual award presentations was discussed and staff were directed to source out entertainment options. Discussion took place about the form of the actual Spike Award trophy and it was agreed that no changes would be made this year, other than the inclusion of the City logo on the trophy plate. Committee members in attendance volunteered to each present one of the awards.
4.1 Employment based Development – Research Findings
The General Manager of Development Services provided an overview of the round table sessions held on March 4-6, 2015, facilitated by Mr. Eric Vance, noting that participants were from a variety of backgrounds and organizations, and that the aim of the sessions was to gather participants’ views on Port Moody’s competitiveness in attracting employment-generating development, and gain an understanding of the City’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and receive suggestions on what the City could realistically do to fully capitalize on Port Moody’s strengths and opportunities and overcome any weaknesses and threats.
4.2 Food Truck Initiative – Overview
The General Manager of Development Services reported on the Food Truck Initiative, noting that a report is being prepared for Council regarding food truck licensing options. Mr. Stiver noted that an umbrella license is in place for the upcoming Food Truck Festival.
4.3 Strengthening Partnerships and Collaborations – Discussion
This item was deferred to an upcoming agenda. Committee members were asked to bring back ideas about collaborating with the Chamber of Commerce and other organizations as endorsed by Council.
4.4 Engaging Youth – Discussion
This item was deferred to an upcoming agenda. An initial conversation will take place on engaging youth and building partnerships, youth entrepreneurship, and actions for moving forward. Representatives from the Youth Focus Committee and School District #43 will be invited.
5.1 Updated Monthly Work Plan
It was noted that the Online Business Directory will be moving forward as part of the City’s open data initiative / Customer Experience Project.
5.2 Roundtable
Committee members discussed their various activities and initiatives.