Feb 23,2016 Regular Council

Regular Council Meeting
Agenda            Minutes
1.1 Introduction of Art at Council
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay / File: 18-7705-01

Mayor Clay introduced the evening¡¦s Art at Council, a 1940¡¦s Style Dress from the Port Moody Station Museum collection. Mayor Clay invited Jim Millar, the Executive Director of the Port Moody Museum, to speak.

Mr. Millar conveyed regrets from Ivan Sayers, a Fashion Historian, who has collected period costumes for over 50 years and now has one of the largest and most comprehensive private collections of historical clothing in Canada. It was noted that Mr. Sayers worked as a Curator of History at the Museum of Vancouver, then as a  Museum Consultant, and now produces historical fashion shows and museum exhibitions across western and central North America, and lectures at local universities and colleges.

Mr. Millar invited everyone to attend Mr. Sayers¡¦s presentation ¡§Fashions on the Homefront¡¨ on Sunday, February 28, 2016 at 2:00pm at Inlet Theatre, where clothing like the evening¡¦s Art at Council will be on display. It was noted that Mr. Sayers will present a glimpse into Canada¡¦s social history through his extensive collection of women¡¦s, men¡¦s, and children¡¦s fashions as he describes the impact that war had on fashion, particularly from rationing, scarce fabric, women¡¦s right to vote, et cetera.

2. Public Input

Ruth Foster, Belcarra, with approval of the Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society Board, expressed concerns regarding the potash expansion at Pacific Coast Terminals (PCT), noting that sufficient public consultation has not taken place. Ms. Foster thanked Council for arranging a meeting between PCT and local stewardship groups to address these concerns, and for supporting an alternative to creosote on railway ties. Ms. Foster expressed concerns that creosote would compromise sensitive tidal areas, and encouraged local industries and all levels of government to support the community¡¦s needs for clean air and water.

3.1 Delegation - Coquitlam 2016 55+ BC Games
Delegation Request: Gayle Statton, dated January 29, 2016
File: 0230-01

Gayle Statton, President of Coquitlam 2016 55+ BC Games Society, provided an overview of the upcoming Games, noting that the Games will take place on September 20-24, 2016 in various locations throughout the Tri-Cities. Ms. Statton invited everyone to attend their community awareness event on April 9, 2016 at 640 Poirier Street, Coquitlam, and their torch lighting ceremony on June 1, 2016 at Coquitlam Centre.
Ms. Statton noted that more information is available at
www.55plusgames.ca, and thanked the City for its in-kind support.

3.2 Delegation - Port Moody Ecological Society
Delegation Request: Brian Wormald, dated February 5, 2016
File: 0230-01

Brian Wormald, on behalf of the Port Moody Ecological Society, noted that the Noons Creek Fingerling Festival will be celebrating its 25th anniversary on May 7, 2016. Mr. Wormald requested the one-time use of the second ice rink to hold a bigger, more cultural and diverse event, and for consideration of waiving the rental fee.
Mr. Wormald expressed thanks to the City for its past and continuing support.

3.3 Delegation  - Canadian Sound Therapy Arts Society
Delegation Request: Catherine Burns, dated February 10, 2016 / File: 0230-01
Catherine Burns and Jay Peachy, on behalf of the Canadian Sound Therapy Arts Society (CSTAS), gave a presentation on the 2016 Burrard Inlet Fish Fest (BIFF), noting the highlights from last year's BIFF. The representatives requested the following items be considered to facilitate planning for this year's BIFF and long-term planning:
-Confirmation of multi-day use, August 12-14, 2016, of Rocky Point Park;
-Approval of in-kind and financial support totalling $22,925 for production and programming of 2016 BIFF;
-Support in principle for 2017 BIFF, for the second week in August to enable planning for grants and other applications for support; and
-Empower other City departments to collaborate and participate in the BIFF where there is a strategic fit.
Mr. Peachy responded to questions on the increase in this year¡¦s funding request and whether the request includes in-kind support, the time frame for confirmation, the consideration of Summer Sunday Concerts and the proposed Port Moody Music Festival, and details of the budget.

4.1 Adoption of Minutes
File: 01-0550-05

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Meeting of Council held Tuesday, February 9, 2016 be adopted.

5. Consent Agenda

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the recommendations contained in the following items presented in the February 23, 2016 Regular Council Consent Agenda be adopted:
 5.1  Finance Committee Resolutions for Ratification; and
 5.2  Committee of the Whole Resolutions for Ratification.

The items and recommendations referred to above are as follows:
5.1 Finance Committee Recommendations for ratification

THAT the following recommendations from the Finance Committee Meeting of February 16, 2016 be ratified:

2016-2020 Capital Financial Plan Draft
THAT $34,000 be allocated from the Gas Tax Reserve to the Asset Reserve Police Equipment Program each year from 2016-2020;
AND THAT the budget be transferable among the five years to facilitate balancing the Reserve.

THAT low priority items be removed from the Council Strategic Priorities Reserve in the 2016-2020 Capital Financial Plan Draft.
FC16/024, 025, 026, and 029
THAT medium priority items¡Xwith the exception of the Bike Path ¡V Clarke St. ¡V Moody St. Bridge to Barnet Hwy (Design & Investigation), and PTZ Cameras Phase 2¡Xbe removed from the Council Strategic Priorities Reserve in the 2016-2020 Capital Financial Plan Draft;
AND THAT $100,000 of Gas Tax Funding per year be dedicated to bike lanes and bike paths;
AND THAT the items Murray St. Bike Path Extension [multiple funding source] and Bike Path ¡V Clarke St. ¡V Moody St. Bridge to Barnet Hwy (Design & Investigation) be moved from the Council Strategic Priorities Reserve to the Gas Tax Reserve.

Inlet Park Fields  Capital Plan Inclusion (Part 2)

That Inlet Park Field Redevelopment be included in year 2017 of the 2016-2020 Five-Year Capital Plan, to be funded from the Inlet Field Reserve and private contributions. Engineering Surplus and Reserves

THAT the City establish an Engineering Development Processing Reserve, as recommended in the report dated January 25, 2016 from Financial Services Department regarding Engineering Surplus and Reserves;
AND THAT annual surpluses generated from on/off-site engineering review fees and highway use permits be transferred to this Reserve. Terry Fox Training Run Funding Request

THAT the $2,500 grant and $2,000 for in-kind services, as outlined in the report dated February 1, 2016 from Engineering and Parks Services Department regarding Terry Fox Delegation Request for the 2016 Terry Fox Training Run Event be funded from Council Contingency.

Arena 1 Lighting Re-lamping

THAT the $15,000 for the Recreation Complex ¡V Arena 1 ¡V Re-lampingbe given early budget approval in 2016.

5.2 Committee of the Whole Resolutions for Ratification

THAT the following recommendations from the Committee of the Whole Meeting of February 16, 2016 be ratified: Participatory Budgeting ¡V Allocation of Community Grants
CW16/040, 041, 042, 043, 044, and 045
THAT Council proceed with Participatory Budgeting based on Option 2 ¡V Voting Fair or Expo;
AND THAT the format be one in which participants are given the opportunity to give a presentation to the community in the Inlet Theatre within a three-minute time limit, with all those in attendance eligible to vote in support of the applicants;
AND THAT voting take place at the end of all presentations;
AND THAT the presentations be live-streamed on the City website, with voting limited only to those physically in attendance at Inlet Theatre;
AND THAT the grant structure presented on page 9 of the report be amended to include three ranges¡X$0 to $1,000; $1,001 to $2,500; and $2,501 to $5,000¡Xand followed;
AND THAT voters be allowed to cast one vote per range of grant amount;
AND THAT staff report back with a new cost estimate for this Participatory Budgeting process.

Arena Services and Facilities Study
THAT staff participate in discussions with Coquitlam staff and stakeholders regarding key findings and options as recommended in the report dated February 5, 2016 from Community Services Department regarding Arena Services and Facilities Study;
AND THAT staff report back with further information following the

5.3 Joint Subcommittee on Seniors Housing
Report: Seniors Focus Committee, dated February 11, 2016 / File: 15-8160

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the report from Seniors Focus Committee, dated February 11, 2016 regarding Joint Subcommittee on Seniors Housing be received for information.

Moved, seconded, and DEFEATED
THAT the Community Care Committee and Seniors Focus Committee work together to investigate the options for the development of a seniors assisted living facility that could include seniors¡¦ spaces and care services;
AND THAT the feedback from the Community Care Committee and Seniors Focus Committee be considered when Council is determining the future of the old Fire Hall site.
(Voting against: Councillors Junker, Dilworth, and Lahti, and Mayor Clay)

7.1 Fees Bylaw Amendment Special Event Permit Fee
Memo: Corporate Services Department ¡V Legislative Services Department, dated February 17, 2016
File: 09-3900-02

A Bylaw to change the Special Event Permit Fee in the Fees Bylaw.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, 2015, No. 3022, Amendment Bylaw No. 3, 2016, No. 3039 be now adopted.

9.1 Rezoning Application for 2621 St. Johns Street
Report: Development Services Department Planning Division, dated February 15, 2016
File: 6700-20-133

A Bylaw to rezone the property located at 2621 St. Johns Street from Community Commercial (C3) to Comprehensive Development 63 (CD63).

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 230, 2016, No. 3019 be read a first and second time as recommended in the report dated February 15, 2016 from Development Services Department Planning Division regarding Rezoning Application for 2621 St. Johns Street;
AND THAT Bylaw No. 3019 be referred to a Public Hearing on Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.

9.2 Committee Appointments
Verbal Report: Mayor Clay
File: 01-0360-07

Moved and seconded
THAT Jan Jasienczyk and Gerry Nuttall be appointed to the Seniors Focus Committee for the remainder of 2016.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be deferred for a motion arising.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the Seniors Focus Committee Terms of Reference be amended to add one more community representative. Discussion of motion RC16/069 resumed.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding ¡§, Darcel Moro,¡¨ before ¡§and Gerry Nuttall¡¨.
The question on the main motion (RC16/069) as amended (by RC16/072) was put to a vote; the motion was carried.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT Nick Magri be appointed to the Transportation Committee for the remainder of 2016.

9.3 Weldon Court Park Property Tax Write Off Request
Report: Financial Services Department, dated February 9, 2016
File: 06-2260-02

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT a letter requesting permission to write off outstanding property taxes related to the Weldon Court park parcel (PID 009-047-280, Lot 261 District Lot 54 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 2980) be submitted to the Minister of Community, Sport, and Cultural Development as recommended in the report dated February 9, 2016 from Financial Services Department regarding Weldon Court Park ¡V Property Tax Write-Off Request;
AND THAT property taxes related to the Weldon Court park parcel (PID 009-047-280, Lot 261 District Lot 54 Group 1 New Westminster District Plan 2980) be written off upon approval from the Minister of Community, Sport, and Cultural Development.

9.4 Truck Route and Restrictions Amendment to the Street, Traffic, and Public Places Bylaw, No. 1528
Report: Engineering and Parks Services Department, dated February 15, 2016
File: 09-3900-02-1

Moved and seconded
THAT Street, Traffic, and Public Places Bylaw, 1981, No. 1528, Amendment Bylaw, No. 2630 be amended by:
a. Replacing the 13,600kg weight with 10,000kg in the definition of ¡§truck¡¨ and in Sections 12.2.1, 12.2.2, 12.2.3, 12.2.4, and 12.3.1; and
b. Adding ¡§with the exception of Guildford Way¡¨ at the end of Section 12.2.1; as recommended in the report dated February 15, 2016 from Engineering and Parks Services Department regarding Truck
Route and Restrictions ¡V Amendment to the Street, Traffic, and Public Places Bylaw, No. 1528.

THAT Street, Traffic, and Public Places Bylaw, 1981, No. 1528, Amendment Bylaw, No. 2630 be read a third time as amended;
AND THAT the $1,000 needed for communications outreach be approved and forwarded to the Finance Committee to identify a suitable funding source.

Moved, seconded, and DEFEATED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding ¡§and Murray Street¡¨ after ¡§Guildford Way¡¨ in the first paragraph.
(Voting against: Councillors Junker, Royer, Dilworth, Lahti, and Vagramov, and Mayor Clay)

The question on the main motion (RC16/075) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT staff report back on the process for potentially removing Murray Street from the truck route.

9.5 New Vector Control Bylaw
Report: Development Services Department ¡V Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division, dated February 15, 2016
File: 09-3900-02

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Vector Control Bylaw, 2016, No. 3043 be read a first, second, and third time as recommended in the report dated February 15, 2016 from Development Services Department ¡V Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division regarding New Vector Control Bylaw.

9.6 Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw
Report: Corporate Services Department ¡V Legislative Services Division, dated February 16, 2016
File: 09-3900-02

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw, 2016, No. 3044 be read a first, second, and third time as recommended in the report dated February 16, 2016 from Corporate Services Department ¡V Legislative Services Division regarding Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw.

9.7 2016 Centre for Civic Governance Forum
Report: Executive Assistant to Mayor and Council, dated February 16, 2016
File: 01-0530-01

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT Council be authorized to attend the 2016 Centre for Civic Governance Forum ¡V High Ground: Tools for Engaged Leaders in Harrison Hot Springs, April 1-2, 2016, as recommended in the report from Executive Assistant to Mayor and Council regarding 2016 Centre for Civic Governance Forum;
AND THAT this report be forwarded to the Finance Committee to identify an appropriate source of funding in the amount of up to $5,079.06.

(Voting against: Mayor Clay)
I voted against this because we have a process in place for Councillors to apply to Council to attend such events and this process wasn't followed.  Also , while we continue to fund these 'education opportunities' we have never received any report back from the Councillors attending the events to the rest of Council.

10.1 PoCoMo Meals on Wheels Financial Support
Memo: Paul Rockwood, GM, Financial Services, dated February 17, 2016
Delegation Request: Brenda Binns and Henrietta Hamming, dated January 18, 2016
Files: 05-1850-40 and 0230-01

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT Council provide PoCoMo Meals on Wheels financial support in the amount of $1,125 based on 900 meals at $1.25 per meal funded from the 2016 Council Contingency.
(Voting against: Councillor Dilworth and Mayor Clay)
I voted against this, not because I don't support Meals on Wheels, I think they are great, but because this continues to be a grant, given outside of any grant program or evaluation criteria.
11.1 Council Verbal Reports

Councillor Vagramov clarified his position and support for staff on a discrepancy that resulted from correspondence with PCT.

Councillor Junker noted her attendance at the stone dedication at Bert Flinn Park and the Heritage Week event at Queens Street Plaza, noting that both were well attended, and thanked the volunteers and staff for their help. Councillor Junker reminded everyone to wear pink shirts on February 24, 2016 in support of
anti-bullying day.

Councillor Glumac provided the following Notice of Motion:

BE IT RESOLVED that staff report back with specific amendments to our zoning bylaw or other appropriate bylaw which would permit land owners the option to pay the City a sum of $25,000 per parking stall in lieu of providing the required number of off-street parking stalls in new developments, up to a maximum of 20% of the total number of required off-street parking stalls, within all Evergreen Line Sub-Areas;
AND THAT these funds be reserved, in accordance with the Local Government Act, for new off-street public parking spaces and improvements to existing off street parking spaces and for transportation infrastructure that supports walking, cycling, transit, or other alternative forms of transportation.

Councillor Dilworth noted that Soroptomist International of the Tri-Cities is holding their Give Her Wings Gala, a fundraiser in support of women who have overcome adversity, on February 27, 2016 at Westwood Plateau Golf and Country Club, and encouraged everyone to attend. Councillor Dilworth noted that one of the highlights is a Lip Sync Battle in which she and Mayor Clay may be competing for charity.

Mayor Clay noted that he attended a number of events in February:
-February 10  Rotary' presentation of $17,000 to Recreation Services for their youth employment program;
-February 15  Port Moody Soccer Club meeting regarding Inlet Park redevelopment, noting that things are moving in a positive direction;
-February 18  Arts Centre¡¦s exhibit of female Persian artists;
-February 19  Metro Vancouver board meeting, noting his gratitude for having their help in taking care of our region;
-February 20  Garbage Clean-Up on Heritage Mountain with the Rotary Club.

Mayor Clay noted that the last flag lowering at the Legion was a sad event but a great day, congratulated them on their next step, and thanked them for showing respect to the cenotaph.
Mayor Clay invited everyone to attend SHARE Imagine Gala on March 5, 2016 at the Hard Rock Casino in Coquitlam.

Councillor Royer noted that a memorial service will be held for former Fire Chief, Dave Shefley, at 3:30pm at the Inlet Theatre, and acknowledged his great contribution to our community.

12.1 Metro Vancouver Board Highlights
Meeting Notes: Mayor Mike Clay, dated November 2015, December 2015, and January 2016
File: 0480-01

12.2 Committees, Commissions, and Boards  Minutes
.Community Care Committee  November 9, 2015
.Environmental Protection Committee  November 16, 2015
.Heritage Commission  November 19, 2015
.Land Use Committee December 1, 2015
.Arts and Culture Committee V December 7, 2015
.Youth Focus Committee December 9, 2015
.Parks and Recreation Commission  December 9, 2015
.Economic Development Committee  December 10, 2015
.Seniors Focus Committee  January 14, 2016
. Finance Committee  February 2, 2016

13. Public Input

14. Adjournment
The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:42pm.