Jan 12,2016 PUblic Hearing
Bylaw No. 2983 and 2982
Files: 13-6700-20-119 and 3900-02
City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw 2014, No. 2955, Amendment Bylaw No. 3, 2014, No. 2983 (2313-2315 St. Johns Street) (CD 61), being a Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, No. 2955. City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 223, 2014, No. 2982 (2313-2315 St. Johns Street)(CD 61), being a Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890.
Mayor Clay read the meeting procedures.
The Corporate Officer confirmed that the statutory requirements for this Public Hearing have been met.
Staff provided an overview of the application.
The applicant gave a presentation on the proposal and provided an overview of the design process and changes that have been implemented based on input from Development Services staff, members of the Land Use Committee, and the public.
The Mayor called for public input.
Jim Millar, Port Moody, expressed support for the heritage concept of the proposed design.
Jamie Weisman, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the proposed tandem, in-garage parking, and the paucity of visitor parking spaces proposed on the site.
Ali Pahlavanlu, Port Moody, expressed concerns about views, and the narrowness of St. Andrews Street.
Courtney Brown, Port Moody, expressed concerns about density, emergency vehicle access to the area, and driveways being blocked by vehicles parking on the street.
Taryn Brown, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the view impact study that was conducted, density change in the area, and safety.
The Mayor called three times for further public input. There were no more comments from the public.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw 2014, No. 2955, Amendment Bylaw No. 3, 2014, No. 2983 (2313-2315 St. Johns Street)(CD 61) be referred to the Regular Council meeting dated January 12, 2016 for consideration;
AND THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 223, 2014, No. 2982 (2313-2315 St. Johns Street)(CD 61) be referred to the Regular Council meeting dated January 12, 2016 for consideration.