July 5,2015 Finance

Agenda                  Minutes

2.1 Minutes

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held Tuesday, June 21, 2016 be adopted.

4.1 Financing of the IAFF 2012 to 2019 Memorandum of Agreement
Report: Financial Services Department and Fire-Rescue, dated June 17, 2016 / File: 07-2700-20-04

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the $130,000 of the estimated total $155,000 shortfall for the retroactive wage settlement, for years 2012 to 2015 of the eight-year Memorandum of Agreement encompassing years 2012 to 2019, be funded from the Contingency Account as set aside in the 2016 Financial Plan for retroactive IAFF wage settlements as recommended in the report dated June 17, 2016 from Financial Services Department and Fire-Rescue regarding Financing of the IAFF 2012 to 2019 Memorandum of Agreement;
AND THAT the $25,000 balance of the estimated total $155,000 shortfall for the retroactive wage settlement, for years 2012 to 2015 of the eight-year Memorandum of Agreement encompassing years 2012 to 2019, be funded from the $97,000 remaining balance in the IAFF Arbitration Capital Project account;
AND THAT up to $72,000 of the balance of the $97,000 IAFF Arbitration Capital Project account be redirected to the Fire Services Department to facilitate the training of firefighters required to implement the restructuring of the Training and Suppression Divisions identified in the Memorandum of Agreement.

4.2 2017 Financial Plan Guidelines for Staff
Draft 2017 Financial Plan Guidelines for Staff, dated June 27, 2016 / File: 05-1700-001

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the 2017 Financial Plan Guidelines be approved.

4.3 Funding for Seniors Gathering Place
Memo: Financial Services Department, dated June 29, 2016
Report: Community Services Department, dated June 14, 2016 / File: 01-0360-20-05

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the budget of $63,330 for the one-time costs and operating costs for the first year of the Seniors Gathering Space be funded from Accumulated Surplus;
AND THAT the ongoing annual costs be included in the Community Services budget for subsequent years.

5.1 Contract Awards Over $200,000 – May and June 2016
Memo: Manager of Purchasing and Risk Management, dated June 27, 2016 / File: 03-1220-01