4.1 Adoption of Minutes
File: 01-0550-03-02
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Special Council (Committee of the Whole) meeting of Monday, October 3, 2016 be adopted.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Special Council (Committee of the Whole) meeting of Tuesday, November 1, 2016 be adopted.
5.1 Potential Implications of Adopting a Living Wage Policy
Report: Corporate Services Department - Human Resources Division, dated November 3, 2016
File: 01-0550-03-01/2016
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT Public Input on Living Wage be invited.
Deanna Ogle, Campaign Organizer for the Living Wage For Families Campaign, provided information on the history of and rationale for instituting living wages, as well as examples of how living wages have been implemented in other municipalities.
Ms. Ogle noted that living wages should primarily be understood as an anti-poverty measure, and that education and information to this end is essential to successful implementation. Ms. Ogle provided information on implementing living wages through living wage top-ups.
Moved, seconded, and DEFEATED
THAT item 5.1 be deferred until staff provide a report on all options available for implementing a Living Wage Policy, including revised pay structure and living wage top-up.
(Voting Against: Councillors Glumac, Royer, and Vagramov)
Moved and seconded
THAT staff report back with a living wage policy that considers a living wage top-up and an implementation plan and timeline to bring all recreation staff and service contractors' wages up to the current living wage, as well as a plan and timeline to bring subcontracted labour services to the living wage.
Moved and seconded
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by inserting effect on pay structure and increments," between the words "top-up" and "and an implementation plan".
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing amendment motion be amended by inserting "(among other options)" before effect on pay structure".
The question on the main amendment motion (CW16/142) as amended by (CW16/143) was put to a vote; the motion was CARRIED.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion (CW16/141, as amended by CW16/142 and CW16/143) be further amended by replacing
"THAT staff report back with" with "THAT Council endorse in principle a living wage policy; AND THAT staff work with the Living Wage for Families Campaign, and report back on".
The question on the main motion (CW16/141) as amended by
(CW16/142, CW16/143, and CW16/144) was put to a vote; the following motion was CARRIED:
THAT Council endorse in principle a Living Wage Policy;
AND THAT staff work with the Living Wage for Families Campaign, and report back on a living wage policy that considers a living wage top-up (among other options), effect on pay structure and increments, and an implementation plan and timeline to bring all Recreation staff and service contractors' wages up to the current living wage, as well as a plan and timeline to bring subcontracted labour services to the living wage.
5.2 Rocky Point Park Enhanced Parking Trial
Report: Development Services Department - Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division, dated November 7, 2016
File: 09-3710-01 /Vol 01
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the Rocky Point Park Enhanced Parking Trial be made permanent as recommended in the report dated
November 7, 2016 from Development Services DepartmentBuilding, Bylaw, and Licensing Division regarding Rocky Point Park Enhanced Parking Trial.
5.3 RecommendedInput on Federal Environmental Assessment Processes
Report: Development Services Department - Sustainability Division, dated November 7, 2016
File: 13-6870-03A/ol 02
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT staff submit comments to the Expert Panel on the review of Environmental Assessment Processes, with a copy to the Federation of Canadian Municipalities as recommended in the report dated November 7, 2016 from Development Services Department - Sustainability Division regarding Recommended Input on Federal Environmental Assessment Processes.
5.4 Bear-Resistant Design Guidelines for Solid Waste, Organics, and Recycling Enclosures and Containers
Report: Development Services Department - Sustainability Division, dated November 7, 2016
File: 13-6870-04/Vol 10
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT Bear-Resistant Design Guidelines for Solid Waste, Organics, and Recycling Enclosures and Containers be endorsed as recommended in the report dated November 7, 2016 from Development Services DepartmentSustainability Division regarding Bear-Resistant Design Guidelines for Solid Waste, Organics, and Recycling Enclosures and Containers.
5.5 Corporate Policy - City Review of Liquor Licence Applications
Report: Development Services Department - Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division, dated November 7, 2016
File: 09-4300-01
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT Corporate Policy 09-3760-02 - Review of Applications for Liquor Primary Establishments, Food Primary Establishments, and Wineries to Amend their Liquor Licences be rescinded as recommended in the report dated November 7, 2016 from Development Services Department - Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division regarding Corporate Policy - City Review of Liquor Licence Applications;
AND THAT new Corporate Policy 09-4300-2016-01 - City Review of Liquor Licence Applications be approved;
AND THAT Council opt out of providing comment on liquor licence applications to the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch received by the City for: temporary changes in hours of operation; increases in person capacity for an existing liquor licence, other than for a liquor-primary; those applying to add patron participation entertainment; and those applying to extend hours for serving liquor beyond 12:00am.
5.6 Input on Draft Policies on Species at Risk Act Implementation
Report: Development Services Department Division, dated November 7, 2016
File: 13-6870-03/Vol 02
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the report dated November 7, 2016 from Development Services Department - Sustainability Division regarding Input on Draft Policies on Species at Risk Act Implementation be received for information.
5.7 Solid Wast Bylaw 2016, No 3058
Report: Engineering and Parks Services Department, dated November 9, 2016
File: 09-3900-02
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Solid Waste Bylaw, 2016, No. 3058 be referred to the Special Council Meeting to be held November 15, 2016 for consideration.
5. 8 Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw Amendment for Solid Waste Bylaw Update
Report: Development Services Department - Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division, dated November 15, 2016
File: 09-3900-02-1
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw, 2016, No. 3044, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2016, No. 3066 be referred to the Special Council Meeting to be held November 15, 2016 for consideration.
6. Rise and Report
Adoption of Committee of the Whole Report
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the recommendations approved at the Committee of the Whole Meeting of November 15, 2016 be ratified.
7. Legislative Matters
7.1 City of Port Moody Solid Wast Bylaw 2016, No 3058
File: 09-3900-02-1
Referred from Committee of the Whole.
A Bylaw to provide for a system for the collection and disposal of solid waste.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Solid Waste Bylaw, 2016, No. 3058 be read a first time as recommended in the report dated November 9, 2016 from Engineering and Parks Services Department regarding City of Port Moody Solid Waste Bylaw,
2016, No. 3058.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 3058 be read a second time.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 3058 be read a third time.
7.2 Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw Amendment for Solid Waste Bylaw Update
File: 09-3900-02-1
Referred from Committee of the Whole.
A Bylaw to amend Schedule 2 of the Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw to reflect changes made to the Solid Waste Bylaw.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw, 2016, No. 3044, Amendment Bylaw No. 2, 2016, No. 3066 be read a first time as recommended in the report dated November 15, 2016 from Development Services Department - Building, Bylaw, and Licensing Division regarding Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw Amendment for Solid Waste Bylaw Update.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 3066 be read a second time.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 3066 be read a third time.
Councillor Royer adjourned the meeting at 8:34pm.