Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday, March 7, 2017 be adopted.
4.1 Master Transportation Plan Funding
Report: Financial Services and Technology Department Financial Services Division, dated March 15, 2017
File: 05-1500-03
Staff gave a presentation on the TransPort Moody Master Transportation Plan funding requirements, including information on potential scenarios and available funding options. Staff responded to questions from the Committee regarding funding options, projected tax increases for future years, operating surplus, implications of the proposed projects on staffing levels, and timing of projects.
Staff were directed to report back at the next Finance Committee meeting with additional details regarding the various funding options, including potential cuts to reduce the 2017 budget by 0.5% ($177,000) and using those funds to establish a transportation reserve without having to further raise taxes in 2017.
4.3 Funding Source for Participation in BC Ale Trail 2017
Memo: Financial Services and Technology Department Financial Services Division, dated March 10, 2017
File: 13-6750-06
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the $5,000 for participation in BC Ale Trail 2017 be funded from Council Contingency.
4.5 Funding Source for 2017 Centre for Civic Governance Forum
Memo: Financial Services and Technology Department Financial Services Division, dated March 15, 2017
File: 0360-20-05
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT up to $1,747.74 for the 2017 Centre for Civic Governance Forum be funded from Council Contingency.