Apr 4,2017 Finance Committee
2.1 Minutes
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on
Tuesday, March 21, 2017 be adopted.
Staff gave a presentation on the TransPort Moody Master Transportation Plan funding requirements, including information on funding options. Staff responded to questions from the Committee regarding tax impacts and available funding options.
Moved and seconded
THAT $150,000 of one-time funding from the 2017 opening balance of the Asset Reserve be used to provide initial funding (planning and design) for the projects identified in the TransPort Moody Master Transportation Plan;
AND THAT staff be directed to include a further 1% tax increase in the 2018 Operating Budget to establish funding for the Master Transportation Plan;
AND THAT staff report back to the Finance Committee with short-term and long-term financing (debt) options to fund the projects identified for the first ten years of TransPort Moody Master Transportation Plan.
Separation of the three parts of the motion was requested.
The question on the first part of the motion (FC17/033a) was put to a vote; the following motion was CARRIED:
THAT $150,000 of one-time funding from the 2017 opening balance of the Asset Reserve be used to provide initial funding (planning and design) for the projects identified in the TransPort Moody Master Transportation Plan.
The question on the second part of the motion (FC17/033b) was put to a vote; the following motion was CARRIED:
THAT staff be directed to include a further 1% tax increase in the 2018 Operating Budget to establish funding for the Master Transportation Plan.
(Voting against: Councillor Vagramov)
The question on the third part of the motion (FC17/033c) was put to a vote; the following motion was CARRIED:
THAT staff report back to the Finance Committee with short-term and long-term financing (debt) options to fund the projects identified for the first ten years of TransPort Moody Master Transportation Plan
Staff responded to questions from the Committee regarding the proposed term for the program and how success of the program can be determined.
Moved and seconded
THAT $11,200 be allocated from Council Contingency to continue to fund the chafer beetle coupon program and an enhanced education program for chafer beetle control on residential lawns for 2017 and 2018 as recommended in the report dated March 27, 2017 from Financial Services and Technology Department – Financial Services Division regarding Residential Chafer Beetle Coupon Program.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the report dated March 27, 2017 from Financial Services and Technology Department – Financial Services Division regarding Residential Chafer Beetle Coupon Program be referred to the April 11, 2017 Regular Council meeting for consideration.
Staff provided an overview of the report and responded to questions from the Committee regarding distribution of tax burden and formulas for determining tax rates among the property classes. The Committee agreed to revisit the distribution of and calculation formula for tax burden during the next budget process.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the report dated March 27, 2017 from Financial Services and Technology Department – Financial Services Division regarding Revenue Policy Disclosure – Policies and Objectives be received for information.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the $1,400 for an Audience Response System for the Citizen Advisory Group be funded from Council Contingency.
(Voting against: Councillor Vagramov)
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT $2,000 be approved for the grant to the Volunteer Cancer Drivers Society in support of the Volunteer Cancer Drivers program, to be funded from the 2017 Grants and Donations budget.
(Voting against: Councillor Vagramov)
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the $30,000 required to complete the Recreation Complex Hardscape and Landscape Renovations be funded with $6,000 from the Parks Maintenance envelope and $24,000 from the Facilities Capital Envelope within the Asset Reserve.
Councillor Lahti adjourned the meeting at 6:26pm.