June 13,2017 Public Hearing

Agenda               Minutes

1.1 Rezoning Application 2313-2315 St. Johns Street

Notice of Public Hearing - Bylaw No. 2982
Report Considered at May 23, 2017 Regular Council Meeting:
Development Services Department - Planning Division, dated May 15, 2017
Files: 09-3900-02-1 and 13-6700-20-119

City Staff Presentation
Public Feedback received after publication of agenda
A Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890.
Mayor Clay read the meeting procedures.
The Corporate Officer confirmed that the statutory requirements for this Public Hearing were met and that all written public input received before the advertised deadline was included in the on-table package.
Staff provided an overview of the proposed Bylaw.
The applicant gave a presentation on the proposed development.
Mayor Clay called for public input.
Jeff McLellan, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed development, noting that the increased density will be good for the neighbourhood.
Helen Daniels, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed development, noting that it will fit well in the neighbourhood.
John Grasty, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed development.

The Mayor called three times for further public input. There were no more comments from the public.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 223, 2014, No. 2982 be referred to the Regular Council meeting to be held on June 13, 2017 for consideration.

1.2 Rezoning Application 2124-2130 St Johns Street and2127-2131 Clarke Street

Notice of Public Hearing Bylaw No. 3077
Report Considered at May 23, 2017 Regular Council Meeting:
Development Services Department - Planning Division, dated April 18, 2017
Files: 09-3900-02-1 and 13-6700-20/139
Staff Presentation
Application (Bold) Presentation
Public input received after publication of agenda

A Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890.
Councillor Glumac declared a conflict of interest due to his having received campaign contributions from Bold Properties and left the meeting at this point.
Mayor Clay read the meeting procedures.
The Corporate Officer confirmed that the statutory requirements for this Public Hearing were met and that all written public input received before the advertised deadline was included in the on-table package.
Staff provided an overview of the proposed Bylaw.
The applicant gave a presentation on the proposed development, including information on changes that have been incorporated into the project in response to previously noted concerns.
Mayor Clay called for public input.

Peter Dasnieres, Port Moody, expressed concerns about garbage pickup, parking, and the proposed western property line setback.
Jeff McLellan, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed development, noting that the increased density will be good for the neighbourhood and that the developer's "Locals First" approach to unit sales will help many families remain in Port Moody.
Matt Nelson, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the number of parking spaces proposed, noting that most families require parking for two vehicles.
Fraser Mount, Port Moody, expressed concerns about parking, garbage pickup, and traffic access to and from Spring Street.

The Mayor called three times for further public input. There were no more comments from the public.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 236, 2017, No. 3077 (2124-2130 St. Johns Street and 2127-2131 Clarke Street) (CD66) be referred to the Regular Council meeting to be held on June 13, 2017 for consideration.

2. Close of Public Hearing
The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed at 7:48pm.