July 18, 2017 Special Council (COW)

Agenda               Minutes

1.1 Resolution to Go into Committee of the Whole

Mayor Clay called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

Moved, Seconded and CARRIED:
THAT Council go into Committee of the Whole.
2. Public Input
Ian Soutar, Port Moody, expressed support for the Rainbow Crosswalk Proposal being presented by the delegation in item 3.2, and noted that a rainbow crosswalk would be a great addition to the community and would encourage equality and acceptance in Port Moody.
Stirling Ward, Port Moody, commended Council on the adoption of the amendment to the Fire Protection and Emergency
Response Bylaw that bans open burning in Port Moody.
John Grasty, Port Moody, commended staff on all the work over the past few years on the various strategic plans adopted by Council. Mr. Grasty noted that there is a gap in economic development planning in the City, and urged Council to consider the adoption of an economic development strategic plan.
Alex Augustyniak, Port Moody, expressed appreciation to staff and Council for the work done to date on narrow lot subdivision.
Hunter Madsen, Port Moody, expressed support for the potential addition of a rainbow crosswalk to a Port Moody street, noting that it would be symbolic gesture of support for the LGBTQ+ community and a nice addition to Port Moody, the City of the Arts

3.1 Delegation ˇV United Way of the Lower Mainland
Presentation: Tracy Green, Marketing and Communications Strategist, United Way of the Lower Mainland
Delegation Request: Vanessa Woznow / File: 01-0230-01

Tracy Green, Marketing and Communications Strategist, United Way of the Lower Mainland, gave a presentation about the
activities of the United Way. Ms. Green asked Council to consider proclaiming Thursday, September 21, 2017 United Way Day in the City of Port Moody to raise awareness and understanding of  the work and impact of United Way of the Lower Mainland.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the delegation request be placed on a subsequent
Council agenda for consideration

3.2 Delegation ˇV Creating LGBTQ+ Community in Port Moody ˇV Rainbow Crosswalk Proposal
Presentation: Amy Anne Lubik
Delegation Request: Alex Toews and Amy Anne Lubik / File: 01-0230-01

Amy Lubik and Rodney Stehr gave a presentation on a proposal for the City to install a rainbow crosswalk on a Port Moody street.
Ms. Lubik and Mr. Stehr urged Council to join other BC communities that have already installed rainbow crosswalks as artistic symbols of equality and acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT staff report back on the delegation request at a subsequent Council meeting, including costs for in-house

3.3 Delegation ˇV Port Moody Legion 119
Presentation: Walter Skwarchuk, Brenda Skwarchuk, Tom Warwick, and Margaret Walline
Delegation Request: Faye Johnson, President, Port Moody Legion 119 / File: 01-0230-01

Faye Johnson, President, Port Moody Legion 119, gave a presentation on the Legionˇ¦s Remembrance Day events planned to be held at Kyle Centre on Saturday, November 11, 2017.
Ms. Johnson asked Council to waive the fees for use of Kyle Centre, to permit the Legion to use of the Golden Spike monument at the Arts Centre as a temporary cenotaph, and to approve the closure of St. Johns Street for the memorial parade on Remembrance Day.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the delegation request be placed on a subsequent Council agenda for consideration.

3.4 Delegation ˇV Ralph Drew
Presentation: Ralph Drew
Delegation Request: Ralph Drew / File: 01-0230-01

Ralph Drew, self-publishing local historian, noted that he has been working on a new historical book titled Townsite Tales: The History of Ioco, Anmore Valley, and the North Shore of Port Moody Arm, noting that the book will be a complement to his previous book, Tracks in Time. Mr. Drew, noting that grants are not available to independent historical publishers, asked Council to consider sponsoring the project to publish the new book by pre-purchasing 100 books at a cost of approximately $5,000.
Mr. Drew responded to questions from Council regarding other potential sponsors, project costs, and when the book would be published.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the delegation request be placed on a subsequent Council agenda for consideration

3.5 Delegation ˇV Port Moody Foundation
Presentation: Robert Simons
Delegation Request: Robert Simons / File: 01-0230-01

Robert Simons, President of the Port Moody Foundation, gave a presentation on the Foundationˇ¦s 2016 Annual Report and the 2017 Community and Canada 150 Grant Awards.
Mr. Simons noted that 2017 grants were provided to the following recipients:
„h Pacific Post Partum Society ˇV $250;
„h Children of the Street ˇV $1,000;
„h Port Moody Arts Centre ˇV $1,000;
„h Kateslem Youth Society ˇV $1,000;
„h Port Moody Heritage Society ˇV $900; and
„h Northwest Wildlife Preservation ˇV $1,000.
Mr. Simons also noted that the following grants were awarded through the Community Fund for Canadaˇ¦s 150th:
„h Port Moody Arts Centre Society ˇV $3,000;
„h Red Fox Healthy Living Society ˇV $500;
„h Stream of Dreams Murals Society ˇV $2,000;
„h Port Moody Ecological Society ˇV $10,000;
„h Burrard Inlet Marine Enhancement Society ˇV $9,000;
„h Port Moody Heritage Society ˇV $8,000;
„h Cerebral Palsy Association of BC ˇV $2,500; and
„h Seaview Community School (SD43) ˇV $15,000.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the delegation be received for information and the delegates thanked for their presentation

3.6 Delegation ˇV Port Moody Arts Centre Society
Presentation: Valerie Simons and Lois Sharpe
Delegation Request: Valerie Simons / File: 01-0230-01

Valerie Simons, Port Moody Arts Centre Society, gave a presentation on the Port Moody Arts Centre 2016 Annual Report, including information on programs offered, programming revenues, number of registered students, summer camps, gallery  exhibits and revenues, fundraising events, and the Societyˇ¦s audited financial statements.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the delegation be received for information and the delegates thanked for their presentation.

4.1 Minutes
File: 01-0550-03-02

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Special Council (Committee of the Whole) meeting held on Tuesday, June 20, 2017 be adopted.

6.1 New RS1-N Zone for Narrow Lot Subdivisions
Report: Development Services Department ˇV Planning Division, dated July 11, 2017 / File: 09-3900-05

(Revised Bylaw)

Staff gave a presentation on the proposed new RS1-N Zone for Narrow Lot Subdivisions, including information regarding timeline, lot eligibility, visual analysis, the proposed RS1-N approval process, revised Bylaw No. 3070, heritage character, and next steps.

Staff responded to questions from Council regarding FAR calculation, potential inclusion of language to encourage the use of basement areas, potential to waive application fees for property owners submitting an application as a group, consideration of front-to-back subdivision, and form and character,

Moved and seconded
THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 235, 2017, No. 3070 be referred to the Special Council meeting to be held on July 18, 2017 for second and third readings as recommended in the report dated July 11, 2017 from Development Services Department – Planning Division regarding New RS1-N Zone for Narrow Lot Subdivisions.

Moved and seconded
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding:
“AND THAT all instances of “narrow lot” be replaced with “small lot” in City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 235, 2017, No. 3070”.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing amending motion be further amended by adding:
“AND THAT all instances of “RS1-N” be replaced with “RS1-S” in City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 235, 2017, No. 3070”.

The question on the main amending motion (CW17/102) as amended (by CW17/103) was put to a vote; the amending motion was CARRIED.

The question on the main motion (CW17/101) as amended (by CW17/102 and CW17/103) was put to a vote; the following motion was CARRIED:

THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 235, 2017, No. 3070 be referred to the Special Council meeting to be held on July 18, 2017 for second and third readings as presented on-table and recommended in the report dated July 11, 2017 from Development Services Department – Planning Division regarding New RS1-N Zone for Narrow Lot Subdivisions;
AND THAT all instances of “narrow lot” be replaced with “small lot” in City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 235, 2017, No. 3070;
AND THAT all instances of “RS1-N” be replaced with “RS1-S” in City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 235, 2017, No. 3070.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the draft Development Permit Area (DPA) 6 (Moody Centre Intensive Residential: Small Lot and Infill Development) Guidelines be endorsed as recommended in the report dated July 11, 2017 from Development Services Department – Planning Division regarding New RS1-N Zone for Narrow Lot Subdivisions;
AND THAT staff prepare an Official Community Plan Amendment to include DPA 6 Guidelines for Council’s consideration

6.2 Recommended Strategic Approach for Updating the Cityˇ¦s Streamside Setback Provisions in the Zoning Bylaw
Report: Development Services Department ˇV Planning Division, dated July 7, 2017
File: 13-6870-03-02
Staff gave a presentation on the proposed strategic approach for updating the City’s streamside setback provisions in the Zoning Bylaw, including information on the purpose of Zoning Bylaw streamside provisions, objectives of the update, process, legislative context, review findings, best practices, guiding principles, the management framework, and key proposed amendments.
Staff responded to questions from Council regarding adherence to setback requirements at the time of subdivision approval, potential creation of undevelopable lots as a result of streamside setback requirements, and ensuring setbacks are sized correctly to meet the needs of individual waterways.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the strategic approach for updating the City’s streamside setback provisions in the Zoning Bylaw be endorsed as recommended in the report dated July 7, 2017 from Development Services Department – Planning Division regarding Recommended Strategic Approach for Updating the City’s Streamside Setback Provisions in the Zoning

7. Rise and Report

7.1 Adoption of Committee of the Whole Report

Mayor Clay resumed the role of Presiding Member at this point.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the recommendations approved at the Committee of the Whole meeting of July 18, 2017 be ratified.

8.1 City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 235, 2017, No. 3070 ˇV Second and Third Readings
Bylaw No. 3070 / File: 09-3900-02-1
(Revised Bylaw)

If referred from the Committee of the Whole meeting to be held on July 18, 2017.

A Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890 to include narrow lot subdivision.

Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 235, 2017, No. 3070 be read a second time as presented on-table and amended at the Special Council (Committee of the Whole) meeting held on July 18, 2017.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 3070 be read a third time.
Mayor Clay asked Deputy Fire Chief, Gord Parker, to provide an update on the current fire situation across the province and potentially in Port Moody. Mayor Clay reminded everyone to be careful in and around local parks and forested areas.
Mayor Clay adjourned the meeting at 9:05pm.