Community Planning Advisory Committee
2.1 Adoption of Minutes
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Community Planning Advisory Committee meeting held Tuesday, July 4, 2017 be adopted.
Staff provided an overview of the Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application and answered questions regarding vehicle access on St. Johns and Moray Street, transit subsidies policies, Community Amenity Contributions, Sustainability Report Card, and the distance of the proposed project to SkyTrain stations.
The applicant gave a presentation of the project on 3131 St. Johns Street, noting the project description and timeline.
The applicant answered questions regarding the three-bedroom units, availability of in-suite laundry, proximity to parks, rental costs, sizes of the den and storage lockers, parking allocations, and charging stations for electric vehicles.
Councillor Vagramov called for public input.
John Grasty, Port Moody, expressed support for the project and suggested that more work be done to alleviate traffic issues in the St. Johns and Moray Street area.
David Hutniak, Port Moody, representing Landlord BC, expressed support for the project, noting that it will create additional and secure rental housing supply.
Pat McGrath, Port Moody, expressed concern about traffic, parking, and rental costs, noting that people who can afford to pay the high rent would likely own multiple vehicles, and there would be a need for more parking space than what has been allocated.
Idai Skeet, Port Moody, expressed concern about the lack of amenities and parking spaces, noting that the rental units may be shared by adults and there might be a need for more parking space than anticipated.
Gerry Kent, Port Moody, expressed concern about traffic and the lack of transit subsidies.
The applicant noted that, in response to the comments about the high rent, any rental supply would help the housing crisis and that parking will always be a concern until people become less reliant on vehicles.
Staff answered questions on traffic accidents in the St. Johns and Moray Street area, transit subsidies, funding for road infrastructure, and vehicle access to the area.
Moved and seconded
THAT the Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application be supported as presented in the report dated August 18, 2017 from Development Services Department Planning Division regarding Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application 3131-3137 St. Johns Street (Woodbridge Properties).
The question on the main motion (CPAC17/029) as amended (by CPAC17/030) was put to a vote; the following motion was CARRIED:
CPAC17/029 to 030
THAT the Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application be supported as presented in the report dated August 18, 2017 from Development Services Department Planning Division regarding Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application 3131-3137 St. Johns Street (Woodbridge Properties).
AND THAT staff report back with details on the transit subsidies and how access and egress and traffic congestion issues will be mitigated.
6. Adjournment
Councillor Vagramov adjourned the meeting at 8:34pm.