April 3,2018 CPAC
Community Planning Advisory Committee
2.1 Adoption of Minutes
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Community Planning Advisory Committee held on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 be amended by adding the word “received” after “There were no more comments” under item 4.2.
(Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillor Dilworth, and Jeff McLellan)
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Community Planning Advisory Committee meeting held on Tuesday, February 6, 2018 be adopted as amended.
4.1 Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application – 3370 Dewdney Trunk Road
Report: Planning and Development Department – Planning Division, dated March 22, 2018
File: 13-6700-20-160
Staff provided an overview of the OCP amendment and rezoning application on 3370 Dewdney Trunk Road, providing information on the site context, proposed residential units, parking strategies, affordable housing components, and environmental enhancement initiatives.
The applicant gave a presentation on the OCP amendment and rezoning application on 3370 Dewdney Trunk Road, providing information on the site context, project components, project benefits, transportation demand management, floor plans, amenities, and relocation assistance for existing residents.
The applicant answered questions on the possibility of increasing the height and the number of below-market rental units,
adaptable and accessible units, the ownership of the building, and electric vehicle parking spots.
Councillor Junker called for public input.
Andrew Hartline, Port Moody, representing HUB Cycling Connection, expressed support for the proposed ratio of parking spaces per unit due to the project’s proximity to a SkyTrain Station, and the proposed space set aside for storing, repairing, and washing bikes.
Alex King, Public Policy Advisor at the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce, expressed support for the proposed project, noting
that the project would help bring more people to businesses, and that there is a good mix of two- and three-bedroom units
proposed, as well as purpose-built rental units.
Daniel Barry, Port Moody, asked questions about the possibility of re-routing a nearby creek, so that there is more distance between the creek and the proposed project.
Matthew Banman, Port Moody, representing Modo, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that Modo cars are part of the proposed project, and that alternative modes of transportation, such as car shares, help reduce vehicle
ownership per household and address traffic and parking concerns.
David McComb, Port Moody, noted that his Strata Council in a nearby property on Dewdney Trunk Road is supportive of the proposed project, but that there are concerns about traffic. Mr. McComb expressed concern that he received the notice of
the Community Planning Advisory Committee on the day of the meeting.
Sajjid Lakhani, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that it would help address the housing affordability issue in the region.
Bob Grace, Port Moody, expressed concerns about traffic and the height of the proposed project.
John Grasty, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that it would help address the housing affordability issue in the region, that there appears to be no negative impact on neighbouring properties, and that the location is appropriate for more density.
Moyez Khan, Surrey, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that it would help address the housing affordability issue in the region, particularly for younger people.
Ryan Vanice Spiker, North Vancouver, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that it would create more rental housing units and more affordable housing units for younger people. CPAC - Agenda - 2018 05 01 5 Item 2.1
Steve Milani, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project, but suggested that the developer offer more affordable housing units without accessing the City’s affordable housing funds.
Councillor Junker called for further public input.
There were no more comments from the public.
The applicant reaffirmed their commitment to continue working with staff to address the issues raised by members of the public.
Committee members discussed the merits of the proposed OCP amendment and rezoning application.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the Official Community Plan amendment and rezoning application be supported as recommended in the report dated March 22, 2018 from Planning and Development Department – Planning Division regarding Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application – 3370 Dewdney Trunk Road.
(Voting against: Julia St. Pierre)
4.2 Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application – 3200- 3224 St. Johns Street
Report: Planning and Development Department – Planning Division, dated March 13, 2018
File: 13-6700-20-138
Staff provided an overview of the OCP amendment and rezoning application for 3200-3224 St. Johns Street and answered questions on the adjacent lots, traffic study, density bonus, and proposed commercial space.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the meeting be extended for up to an additional 30 minutes.
The applicant gave a presentation on the OCP amendment and rezoning application for 3200-3224 St. Johns Street, providing information on the site context and project components, and answered questions on the timeline of the project, the possibility for a “Locals First” policy, sky gardens, and below-market rental units.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the meeting be extended for up to an additional 30 minutes.
Councillor Junker called for public input.
Lance Milham, Port Moody, expressed concerns about traffic, shadows from the new high rise buildings, and amplified train
noises due to the new high rise buildings.
Bob Grace, Port Moody, expressed concerns about traffic and density, and noted that he would like to learn more about the
Frank Handrunk, Port Moody, expressed concerns about the loss of views for existing residents and asked questions about how the proposed three high rise buildings align with Metro Vancouver’s Regional Growth Strategy.
John Grasty, Port Moody, expressed support for the OCP amendment and rezoning application, noting that 12-storey buildings would not be appropriate for the area.
Patricia Mace, Port Moody, expressed opposition to the proposed project, citing concerns about the level of density, impact on views, and conflicts between the strata of rental housing units and the strata of other units. Ms. Mace expressed concerns that she did not receive a notice of the Community Planning Advisory Committee meeting or the Community Information Meeting.
Steve Milani, Port Moody, expressed opposition to the proposed project, citing concerns that the level of density would negatively affect residents’ quality of life
Wayne Polbran, Port Moody, expressed opposition to the proposed project, citing concerns about density, traffic, and insufficient community infrastructure to support residents.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the meeting be extended for up to an additional 30 minutes.
Patricia Mace, Port Moody, suggested that the proposed project be amended to include additional low-rise buildings in place of three high-rise buildings. Ms. Mace expressed concerns about the affordability of the proposed project.
Councillor Junker called for further public input. There were no more comments from the public.
The applicant provided an overview of the traffic assessment for the area and answered questions about traffic on St. Johns Street.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the meeting be extended for 15 minutes.
Committee members discussed the merits of the proposed OCP amendment and rezoning application.
Moved, seconded, and DEFEATED
THAT the Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application be supported as presented in the report dated March 13, 2018 from Planning and Development Department – Planning Division regarding Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application – 3200-3224 St. Johns Street.
(Voting against: Mayor Clay, Councillors Dilworth, Junker, Lahti, Madsen, and Vagramov, Svetlana Evoy, Wilhelmina Martin,
Christopher Staddon, and Julia St. Pierre)
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application as presented in the report dated March 13, 2018 from Planning and Development Department – Planning Division regarding Official Community Plan Amendment and Rezoning Application – 3200-3224 St. Johns Street not be supported.
5. Information
5.1 Call for Nominations – 2018 Civic Awards
a) Letter from Mayor Mike Clay, dated March 6, 2018
b) Memo from Executive Assistant to Mayor and Council, dated March 13, 2018
File: 01-0360-20-01
This item was provided for information only.
6. Adjournment
Councillor Junker adjourned the meeting at 10:32pm.