Sept 18,2018 Finance Committee
Finance Committee
2.1 Minutes
THAT the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held on Tuesday, September 4, 2018 be adopted.
Staff provided updates on the proposed location of the temporary cooling system solution for Port Moody Arena 2 and answered questions on the impacts to recreation services if the temporary cooling system solution were not pursued, possible collaboration with other municipalities, involvement with Technical Safety BC, and potential grants to offset the cost.
Councillor Lahti arrived at 6:37pm and assumed the role of Chair.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the Arena 2 approved temporary ice strategy be funded in the amount of up to $297,275 from Accumulated Surplus as recommended in the report dated September 10, 2018 from the Community Services Department – Facilities Division regarding Arena 2 – Temporary Ice Plan.
(Voting against: Councillor Royer)