A Bylaw to regulate the use and development of lands, Buildings, and Structures in the City of Port Moody.
Mayor Clay read the meeting procedures.
The Corporate Officer confirmed that the statutory requirements for this Public Hearing were met and that all written public input received before the advertised deadline was included in the on-table package.
Staff provided an overview of Zoning Bylaw, 2018, No. 2937.
Mayor Clay called for public input.
Paul Bech, Port Moody, suggested that reasonable variances on building setbacks be permitted for environmental reasons and that the Board of Variance be tasked with considering proposed variances.
Patricia Mace, Port Moody, asked questions about adaptable housing units.
James Clarke, Port Moody, suggested that the Zoning Bylaw addresses alternative housing configurations for duplexes, triplexes, and single family houses with no rear lane access.
Steve Baloazzi, Port Moody, requested that changes be made to the Zoning Bylaw to allow for an increase in density on Murray Street adjacent to Moody Centre SkyTrain Station and incorporating the area into a Transit Oriented Development area.
Barry Sharbo, Port Moody, requested that changes be made to the Zoning Bylaw to allow for an increase in density on Murray Street within 400 metres of Moody Centre SkyTrain Station.
Yvonne Harris, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed Zoning Bylaw.
Mayor Clay called three times for public input.
There were no more comments from the public.
A Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890 to rezone the property at 3370 Dewdney Trunk Road.
Mayor Clay read the meeting procedures.
The Corporate Officer confirmed that the statutory requirements for this Public Hearing were met and that all written public input received before the advertised deadline was included in the on-table package.
Staff gave a presentation on the Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment and Rezoning Application for 3370 Dewdney Trunk Road, providing information on the site context, relevant land use policies, the proposed development, financial considerations, and next steps.
The applicant gave a presentation on the OCP Amendment and Rezoning Application for 3370 Dewdney Trunk Road, providing information on the site context, rental housing, the proposal's alignment with the City's OCP, and project components.
Mayor Clay called for public input.
Mayor Clay called three times for public input. There were no more comments from the public.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT City of Port Moody Official Community Plan Bylaw, 2014, No. 2955, Amendment Bylaw No. 17, 2018, No. 3138 (3370 Dewdney Trunk Road) and City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 252,
2018, No. 3139 (3370 Dewdney Trunk Road) (CD72) be referred to the Regular Council meeting to be held on July 10, 2018 for consideration.
A Bylaw to amend City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890 to rezone the property at 50 Electronic Avenue.
Mayor Clay read the meeting procedures.
Staff gave a presentation on the rezoning application at 50 Electronic Avenue, providing information on the site context, project design, development contributions, and next steps.
The applicant gave a presentation on the rezoning application at 50 Electronic Avenue, providing information on the site context, proposed outdoor amenities, community benefits, and the rent-to-own program.
The Corporate Officer confirmed that the statutory requirements for this Public Hearing were met and that all written public input received before the advertised deadline was included in the on-table package.
Mayor Clay called for public input.
Dorothy Hiebert, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that the rent-to-own program, residents-first policy, and the electric vehicle charging station are good components of the project.
Gerry Nuttall, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that three- and four-bedroom units would be good additions to the housing supply, the rent-to-own program is a good project component, and the proposed hub can be used as a small high-tech park that the Economic Development Committee could potentially help guide.
Gabor Szivos, Port Moody, expressed concerns about noises from the train echoing from the proposed new buildings to existing buildings and the views of the water being blocked.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
THAT the Public Hearing be extended by one additional hour.
Stirling Ward, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that the rent-to-own program and public amenity contributions are good aspects of the project.
Patricia Mace, Port Moody, highlighted the importance of adaptable housing units and requested that Council increase the number of required adaptable housing units.
Jeff McLellan, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that the rent-to-own program would help younger people become homeowners in Port Moody.
James Clarke, Port Moody, provided suggestions about building colours for the area.
Deirdre Lintott, Tsawwassen, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that the developer is ethical and has a good reputation, and that the project provides a good opportunity for younger people to own a home.
Harp Saran, Coquitlam, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that the building is in an appropriate location, has good design features and amenities, and the rent-to-own program is a good component of the project.
Bark Kong, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that it is a good option for seniors to downsize, and includes plenty of parking spaces, electric vehicle charging stations, and commercial space. Mr. Kong requested that there be two entrances to the proposed buildings and that some of the commercial spaces be used to support hospital initiatives and activities.
Coby Saran, Coquitlam, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that it is a good fit for younger people with growing families.
Yasmine Sabet, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that it would allow for improvements of the Shoreline Trail. Ms. Sabet requested that more community amenities be provided.
Aaron Robinson, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that the rent-to-own program would allow people to transition into home ownership. Mr. Robinson suggested that fewer parking spaces be provided, given the location's proximity to public transit.
Jeanette Jackson, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project, and noted her appreciation of the electric vehicle charging stations, and the possibility for a pop-up art studio.
Brian Woods, Coquitlam, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that the location is appropriate, a good mix of amenities are proposed, and that the rent-to-own program is a good way to help people transition into home ownership.
Mr. Woods expressed concerns about having only one vehicle access lane into the proposed development.
John Grasty, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that affordable rental housing is needed. Mr. Grasty congratulated the City on having approved a number of affordable housing projects in the past few years.
Steve Milani, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that the rent-to-own program is good for younger people and for people who want to downsize.
Yolanda Broderick, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project, noting that the rent-to-own program is a good component of the project. Ms. Broderick expressed concerns about potential loopholes in the residents-first policy and requested that more accessibility units be included in the project.
Moniev Tuapizie, Port Moody, expressed support for the proposed project. Ms. Tuapizie expressed concerns about traffic and suggested that a grocery store be built on nearby industrial land.
Mayor Clay called three times for public input. There were no more comments from the public.
The applicant answered questions about the number of adaptability units.
Moved, seconded, and CARRIED
City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw, 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 258, 2018, No. 3154 (50 Electronic Avenue) (CD73) be referred to the Regular Council meeting to be held on July 10, 2018 for consideration.
2. Close of Public Hearing
The Mayor declared the Public Hearing closed at 9:39pm.