TSC Feb 20,2013
Agenda Minutes
2.1 Approval of Previous Minutes
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Transportation Committee meeting held Thursday, January 16, 2013 be adopted.
3.1 Gatensbury Road – Request for Centreline Delineation near Henry Street
Staff provided a brief overview of the request for centerline delineation on Gatensbury Road west of Henry Street and
presented the accident location analysis. Councillor Small noted that this matter was discussed and resolved in the June 20, 2012 meeting of the Transportation Committee.
4.1 Police Enforcement Concerns
This item was not discussed.
4.2 ICBC Updates
Gord Couling presented the committee with an outline of the 2013 enforcement schedule as laid out by the BC Association of Chiefs of Police, and noted that ICBC will be running educational campaigns one month ahead of the enforcement schedule to raise awareness and ensure maximum compliance. Areas of focus include high risk driving (May), summer impaired driving (July), occupant restraints (September), distracted driving (September), speed relative to conditions (November), and winter impaired driving (December & January). There will be a year-long focus on pedestrian safety. Mr. Couling
provided an overview of ICBC investment in road safety improvement initiatives.
4.3 Murray-Clarke Corridor Visioning Study
Staff provided an overview of the results of the Murray�Clarke Corridor Visioning charette and open house, noting that most participants wanted a community roadway that accommodates bicycles, pedestrians, and businesses. Staff also noted that concerns were raised about the incompatible industrial uses on adjacent properties, and that recreation related uses, storefronts, and plaza spaces between buildings would be appreciated. Staff also noted that most participants would like to see a second bridge or crossing. Staff presented a revised Board 10 from the Visioning Study, which incorporated the suggestions into two future corridor scenarios.
Bob Charbonneau strongly supported the community recreation corridor, and noted that he does not wish to encourage people from outside the community to drive through Port Moody any faster than they already do. Mr. Charbonneau also noted that the opportunities for heritage preservation are significant along the corridor.
Alexander Turton supported the presented vision, noting that parking and traffic problems may be alleviated by the Evergreen Line, as it has been shown in other jurisdiction that increases in public transit reduces demand for parking.
Darlene Kasuya supported the vision presented, but questioned whether the roundabouts will negatively affect the vehicle and pedestrian flow from residential developments on Clarke Street. Ms. Kasuya also wished to ensure that overpasses are accessible for all.
Dave Whelan noted that regardless of Port Moody’s view of the corridor, it will be seen as a commuter corridor and there will be congestion. Mr. Whelan would like to see a coordinated regional response to the increases in traffic.
Gord Couling noted that this vision is timely as Burnaby would like to direct through traffic to Highway 1 and leave arterial routes for community traffic, which would mean discouraging commuters from using Hastings as a commuter route.
Audey Korpus noted that he participated in the sessions and was happy to see that there was a general consensus on what the community envisions for the corridor.
John Seinen noted that he also participated in the sessions and that the vision currently presented captures the public input very well.
Dave Whelan expressed concerns about the diminishing of the City’s industrial tax base if industrial businesses are
forced to leave the area.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the future corridor scenarios as presented on the revised Board 10 of the Murray Clarke Visioning Study be endorsed. (voting against: Derek Wilson)
4.4 Health and Safety Fair – Formation of Sub-Committee
Councillor Small noted that the Economic Development Committee has formed a subcommittee to work with the
Transportation Committee on a Joint Health and Safety Fair, and that a subcommittee of the Transportation
Committee should be formed as well.
Bob Charbonneau volunteered to chair the subcommittee, and provided a brief overview of the work involved.
Darlene Kasuya, Gord Couling, Dave Whelan, Lincoln Penner, and Councillor Rosemary Small volunteered for the subcommittee.
5.1 Tri-Cities Speed Watch Monthly Reports
Gord Couling noted that he will be providing Tri-Cities Speed Watch Monthly reports at future meetings.
5.2 2013 Transportation Committee Adopted Work Plan
Staff noted that Council has approved the 2013 Transportation Committee Work Plan, and noted that the Draft Master Cycling Plan will be presented at the next meeting. Staff requested committee members to come up with ideas that will entice more people to cycling, such as more bike racks, better bicycle parking, wayfinding signage, etc.
Staff also noted that the College Park Traffic Calming Initiative will be presented to Council at the March 12, 2013 regular Council meeting.
Staff noted that the Committee will be reviewing intersection operation improvement opportunities, and will be asked for input on the acceptability of proposed changes and preferred methods of publicizing these changes.
5.3 St. George Street traffic Diverters Update
Staff presented options for traffic diverters on St. George Street and requested that committee members consider which will be the preferred option for discouraging drivers to use St. George Street as an alternate route for St. Johns Street.
Councillor Small requested that this item be put on the March agenda for more in depth discussion.
6. Adjournment
Councillor Small adjourned the meeting at 9:06pm.