
The most important attribute of any public official, I believe, is their integrity. I take pride in my integrity, and believe it is essential to gain the trust of others to have successful and meaningful relationships and dealings. Muncipal government should represent the people, honestly and openly. Discussion with other municipalities and other levels of government needs to be done sincerely and with honest intentions. The minute anyone starts to question the motivation of a Mayor or a Councillor, the process disintegrates and the entire city is left under a cloud.

While I run a business in Port Moody, when I started on council in 2005, I made a decision that I would no longer persue any business in the city, and particularly, have never done business WITH the city. I do not own any investment or income properties in the city, I am not a developer or property manager, and I ensure that no decisions in the city would ever benefit me or any of my business connections.

As Mayor, residents can be confident that I will never bring any controversy or perceived conflict of interest to the city due to my actions, holdings or business. I will discuss and negotiate with other governments only for the best interests of all Port Moody residents, and will deal with everyone with complete honesty and integrity. I regularly receive compliments and positive feedback from those I deal with that they appreciate my straight forward approach - even if it means sometimes we disagree.