
The buzz word of the 21st century - just about every sentence around the city these days includes the word sustainable. Most often though, we are hearing about environmental sustainability. There's far more to being sustainable than just environmental sustainability.

I am proud to have delivered to the City of Port Moody a sustainability plan that was adopted by council, and is being 'evolved' by staff. The plan recognizes FOUR pillars of sustainability: Financial, Environmental, Social and Cultural. The plan ties the four elements together, which is crucial for success.

I am equally proud to have pushed initiatives on recycling, composting and waste reduction, that have proven that environmental and financial initiatives can be one and the same. In modifying our waste management systems over the last several years, we have been able to deliver budget increases of $ 0 over 3 of the past four years - virtually unheard of and spectacular in light of the recent year double digit increase.

On being elected Mayor in 2011, I worked with Council and staff to ensure that sustainability was a priority.  Starting with the creation of the Manager of Sustainability, going forward to our efforts to preserve and protect a heritage house to be used in the delivery of cultural programming at the arts centre, and building our long term financial and asset management plan - I have driven the agenda on ensuring our City has a long and successful future, and I'm proud of what staff and Council are achieving