College Park / Woodlands

Proposed redevelopment of the Woodlands residential area of College Park.

PreExisting :

20 Buildings

200 units
2 storey
23.4 Acres
1964 Built
'Market' rentals (fairly low rates due to age of buildings)

March 3,2020 Proposal:

Developmer: Edgar Development 
Architect: Acton Ostry
Landscape Arch: PWL Partnership

2344 Units - 325 below market rentals
18-26 Storey

June 23,2021 Amended    - June 23,2021 Tri City News

2053 homes
6-19 storey

request city to waive $20 million in CAC / DCs
- in lieu city receives $ 200 million in benefits 
  - 325 affordable rentals 
  - 13 acres park land
  - realigned highview place access connecting college park to barnet @ clarke

BC Housing partnership (worth 160million) for 325 affordable rentals.

19000 sq ft commercial space
daycare with 93 spaces
1.9km active trails
restoration/protection of creeks