Nov 28,2006
Committee of the Whole - Part One
3.1 Interactive Government Workshop with Council
THAT Council participate in a discussion of interactive government with SPARC BC as the Interactive Government Project is commenced.
Council received a presentation from SPARC , who are working with the city on improving communications between residents and city council (and staff). Options for 'engagement' were discussed including town hall meetings, website, newspaper ads, etc.
Committee of the Whole - Part Two
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the bus stop at Kyle Street be relocated to Queens Street;
AND THAT the crosswalk at Kyle Street be removed.
This item was brought before council at the request of the traffic safety committee, which had received complaints from a resident about the safety of the crossing. Traffic Safety had received other complaints about the bus route and location of the bus stops from other transit users/residents as well. The committee requested staff to look into the various options (see the report) and decided to refer this to council as there was no clear 'preferred' solution from the committee or staff, and , because this item carries a potential liability to the city as it involves the safety of pedestrians and drivers.
Discussion at the committee of the whole showed agreement that this was a bad crossing and a bad location, and several ideas were discussed. I proposed relocation of the bus stop to queens street, for several reasons. First, we already have a fully controlled, safe intersection there, so it would save the cost of putting controls at this intersection. Second, it is an area the city has invested in including the crossing and creating a safe environment for pedestrians, and drivers are used to people being there. Lastly, the other options simply would not work - I agree the crossing as it is now is not the greatest, and this should help everyone make their way safely across the street.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the traffic control of the Clarke Street and Moody Street intersection be modified to prohibit southbound through traffic movement during PM peak periods on weekdays;
Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini and Councillors Clay, Dilworth and Lathi
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the north and west pedestrian crosswalks of the Clarke Street and Moody Street intersection be removed.
Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Clay and Elliott
This item also came from the traffic safety committee where it had been discussed twice. The idea behind the recommendation, which was endorsed by the committee, was to try to improve the timing for the afternoon, left turn movement off of Clarke and onto Moody street (towards rocky point). I voted against this at traffic safety committee and at council as I dont believe this is the right thing to do, for two reasons. First, when originally discussed at TSC, it was determined that 1/3 of the afternoon traffic Southbound on Moody is 'Through' traffic at this intersection - the proposed change would eliminate this movement and all of those vehicles would then have to cut through streets such as Grant, Spring, Mary, Kyle to get back to St Johns where they were headed. Second, I dont believe the change would work - currently, the traffic that is turning left is hindered by the traffic backing up across the overpass, so even sometimes they sit waiting on a green light. The overpass roundabout can only carry so much traffic and the traffic congests getting through the corner and the intersection at Murray - simply turning on a tap doesnt do anything if your bucket is already full !
I did however support the second part of the motion, the removal of the crosswalks. The NORTH crosswalk is already closed, and the west crosswalk doesnt go anywhere - it terminates at a small patch of sidewalk that just disappears - there is simply no reason for these to exist and I believe they create a worse situation than they solve.
I should note that I have previously suggested that, with the implementation of a full traffic light at Grant and St Johns slated for the future, the city look at REMOVING the light at St Johns and Moody and routing ALL traffic on Grant - HOWEVER, this was based on two key elements that dont exist at this time: Murray Clarke Connector and intersection changes at Grant/St Johns.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the long-term waterfront boat trailer parking plan as outlined in the November 21, 2006 report from the Boat Trailer Parking Working Group titled, Boat Trailer Parking Plan be approved for implementation;
AND THAT Esplanade Drive be made available for boat trailer parallel parking as outlined in the November 21, 2006 report from the Boat Trailer Parking Working Group titled Boat Trailer Parking Plan;
AND THAT staff pursue the preliminary design of a gravel surface parking lot at the vacant city parcel on Murray Street (Lot 54) for temporary boat trailer parking until the Murray-Clarke Connector is implemented or future land use is established and report back to Council on the construction cost;
AND THAT staff continue to pursue negotiations with Mill & Timber for the possibility of leasing the gravel lot located south of Columbia Street owned by Mill & Timber for weekend boat trailers parking;
AND THAT an additional floating dock be installed on the main east pier.
Voting Against: Councillor Clay
There are a couple of things about this plan that I dont like, although, for the most part, they are not the result or "fault" of the task force. First, Im quite sure that most everyone, when the changes to the boat launch were discussed this past spring, and alternatives talked about, assumed that the developer would be funding the 'improvements'. As it stands now we have a proposal before us for potentially $ 400,000-500,000 worth of work - this is 10 years worth of lease revenue from the restaurant and you have to question why we are doing this !
That said, the decision was made previously by council to allow the restaurant, and we need to do the best we can to accomodate the changes. I dont like the loss of the trees and the cost for the lot at Murray and Esplanade, particularly as it is proposed that we would spend $ 100,000 plus on an 'interim' solution here pending the murray clarke connetor - DOING this was not a part of the recommendation, but only to have staff 'look into the possibilities'.
Most importantly, and the main reason I stated for for opposing this recommendation, I certainly dont like the 5 parking spots proposed to encroach into the park beside Pajo's. I know its a small area, but, small areas add up to big areas over time and pretty soon, our city, with our growing population, has no park left for residents to enjoy ! I appreciate the work of the task force to try to make a poor situation better, and I know they have worked hard, but I dont support the recommendations due to the financial cost to the city, and the environmental implications.
5.9 Parks and Rec Commission annual report
Public Hearing
Klahanie Reallocation of Commercial
San Remo Drive Land Use contract amendment
Regular Council Meeting
Yvonne Harris, Klahanie, Requesting more and better pedestrian routes in the city.
4.2 (a) Polygon Nahanni Tower and Lodge
If forwarded from Public Hearing.
AMENDMENT TO "City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, THE CD 28 ZONE Amendment Bylaw No. 173,2006", No. 2716
THAT Bylaw No 2716 be now read a third time.
THAT Bylaw No. 2716 be now adopted.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No 2716 be now read a third time.
Voting Against: Councillor Watkins
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2716 be now adopted.
Voting Against: Councillor Watkins
Report: Planning and Development Services dated November 14,2006
THAT staff be authorized to issue Development Authorization No. 2006-56 and Development Variance Permit No. 2006-65 subject to the required documentation, plans, fees and securities having been submitted to the satisfaction of staff;
AND THAT the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.
Not dealt with as notification requirements not met.
Report: Planning and Development Services dated Nov 21,2006.
If forwarded from Public Hearing.
THAT Bylaw No. 2708 be now read a third time as amended to replace Schedule A and Schedule 1 owith a revised Schedule A and Schedule 1.
THAT Bylaw No. 2708 be now adopted.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2708 be now read a third time as amended to replace Schedule A and Schedule 1 with a revised Schedule A and Schedule 1, including removal of reference to the property at 513 San Remo Drive from both Schedules.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2708 be now adopted.
4.4 Fee Bylaw Amendment
THAT Bylaw No. 2715 be now adopted.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2715 be now adopted.
Voting Against: Councillors Clay and Dilworth
4.5 Tree Retention Bylaw
That Bylaw 2718 be now adopted
That Bylaw 2719 be now adopted
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2718 be now adopted.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2719 be now adopted.
That bylaw 2720 now be read a first time;
That bylaw 2720 now be read a second time;
That bylaw 2720 be referred to public hearing to be held on Dec 12,2006 at City Hall;
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2720 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT Bylaw No. 2720 be now read a second time.
Voting Against: Councillors Clay, Dilworth, Lahti, Rockwell and Watkins
THAT staff be authorized to issue Development Authorization No. 2006-55 subject to the required documentation, plans, fees and securities having been submitted to the satisfaction of staff;
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to issue Development Authorization No. 2006-55 subject to the required documentation, plans, fees and securities having been submitted to the satisfaction of staff;
AND THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.
THAT staff be directed to proceed with the Official Community Plan update approach as outlined in the Planning and Development Service's dated November 21,2006.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to proceed with the Zoning Bylaw update approach as outlined generally in the Planning and Development Service's report dated November 21,2006.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to proceed with the Zoning Bylaw update approach as outlined generally in the Planning and Development Services report dated November 21, 2006.
6.2 Amendment to Fireworks Bylaw
Verbal Report: Councilor Watkins
THAT the Fire chief and staff be directed to review Bylaw No. 2070 and amend as necessary to prohibit the sale of fireworks and firecrackers in the City of PortMoody, require permits for displays and any other changes deemed necessary to update Bylaw No. 2070.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT this item be deferred to the December 12, 2006 Regular Council meeting.
Staff were directed to provide previous staff reports relative to the issue of prohibiting the sale of fireworks in Port Moody dealt with in 2005.
BC Onecard and Every Student A Card
WHEREAS the provincial government provided a one time grant in 2006 to implement the BC OneCard and Every Student a Card programs to promote provincewide literacy objectives;
AND WHEREAS such grants create an ongoing expectation that the new services will be provided by municipalities in future years including the extension of these services to out of service areas such as Anmore and Belcarra, municipalities that do not have a public library and are served by Port Moody;
Therefore be it resolved THAT the annual operating grant provided to all British Columbian Public Libraries by the Province be increased to reflect the addition of all new provincial programs and that the annual operating grant provided to Public Libraries be adjusted incrementally each year to reflect inflation;
AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to Honourable Shirley Bond, Minister of Education; Iain Black, MLA; the Union of BC Municipalities, and the British Columbia Library Trustees Association.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
WHEREAS the provincial government provided a one time grant in 2006 to implement the BC OneCard and Every Student a Card programs to promote provincewide literacy objectives;
AND WHEREAS such grants create an ongoing expectation that the new services will be provided by municipalities in future years including the extension of these services to out of service areas such as Anmore and Belcarra, municipalities that do not have a public library and are served by Port Moody;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Port Moody formally request that the annual operating grant provided to all British Columbian Public Libraries by the Province be increased to reflect the addition of all new provincial programs and that the annual operating grant provided to Public Libraries be adjusted incrementally each year to reflect inflation;
AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to Honourable Shirley Bond, Minister of Education; Iain Black, MLA; the Union of BC Municipalities, and the British Columbia Library Trustees Association.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report of the City Clerk dated November 21, 2006 be received.
THAT the Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee terms of reference be endorsed.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee terms of reference be endorsed.
THAT Council approve and support the Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee's hosting of the Annual Provincial Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee Conference to be held September 28th and 29th, 2007;
AND THAT the funding request for a portion of $5,000 based on the Simon Fraser Formula be forwarded to the Finance Committee for consideration.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council approve and support the Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee’s hosting of the Annual Provincial Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee Conference to be held September 28th and 29th, 2007;
AND THAT the funding request for a portion of $5,000 based on the Simon Fraser Formula be forwarded to the Finance Committee for consideration.
THAT Corporate Policy 5-1770-1 Donations & Bequests be approved.
Moved, seconded
THAT Corporate Policy 5-1770-1 Donations & Bequests be approved.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding the words,“ as amended to add the words, “or any other asset” after the word “donation” at the end of the second sentence in the Policy section.”
The motion was the put and carried as follows:
THAT Corporate Policy 5-1770-1 Donations & Bequests be approved as amended to add the words, “or any other asset” after the word “donation” at the end of the second sentence in the Policy section.
THAT a template custom-designed for annual reports be used for all future annual reports for all Council committees, commissions and boards.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a template custom-designed for annual reports be used for all future annual reports for all Council committees, commissions and boards.
7.1 Committee of the Whole
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of November 28,2006 be endorsed.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of November 28, 2006 be endorsed as follows:
THAT the bus stop at Kyle Street be relocated to Queens Street;
AND THAT the crosswalk at Kyle Street be removed.
THAT the north and west pedestrian crosswalks of the Clarke Street and Moody Street intersection be removed.
THAT the long-term waterfront boat trailer parking plan as outlined in the November 21, 2006 report from the Boat Trailer Parking Working Group titled, Boat Trailer Parking Plan be approved for implementation;
AND THAT Esplanade Drive be made available for boat trailer parallel parking as outlined in the November 21, 2006 report from the Boat Trailer Parking Working Group titled Boat Trailer Parking Plan;
AND THAT staff pursue the preliminary design of a gravel surface parking lot at the vacant city parcel on Murray Street (Lot 54) for temporary boat trailer parking until the Murray- Clarke Connector is implemented or future land use is established and report back to Council on the construction cost;
AND THAT staff continue to pursue negotiations with Mill & Timber for the possibility of leasing the gravel lot located south of Columbia Street owned by Mill & Timber for weekend boat trailers parking;
AND THAT an additional floating dock be installed on the main east pier.
THAT the 2006 annual report of the Community Care Committee be received for information.
THAT the 2006 annual report of the Environmental Protection Committee be received for information.
THAT the 2006 annual report of the Heritage Commission be received for information.
THAT the 2006 annual report of the Traffic Safety Committee be received for information.
THAT the 2006 annual report of the Joint Family Court and Youth Justice Committee be received for information.
THAT the 2006 annual report of the Parks and Recreation Commission be received for information.
7.2 Ratifcation of Recommendations from Finance Committee
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of November 21, 2006 be endorsed as follows:
THAT $68,OOOfrom the MRN Pavement Rehab Reserves@ the Murray Street CPR crossing and $20,000 for the Reed Point Marina CPR crossing be approved.
THAT staff be directed to proceed with the purchase of seven laptop computers for a cost of $15,000;
AND THAT staff be directed to proceed with the expansion of wireless services to include Council Chambers, the Brovold Room, and the Parkview Room for a cost of $3,000.
THAT the request for $1,000 of in-kind services for the completion of Phase 2 of the 'Eagle Ridge Hospital Healing Garden project be approved.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of November 21, 2006 be endorsed as follows:
THAT $68,000 from the MRN Pavement Rehab Reserves for the Murray Street CPR crossing and $20,000 for the Reed Point Marina CPR crossing be approved.
THAT staff be directed to proceed with the purchase of seven laptop computers for a cost of $15,000;
AND THAT staff be directed to proceed with the expansion of wireless services to include Council Chambers, the Brovold Room, and the Parkview Room for a cost of $3,000.
THAT the request for $1,000 of in-kind services for the completion of Phase 2 of the Eagle Ridge Hospital Healing Garden project be approved.
8 Reports from Council
In-Camera resolution from the November 14,2006 Special In-Camera Council meeting approved for public release:
THAT the Memorandum of Agreement between the City of Port INSIDE/OUTSIDE Moody and the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 825 RATIFICATION OF (Inside) and the Canadian Union of Public Emplouees, Local 25 (outside) as attached to the November 10,2006 report of the Director of Human Resources be ratifed.
10. Public Input