Feb 16,2007 - Now News


By Simone Blais - Staff Reporter

School District 43 has split next week's special public meeting on school closures into two nights, after an onslaught of people signed up to speak at the final opportunity to offer public opinion on the contentious topic.

The special public meeting, set for Tuesday, Feb. 20, had been designated to allow public presentations from parents, students, staff and others on the school closures topic.

But the last chance to sway school trustees on the matter - which will be voted on during the Feb. 27 meeting - drew more interest than one night could allow.

Cheryl Quinton, School District 43 spokesperson, said once the noon deadline to sign up passed on Wednesday, staff found 82 people signed up to the present to the board.

"It's important that we hear everyone clearly," Quinton said Thursday.

"It would be too much, too long an evening to maintain people's attentions otherwise."

The second meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 21. Both meetings will be held in the Gallery Room of Winslow Centre, 1100B Winslow Ave. in Coquitlam, and will begin at 7 p.m.

Speakers will take to the microphone according to the order in which they signed up to the list. The first 50 speakers on the list are scheduled for the Tuesday meeting, and speakers 51 to 82 are slotted in for the Wednesday meeting.

Quinton said that each registered presenter will be contacted by either e-mail or phone about the date and estimated time they will be called to speak. Each presenter will have a maximum of five minutes.

The only exception given to the presentation order is for parent advisory councils (PACs) of the schools named for closure. Those eight PACs will present first, Quinton said.

Both nights are anticipated to be long and emotional. The special board meeting has been set aside as the only opportunity for members of the community to publicly address school trustees on the topic of school closures.

Trustees voted to consider closing eight schools during a special public meeting in November, which came as a shock to a community expecting a discussion on declining student enrolment.

School District 43 enrolment has dropped by 2,517 students since 2001, and in-house and consultant projections indicate a further decline of 2,233 students.

The elementary schools staff recommended be reviewed for closure included Coronation Park, Moody, Vanier, College Park, Lincoln, Mountain View, Millside and Meadowbrook.

The final staff recommendation will be given to school trustees on Tuesday, Feb. 27, when the board is scheduled to vote on the matter.

published on 02/16/2007