Coronation Park Elementary
All Coronation Park Elementary School students can attend Eagle Ridge Elementary should this be the choice of parents. Careful scrutiny of the projected enrolments, including newly registered students for kindergarten in September 2007, and mock school organization information of potential classes for 2007/08 at Eagle Ridge indicates that student placement at Eagle Ridge Elementary can be offered to all Coronation Elementary families for September 2007.
New catchment areas will need to be determined.
Rationale in Support of Recommendation
Coronation Park has an operating capacity of 226 students. Currently there are 86 students enrolled at Coronation which is 38% of the Ministry operating capacity. Of the 86 grade 1 to 5 students, 8 are out of catchment. Eagleridge Elementary is .97 kilometres from Coronation Park and has sufficient space to accommodate all Coronation Park students based on current and projected enrolment. Mountain Meadows is 2.88 kilometres from Coronation Park. It also can accommodate Coronation Park students if this is the choice of parents.
The Senior Administrative Team recommends that Coronation Park Elementary School close effective June 30, 2007.