Recommendation - College Park

College Park Elementary

Transition Considerations

The students of College Park Elementary School reside in locations which are within the walk limits established by the district to Seaview Community School – 1.08 km. All students attending College Park currently can attend Seaview Community School if this is the choice of their parents. Experience from previous school closures indicates that families will choose a neighbourhood school based on a variety of factors of importance to each family.

Seaview Elementary Community School is scheduled for seismic remediation in the upcoming school year. Normally, this process involves a series of temporary classroom moves to portables or other spaces in the building. If College Park Elementary is closed on June 30, 2007, it is recommended that the district consider using the classrooms at the closed school site for Seaview students and staff during the seismic project which is expected to be completed by August 2008. Seaview Community School offers a wide array of community programs and services which include before and after school programming, SHARE services and the provision of healthy meals for students. Seaview also houses a district Montessori program. These programs will be included in the planning for the seismic remediation and can continue to be housed at Seaview as there is space available at the school for all current programming and the incoming students from College Park Elementary.

New catchment areas will need to be determined.

Rationale in Support of Recommendations

College Park Elementary meets the school closure criteria of Policy 15 because the cumulative student capacity within an area is less than 65%. Currently, 269 grade 1 to 5 students are enrolled at the two schools, College Park Elementary and Seaview Community School – 60% of the Ministry Capacity for the two schools. Seaview Community School has the space to enroll all students currently at College Park.The cumulative capacity for the grouping of College Park and Seaview Elementary is forecast to continue to decline for the next 10 year period to a utilization rate of 42%.


The Senior Administrative Team recommends that College Park Elementary School close effective June 30, 2007. It is recommended that the Board consider using the closed school facility during the seismic remediation project at Seaview Community School.