Recommendation - Moody Elementary

Moody Elementary

Transition Considerations

The students of Moody Elementary reside in locations which are within the walk limits established by the district (Harbour View 1.55 km). Some kindergarten to grade 5 students living in the Moody Elementary catchment attend this neighbourhood school, (for example: 3 currently attend Harbour View). Experience from previous school closures indicates that families will choose a neighbouring school based on a variety of factors of importance to each family.

All Moody Elementary School students could attend Harbour View Elementary should this be a choice of parents in the future. There is space available at Harbour View Elementary.

Rationale in Support of Recommendation

Moody Elementary is at less than 50% of student capacity as established by the Ministry of Education and the cumulative capacity within an area is less than 65% of Ministry capacity. Moody Elementary has an operating capacity of 248 grade 1 to 5 students. Currently there are 96 grade 1 to 5 students enrolled at Moody which is 39% of the Ministry operating capacity. Of the 96 students, 15 are from outside of the catchment. The City of Port Moody is embarking on an update of the Official Community Plan. It is anticipated that this process will be completed in the Fall of 2008 and any changes would mainly affect the Moody Centre area. During the parent and community consultation process, the City of Port Moody staff and elected officials indicated that the OCP process and direction will impact on the future utilization rate of Moody Elementary School.


The Senior Administrative Team recommends that Moody Elementary not close in June 2007. It further recommends that Moody Elementary student enrolment and related information be reviewed by district staff upon the City of Port Moody’s completion of their Official Community Plan Review and Update in the fall of 2008.