March 27,2007 Council Meeting

Committee of the Whole
Agenda          Minutes
4.1 Traffic Concerns - Ravine Drive
Report from Engineering, Parks and Operations
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Engineering, Parks and Operations report dated March 22, 2007 entitled Ravine Drive – Request for Traffic Calming be referred back to the Traffic Safety Committee for consideration.
Verbal Report:  Councillor Lahti
Councillor Lahti reported on discussions at a recent Environmental Protection Committee meeting regarding environmental sustainability initiatives undertaken by the city to date and the need for the city to develop a comprehensive plan for implementing sustainability practices in Port Moody.

Staff was directed to coordinate a weekend workshop for Council to be held in Port Moody by the end of May to discuss the issue of sustainability in Port Moody.

Tomorrow night - CTV News Hour- 'ecodensity' - Port Moody.
Weekend working session with council - by the end of May.
Regular Council Meeting
Agenda     Minutes
2. Public Input
Ann Hulbert - Arts Festival - get your tickets !!
Coquitlam District Guides - COOKIE time !
3.1 Delegation - Scouts - Composting Toilets
1st Glenayre Scout Group members, Shea O’Grady and Kyle Thompson, presented Council with their research findings regarding composting toilets as part of a business building.
3.2 Delegation - Crossroads Hospice Society - Healing Garden
Barb Henham, Executive Director and Ted Kuntz, Board member and past President, Crossroads Hospice Society presented Council with a proposal for a Labyrinth Healing Garden at Port Moody’s Pioneer Memorial Park.
3.3 Delegation - Nasser Silavi - Business License
Not in attendance.
4.2 Parks and Recreation - Bylaw Amedment 2729
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2729 be now adopted.
6.1 Translink Governance 
Verbal Report, Mayor Trasolini
The Mayor reported on the province’s recommendations for restructuring TransLink as outlined in the TransLink Governance Review (TGR). The Director of Engineering, Parks and Operations summarized city staff’s comments on the TGR as outlined in the document dated March 26, 2007 entitled, “Provincial TransLink Governance Review Report – Preliminary Review” including issues specific to the city relative to the Major Road Network, expansion of the transportation region, composition of the new TransLink Board, the Evergreen Line and the Murray Clarke Connector.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the March 26, 2007 report from the Engineering, Parks and Operations Department entitled, “Provincial TransLink Governance Review Report - Preliminary Review” be received for information.
6.2 Council Meeting Schedule Change
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2007 Council meeting schedule be amended to reflect the April 10th meeting being held in the Council Chambers, City Hall and the May 22, 2007 Council meeting being held at the Glenayre Community Centre.
6.3 Land Management Strategy
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Land Management Strategy Corporate Policy 8-3010-2 be adopted.
6.4 Community Action on Energy Efficiency
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
WHEREAS the Community Action on Energy Efficiency is a pilot program that provides financial and research support to BC local governments to advance the energy efficiency of public and private sector buildings through local government policy instruments; and
WHEREAS the February 23, 2007 call for applications for funding in the CAEE Gold program is conditional upon staff seeking Council’s endorsement of one or more of the CAEE targets for buildings energy efficiency and endorsing policies for local government buildings by March 31, 2007;
THAT Council endorse the Provincial Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Petroleum Resources’ Community Action on Energy Efficiency targets for new and existing buildings as outlined in the March 21, 2007 Engineering, Parks and Operations report on the condition that the city receive financial support to develop and implement the program;

THAT Council endorse the Provincial Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Petroleum Resources’ Community Action on Energy Efficiency targets for local government buildings on the condition that the city receive financial support to implement the recommendations in the city’s Energy and GHG Management Corporate Action Plan 2006;

THAT Council direct staff to participate in a working group with the Provincial Ministry of Energy, Mines, and Petroleum Resources, the Ministry of Community Services, and the Office of Housing and Construction Standards to implement incentive and/or regulatory measures to achieve one or more targets for new and existing buildings that align with the new BC Energy Plan.

6.5 Civic Election Term Length in BC

The Mayor reported that Port Moody’s resolution regarding extending the civic election term length in BC to four years had been considered at the last UBCM convention and had received some support. Councillor Watkins reported that she was in attendance for the vote on the resolution and that it was a close vote with some smaller municipalities declining to support the resolution, siting time commitment concerns of council members given the smaller compensation received for their time in comparison to larger municipalities. Discussion ensued regarding the merits of the proposed resolution, including consistency with federal and provincial election term lengths and the fact that several provinces already have four year civic election terms.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
WHEREAS many provinces, including Manitoba, Quebec, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, and New Brunswick, have four-year civic election terms, a term length which reflects the accepted period between elections in the provincial and federal contexts;
AND WHEREAS four-year election terms would likely be more productive for councils and staff and would save taxpayer money:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Union of BC Municipalities ask the provincial government to increase the interval between municipal elections from three years to four years.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVDED that the foregoing resolution be forwarded to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association for endorsation and to the 2007 Union of BC Municipalities Convention for consideration.

6.6 Rapid Transit Funding
Verbal Report - Mayor Trasolini
The Mayor reported on a media release from the Office of the Prime Minister of Canada announcing that the federal government would be contributing almost one billion dollars toward rapid transit expansion in Toronto. The Mayor noted the partnership between the federal government, the province of Ontario and five municipalities to fund the transportation action plan for the Greater Toronto Area and compared that with the fact that there is a $170 million dollar contribution from the province of BC and a $400 million dollar combined contribution from the North East Sector municipalities toward rapid transit expansion in the North East Sector, however, to date, there has been no financial contribution from the federal government towards rapid transit expansion in the North East Sector.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
WHEREAS the Federal Government announced on March 6, 2007 that nearly one billion dollars would be contributed toward the cost of rapid transit expansion in Toronto;

AND WHEREAS TransLink and the North East Sector Mayors have requested funding contributions toward rapid transit in the North East Sector:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Port Moody Council correspond with MPs James Moore and Dawn Black and Minister Lawrence Cannon, Minister of Transport, Infrastructure and Communities, Government of Canada, to invite a contribution of similar per capita funding to assist rapid transit in the North East Sector.

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Port Moody Council correspond with Transportation Minister Kevin Falcon to officially request that the Province also request Federal Government contribution toward the cost of rapid transit in the North East Sector.

7.1 Ratification of Committee of the Whole resolutions:
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of March 27, 2007 be endorsed as follows:

THAT the Engineering, Parks and Operations report dated March 22, 2007 entitled Ravine Drive – Request for Traffic Calming be referred back to the Traffic Safety Committee for consideration.

7.2 Ratification of Finance Committee Resolutions
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of March 20, 2007 be endorsed as
THAT Contract No. 2007-03 for the 2007 Infrastructure Upgrading Program be awarded to Sandpiper Contracting Ltd. for the low tender amount of $286,826.46 including GST.
AND THAT the 2007 capital project submission, Storm Sewer Replacement – Mercier Road, for $80,000 be approved from the Drainage Capital account.
8.1 Council Reports
Plastic Bag Recycling
Verbal Report - Councilor Dilworth

Councillor Dilworth reported on correspondence received from the Canadian Plastics Industry Association regarding its plastic bag recycling initiative, advising that the association’s website provided a listing of stores, sorted by city, that recycle plastic shopping bags as part of the return to retail program.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the correspondence from the Canadian Plastics Industry Association dated March 9, 2007 regarding the return to retail network for recycling plastic shopping bags in BC be referred to the Environmental Protection Committee for development of a strategy to promote this voluntary stewardship program as a resource for reducing solid waste in Port Moody.
Councillor Dilworth reported on her attendance at the Urban Development Institute’s workshop on affordable housing. Discussion ensued regarding the issue of affordable housing.

Staff was directed to invite a representative from either the Non-Profit Housing Association or Urban Development Institute to make a presentation to Council to provide clarification on the definition of affordable housing and what options municipalities have to address affordable housing needs.

9.2 Proclamations
9.3 Release of In Camera Information
In-Camera resolution from the March 13, 2007 Special In-Camera Council meeting approved for public release:
THAT the Library Building Expansion Project Concept Statement be approved.

10. Public Input
