June 12,2007 Council Meeting

Committee of the Whole
Agenda      Minutes
5.1 2007 Heritage Commission Work Plan and Budget
Moved, Seconded and CARRIED:
THAT the 2007 Heritage Commission Work Plan and Budget be adopted.
5.2 Grade 5 GET ACTIVE and Grade 6 STAY ACTIVE program expansion
Moved, Seconded and CARRIED:
THAT the City of Port Moody expand the. Grade 5 GET ACTIVE! program to provide a complimentary twelve admission card to grade 6 students as part of the Grade 6 STAY ACTIVE! program commencing in the 2007/2008 school year
5.3 Boat Trailer Parking Plan
THAT direction be provided regarding the use of Lot 54 as interim gravel boat trailer parking site.
Moved, Seconded and Carried THAT:
given the high cost to construct an interim gravel boat trailer parking site on Lot 54 and, in the event that such construction was commenced, would not be completed in time for the 2007 boating season, that this project be referred back to the Boat Trailer Parking Working Group for further discussion.
Discussion by councillors revolved around the high cost for little payback in terms of number of spots, and the number of spots for trailer parking WITHOUT this lot making this an unattractive option at this time.  Mayor Trasolini commented that rather than a fully engineered lot, perhaps just grading and gravelling the lot would suffice.
Regular Council Meeting
Agenda      Minutes
2. Public Input
Bob Henkle - re: Recovery by the Sea, present petition
Bruce Wyse - re: Recovery by the Sea - late night parties, empty bottles/cans strewn on beach.
Hazel Mason - Tree bylaw, protection of trees for environmental, safety.
3.1 Port Moody Soccer Club
Craig Dougans and Bob Favelle, representing the Port Moody Soccer Club to present a cheque in the amount of $28,735 to the Port Moody Foundation as part of the recreation center campaign for the sponsorship of the field house bleachers. Dr. David Spence, Chair of the Port Moody Foundation to then present the cheque to the city.
3.2 Moody Elementary / War Toys for Peace
United Nations General Assembly Olympic Truce dated August 4, 2004
Vancouver 2010 News Release dated November 4, 2005
Susan Ruzic, teacher at Moody Elementary and originator of the War Toys for Peace program which collects war toys from children and turns them into art with a peace message to present Council with a decorated garbage can and to request Council to review the Olympic Truce and assist with encouraging the Provincial Government to invoke the Truce at the 2010 Winter Olympics.
Moved and carried unanimously that council adopt the following resolution at tonights council meeting:
That the City of Port Moody adopt the Olympic Truce, and call on the provincial government, UBCM, and FCM municipalities to do the same, and that the province invoke the Olympic truce for the 2010 winter olympics.
I, therefore, solemnly appeal to to all Sates to demonstrate their commitment to peace in the world by observing the Olympic Truce during the XXVIII Olympic Games in Athens.  While conflicts in teh world will not cease overnight, if we could have peace for sixteen days, then, maybe, just maybe, we could have it forever.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the City of Port Moody adopt the Olympic Truce of the United Nations General Assembly;


AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to UBCM member municipalities encouraging them to also adopt the truce;


AND FURTHER THAT this resolution be forwarded to the Provincial Government requesting it invoke the truce at the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games.
3.3 Chamber of Commerce Torch Run

THAT Council support the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce initiative to secure the inclusion of the Tri- City municipalities in the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Torch Relay Route;

AND THAT Council provide a letter of support of the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce 2010 Torch Relay Initiative to the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Organizing Committee.
MOVED Seconded and carried unanimously to deal with this item on tonights agenda.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council support the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce initiative to secure the inclusion of the Tri-City municipalities in the 2010 Vancouver Olympic Torch Relay Route;
AND THAT Council provide a letter of support of the Tri-Cities Chamber of Commerce 2010 Torch Relay Initiative to the Vancouver 2010 Olympic Organizing Committee. 
3.4 Anmore Green Estates Strata
Rob Kyle, representing Anmore Green Estates Strata Council and a number of surrounding residents, to discuss their request to the Village of Anmore to request access to the Greater Vancouver Regional District and Drainage District through Port Moody infrastructure.
**See item 6.2 below on the agenda.
City of Port Moody Rocky Point Boat Launch and Parking Regulation Bylaw, 2007, No. 2690 a bylaw to regulate the Rocky Point boat launch and parking.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2690 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded
THAT Bylaw No. 2690 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2690 be amended to include the wording, “or authorized agent of the city” after the word, “machine” in the definition of “Valid Ticket” in the Definitions section.
The motion on second reading of Bylaw No. 2690, as amended, was then put and CARRIED.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2690 be now read a third time.
Municipal Ticket Information Utilization, 1996, No. 2298, Amendment Bylaw No. 2691 a bylaw to regulate the issuance of tickets relative to the Rocky Point boat launch and parking.
Moved, seconded
THAT Bylaw No. 2691 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2691 be amended by correcting the spelling of “Manager of Parks” in Appendix “A”.
The motion on first reading of Bylaw No. 2691, as amended, was then put and CARRIED.
Moved, seconded
THAT Bylaw No. 2691 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2691 be amended by correcting the spelling of “Manager of Parks” in Appendix “A”.
The motion on first reading of Bylaw No. 2691, as amended, was then put and CARRIED.
Moved, seconded
THAT Bylaw No. 2691 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2691 be amended by removing the letter “e” in the word, “Moore” in Appendix “B”.
The motion on second reading of Bylaw No. 2691, as amended, was then put and CARRIED.
Moved, seconded
THAT Bylaw No. 2691 be now read a third time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2691 be amended by adding the words, “With Valid Ticket” to the words, “Vehicle With Trailer Parking Area” in the legend of the location map identified as Schedule A to the bylaw.
The motion on third reading of Bylaw No. 2691, as amended, was then put and CARRIED.
Port Moody Police Board Request:
THAT Port Moody City Council provide financial funding to cover extraordinary unfunded investigative costs.
Moved and seconded
THAT Port Moody City Council provide financial funding to cover extraordinary unfunded investigative costs.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing request from the Police Board for financial funding to cover extraordinary unfunded investigative costs be referred to the Finance Committee. 
6.2 Village of Anmore request for access to gvs&dd
Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Port Moody accept in principle, for the purpose of developing financial and other agreements, the proposal from the Village of Anmore and the Strata Council of Anmore Green Estates to gain access to the Greater Vancouver Sewer District and Drainage District through Port Moody infrastructure.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the proposal from the Village of Anmore and the Strata Council of Anmore Green Estates to gain access to the Greater Vancouver Sewer District and Drainage District through Port Moody infrastructure be referred to staff for a detailed investigation of the pros and cons and ramifications to Port Moody and report back to Council for further consideration;

AND THAT prior to preparing the aforementioned report, staff report to the Finance Committee on the cost implications to preparing the detailed analysis for this report.

Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Clay and Watkins

6.3 Appointment of bylaw PATROL officer
Moved, seconded and carried:
THAT pursuant to Section 8 (1) of the Community Charter, Patrik Kolby is hereby appointed as a “Bylaw Patrol Officer” for the City of Port Moody.
6.4 One Cent of the GST

WHEREAS senior government revenues are directly tied to the economy, their contribution to Canada’s total tax burden continues to increase as the economy grows, to the point where an all-time high of 92 cents out every tax dollar is now benefiting senior levels of government, and municipalities’ share of Canada’s total tax burden continues to diminish;

AND WHEREAS the City of Toronto’s One Cent of the GST Now! proposal is not a new tax and is simply a re-distribution of revenues from an existing tax;
THAT the Federal Government be asked to return to cities one cent out of every dollar collected through the Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST);
AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to UBCM, FCM, BC Minister of Finance, Canada Minister of Finance, local MLAs and local MPs.



WHEREAS Canadian municipalities are looking for an updated fiscal arrangement that will diversify their revenue sources beyond the property tax, which does not respond at the same pace as growth, and provide them with the fiscal capacity to be financially sustainable;

WHEREAS Canadian municipalities generate significant wealth to support the national economy of Canada;

WHEREAS Canadian municipalities are seeking a more equitable distribution of the wealth that is generated in their communities, so that they can remain economically competitive and sustain and enhance the public infrastructure necessary to attract investment;

WHEREAS Canadian municipalities need a permanent share of growth-responsive revenues to assist local governments in addressing many of the challenges they are currently facing, such as ageing and insufficient infrastructure, growing responsibilities, increasing social and environmental pressures, rapid urbanization and the lack of sufficient financial resources.

WHEREAS in 2003, the Federation of Canadian Municipalities adopted a resolution calling on the federal government to establish revenue-sharing options, beyond sharing of the gas tax revenue, to support municipal responsibilities;

WHEREAS in June 2006, the FCM Big City Mayors’ Caucus released the “Our Cities: Our Future” report, and FCM released the “Building Prosperity from the Ground Up” report, both of which contained recommendations to address the municipal fiscal imbalance, including to share revenues that grow with the economy; to realign roles and responsibilities with appropriate financial resources and to establish a national transit program;

WHEREAS the Government of Canada has acknowledged that it intends to restore fiscal balance among all orders of government; and

WHEREAS the Government of Canada continues to record annual budgetary surpluses;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Federation of Canadian Municipalities call upon the Government of Canada to annually share revenues equivalent to one cent of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) with Canadian municipalities, which would yield approximately $5 billion per year in additional funding for all local governments and municipalities in Canada.
FCM Big City Mayors' Caucus
Moved, seconded

WHEREAS senior government revenues are directly tied to the economy, their contribution to Canada’s total tax burden continues to increase as the economy grows, to the point where an all-time high of 92 cents out every tax dollar is now benefiting senior levels of government, and municipalities’ share of Canada’s total tax burden continues to diminish;

AND WHEREAS the City of Toronto’s One Cent of the GST Now! proposal is not a new tax and is simply a re-distribution of revenues from an existing tax;

THAT the Federal Government be asked to return to cities one cent out of every dollar collected through the Canadian Goods and Services Tax (GST);

AND THAT this resolution be forwarded to the UBCM, FCM, BC minister of finance, Local MLAs and Local MPs
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended in the third paragraph by replacing the word, “dollar” with the words, “six cents”.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the main motion be amended in the fourth paragraph by removing the word, “FCM”.
Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Elliott and Rockwell
The motion, as amended, was then put and CARRIED.
6.5 Inlet Community garden expansion 2007



THAT the expansion of the Inlet Community Garden by a maximum of 20 additional garden plots at the existing site on Murray Street as outlined in the plan in the May 24, 2007 report titled “Inlet Community Garden Expansion – 2007” be approved;


AND THAT a formal agreement be entered into between the user group and the city;


AND THAT the expansion cost for the Inlet Community Garden of $17,000 be funded from the Land Sales Reserve Fund.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT consideration of expansion of the Inlet Community Garden be deferred to an appropriate time when it can be considered in conjunction with the land management strategy. 
6.6 Council Attendance at FCM (Addenda)
Verbal Report - Mayor Trasonlini
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT all Council members be permitted to attend the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Conference on an annual basis, if desired.
6.7 Home Support for BC Seniors Week (Addenda)

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

WHEREAS home support is a vital part of our health care system that allows seniors, people with disabilities or people with chronic health conditions to live independently and with dignity; and

WHEREAS home support has been found to be the most cost-effective program by treating health problems in the home before they develop into chronic health crises requiring hospitalization; and

WHEREAS home support promotes healthy living by addressing nutrition and meal preparation, hygiene, grooming, and socialization; and

WHEREAS access to home support has decreased dramatically in the last few years and more generally since 1994, despite an aging population in BC; and

WHEREAS we are concerned that the significant cuts to hospital and residential care beds, combined with reduced access to home support, have resulted in a larger burden for home support to address acute needs for fewer patients; and

WHEREAS reduced access to and quality of home support adversely affect the most economically and physically vulnerable populations – namely seniors, particularly women, living alone and on low-incomes;

BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Port Moody recognizes and affirms:

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT the City of Port Moody call upon the Province of British Columbia:

To create an appeal board for people to dispute their home support assessment that is both impartial and representative of seniors and people with disabilities.
7.1 Committee of the Whole Ratification of Recommendations

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of June 12, 2007 be endorsed as follows:
THAT the 2007 Heritage Commission Work Plan and Budget be adopted.

THAT the City of Port Moody expand the Grade 5 GET ACTIVE! program to provide a complimentary twelve admission card to grade 6 students as part of the Grade 6 STAY ACTIVE! program commencing in the 2007/2008 school year.

THAT given the high costs to construct an interim gravel boat trailer parking site on Lot 54 and were it constructed, would not be completed in time for the 2007 boating season, that this project be referred back to the Boat Trailer Parking Working Group for further discussion.
7.2 Finance Committee Ratifcation of Recommendations

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of June 5, 2007 be endorsed as follows:
THAT the funding source for the PRV Hydraulic Energy Recovery Study be the Water Capital Reserve Fund.
THAT $1000 be allocated from the City Manager’s budget in 2008 for the Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference and a recommendation be forwarded to Council regarding a representative to attend the conference.
THAT the reallocation of wages for the Superintendent of Operations & Parks be authorized as outlined in the report dated May 30, 2007 submitted by the Engineering, Parks & Operations Department.
THAT a Finance Committee budget direction workshop meeting be scheduled on Tuesday June 19, 2007 from 3:00-7:00 pm.
8 Council Reports
8.1 Councillor Clay - Tree Retention and Tree Cutting Bylaw
Moved, seconded and CARRIED

WHEREAS the city tree retention bylaw has confusing wording in regards to when it does or does not apply, particularly in reference to residential properties, and development applications;


THEREFORE, be it resolved that tree retention bylaw wording be reviewed and updated to improve the clarity of the bylaw application.


Moved, seconded and DEFEATED

WHEREAS the city tree retention bylaw does not currently apply to existing residential developments;


THAT a new tree removal bylaw be brought forward for Council’s consideration which applies to private property.


Voting Against:  Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Dilworth, Elliott, Lahti and  Rockwell


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT staff research other municipalities that have tree removal bylaws, including determining the reasons tree removal bylaws were adopted by those municipalities in order to put together a recommended process for the possible implementation of a tree removal bylaw for Port Moody including a public consultation component for a report back to Council.
8.2 Councillor Clay - Minimum Wage
Moved, seconded and CARRIED

WHEREAS the minimum wage in British Columbia has not been adjusted in over five years, the second longest period in 40 years in British Columbia that it has not been adjusted;


WHEREAS British Columbia has the second highest rate in Canada of employees working for minimum wage or less and full time employment at the current minimum wage would leave individuals below the “poverty line” established by the Government of Canada;


NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Port Moody call upon the Provincial Government to increase the minimum wage to $10.00 per hour; and


RESOLVED THAT copies of this resolution be forwarded to Union of British Columbia Municipalities member municipalities and Port Moody’s MLA. 
8.3 Councillor Dilworth - Salmon Habitat Protection

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

WHEREAS wild Pacific salmon are important to all British Columbians and fulfill a key role in maintaining the equilibrium of our natural ecosystems;


AND WHEREAS a commitment to sustainability means taking care of our natural ecosystems, preserving resource based economies and regional food supplies, and ensuring that salmon continue to serve as a cultural icon to First Nations and the people of British Columbia;


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Port Moody requests the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) to request that the provincial and federal governments work in partnership with local governments to ensure the sustainability of wild Pacific salmon as a key priority and to mitigate threats, including those identified by the David Suzuki Foundation, so that wild Pacific salmon maintain robust populations, are resilient to climate change and benefit future generations;


AND THAT the foregoing resolution be forwarded to the UBCM for consideration at the 2007 UBCM Convention, UBCM member municipalities and to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association.
8.5 Staff Reports
Staff reported back to Council on the complaint by a resident on the work of the city’s grass cutting contractor at Weldon Court advising that the clean up required by city staff was minor and although this was not a regular issue with the contractor, the city’s displeasure was communicated to the contractor. 
9 Proclamations
BC Law Enforcement Torch Run Week - June 25-28,2007
10 Public Input
Hazel Mason - further input on tree cutting on private property