As a Coquitlam resident, I continue to be concerned about our council's lack of initiative on enacting an effective tree removal (read "preservation") bylaw as part of land use and development guidelines.
The Seattle Times recently reported that city officials in Bellevue, Wash. are taking decisive action to regulate "mega-homes" and tree removal.
Considering the mega-mess on Westwood Plateau and the recent brouhaha over the tree slaughter on Sydney Avenue, we need to remind our own city council that other jurisdictions are taking positive action to protect their communities.
The Bellevue guidelines will require a percentage of trees on lots to be preserved, perhaps 15 per cent or more.
If sensible development guidelines which reflect a value on longterm community sustainability and integrity can be enacted in Seattle, surely we can take a more serious look at similar positive bylaws for our own community.
It's high time Coquitlam citizens got together to discuss what kind of a community we envision for ourselves and our children.
Awareness of what's going on in neighbouring jurisdictions is a good start.