TriCity News
March 19,2005
What we got for more than $9 million in taxpayers' money (plus projected business contributions [in-kind[ from Oracle Canada, Freenet, COMPAQ, Sierra Consulting, LGS Group Inc., Telus Communications, Rogers Communications, ESCOM of $3.46 million):
* 19 computer stations with access to the internet; 12 are still operating, two with disabled access
* Web portal called with daily weather, gas prices, two news headlines and links to local papers, a community calendar (with local and non-local events), a brief write-up on a local business and community group, a directory of 255 businesses and community, sports and arts groups, a crime map (for Windows users only), articles on crime prevention and attending post-secondary school, movie listings, a job search function, transportation links, government links, restaurant write-ups. Content is submitted by groups and organized by Coquitlam parks and rec employees with what officials call a "state-of-the art" content management system.
* Online payment of city and utility bills, GIS mapping (for Windows users only) to locate parks, businesses, civic facilities on both and PoMo and Coquitlam websites; online registration for parks and rec programs.
* Innovation centre, 1207 Pinetree Way, owned and now operated by Coquitlam (11,000-square-foot space, furniture and equipment, originally valued at $850,000) with computers providing internet access, the Peter Legge library with motivational books, a small-business research library, conference rooms with video conferencing, temporary office space, government services for payment of fees and taxes, and new-business registration. FatPort (wireless) internet connection also available on site.
* Web broadcast studio at Port Moody city hall.
* A volunteer program and internet training, and classes on how to set up and maintain a website on
* 44 groups and 55 small businesses have their websites hosted on
* Available but not running: eStore and e-catalogue tools that would allow secure online payment for businesses.