Oct 9,2007 Council
Committee of the Whole
Regular Council
2. Public Input
Wendy Swalwell, 2129 Clarke Street, requested clarification on various aspects of the proposal for an emergency homeless shelter in Port Moody, requested clarification on the Moody Centre design charrette’s impact relative to the Official Community Plan and provided feedback, as a participant, on the Moody Centre design charrette and resulting information boards, indicating there were some inaccuracies.
Pat McGrath, Unit 40, 675 Noons Creek Drive, requested that the city more clearly advertise the content of Council agendas in the newspaper and on the city’s website. Representing St. Andrew’s United Church as a member, he spoke in favour of the proposal for an emergency homeless shelter at St Andrew’s United Church.
3.1 Freedom of the City - Elaine Golds
Mayor Trasolini granted Dr. Elaine Golds the Freedom of the City honour in recognition of her long standing service to the community in preserving and protecting Port Moody’s natural environment. Dr. Golds was presented with the Freedom of the City medal and the key to the city.
3.2 Mayor for a Minute - Recognition
Mayor Trasolini recognized the winners of the Mayor for a Minute event held during the 2007 Canada Day festivities to receive children’s suggestions for protecting the environment. The winners were as follows:
Julia Montgomery – 1st prize winner
Steven Blaber – 2nd prize winner
Nick Michalko – 3rd prize winner
Caleb McKenzie – honourable mention
Leslie Gilbert, Manager of Community Planning, in conjunction with community representatives, Jenny Tough, Robert Simons, Ann Kitching, and Darrell Penner provided a presentation of the results of the Moody Centre Design Charrette, the purpose of which was to develop a vision for the future of the Moody Centre neighbourhood as part of the larger Official Community Plan review process.
Ron Curties, Tri-Cities Homelessness Task Group member, provided an update on the work of the Task Group and events taking place during Homeless Action Week October 15 – 21, 2007. He invited Council members to meet with Tri-cities residents who are at risk of being homeless or are homeless by attending the food bank located at Trinity United Church in Port Coquitlam on October 17th where St. Catherine’s Anglican Church will be providing lunch for people in the food bank line.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT adoption of the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held Tuesday, March 13, 2007 be repealed;
AND THAT the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held Tuesday, March 13, 2007 be adopted as amended as outlined in the Memorandum of the City Clerk dated September 19, 2007.
4.2 City of Port Moody Waterworks Amendment Bylaw
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2743 be now adopted.
“City of Port Moody Tax Exemption Bylaw, 2007, No. 2739” a bylaw to provide exemption from taxation pursuant to Sections 224 to 227 of the Community Charter.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2739 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2739 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2739 be now read a third time.
“Council Procedure Bylaw No. 2709, 2006, Amendment Bylaw No. 1, No. 2745” a bylaw to amend section 6, Notice of Council Meetings.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2745 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2745 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2745 be now read a third time.
“Municipal Heritage Site Designation Bylaw, 2007, No. 2746” a bylaw to designate the Appleyard Residence and the land upon which the building is situated as a municipal heritage site.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2746 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2746 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2746 be referred to a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.
“Municipal Heritage Site Designation Bylaw, 2007 No. 2747” a bylaw to designate the land and buildings situated at 2320 Clarke Street as a municipal heritage site.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2747 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2747 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2747 be referred to a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, November 27, 2007 at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff investigate the feasibility of a membership card and admission premium surcharge model for assessing a user fee for the parks, recreation and cultural services currently being utilized by Anmore and Belcarra residents as outlined in the Director of Community Services and Director of Finance and I.T.’s September 28, 2007 report.
Voting Against: Councillors Clay and Elliott
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Village of Anmore be requested to submit a formal request to the Greater Vancouver Drainage & Sewage District of their desire to enter into the regional service area.
THAT if the Greater Vancouver Drainage & Sewage District is supportive of expanding its service area to include the Village of Anmore, the Village of Anmore be requested to provide funding to the city in the amount of $40,000, plus any inflationary adjustments if they wish to move to the next phase of exploring the feasibility of connecting to the regional sewer system through the City of Port Moody;
AND THAT the Village of Anmore be advised that the undertaking of the foregoing study does not imply any commitment by the city to provide sanitary connection to the Village and/or Anmore Green Estates.
Barb Pocock, Communications Advisor, provided an update on the Wayfinding Signage project and presented signage design concepts for feedback from Council.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the wayfinding tourism signage design concepts outlined in the October 1, 2007 report and presented at the October 9th, 2007 presentation to council, be received for information.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the wayfinding tourism signage design concepts be referred back to the original stakeholder group and all pertinent committees for comment and report back to a Committee of the Whole meeting.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a change in the curling lounge seating capacity from 125 to 150 seats be approved;
AND THAT the seating capacity increase be applied to the existing curling lounge license through an application for structural amendment to License #35578.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT a seismic assessment be undertaken for the Moody Street Overpass;
AND THAT the project be referred to Finance Committee for funding consideration.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Terms of Reference for the 2008 Council Indemnity Task Force be approved as amended to include, “Formula for on going adjustment of Council compensation” under Section 1. Committee Purpose.
7.1 Ratification of Committee of the Whole resolutions
Moved, Seconded and carried:
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of October 9, 2007 be endorsed as follows:
THAT consideration of approval of the Port Side Music Festival be deferred until such time as all necessary information is received.
THAT a Task Force of the Economic, Tourism and Arts Development Committee be established to develop criteria for festivals and special events in Port Moody;
AND THAT the current applicant work with the City to provide more information as required.
THAT the proposed operation of a temporary emergency homeless shelter at St. Andrew’s United Church in Port Moody be referred to the Community Care Committee for comment and report back to Council.
THAT the recommendation for attracting a private full spectrum of care seniors facility in Port Moody be forwarded to the Economic, Tourism and Arts Development Committee for their input.
THAT the membership of the Neighbourhood Advisory Committee (chaired by Ms. Margaret Carr-Hilton) for the Barber Lane Traffic Calming Initiative, as recommended by the Traffic Safety Committee and presented in the October 1, 2007 report titled “Barber Lane Traffic Calming – Formation of Neighbourhood Advisory Committee”, be approved.
THAT the membership of the Neighbourhood Advisory Committee (chaired by Mr. Wayne Petrie) for the Lower Ravine Drive Traffic Calming Initiative, as recommended by the Traffic Safety Committee and presented in the October 1, 2007 report titled “Lower Ravine Drive Traffic Calming – Formation of Neighbourhood Advisory Committee”, be approved.
THAT the recommendation and concerns from the Community Care Committee be received;
AND THAT staff incorporate these comments into the City of Port Moody’s written submission to Metro Vancouver regarding the Draft Regional Affordable Housing Strategy.
THAT Council support a staff investigation of a pilot project for worm composting which includes single family units as well as condominiums and strata housing;
AND THAT staff report back on the details and costs of implementing a pilot project for worm composting.
THAT a member of the City’s Planning and Development Services department be appointed to represent the City on the Tri-Cities Homelessness Task Group;
AND THAT the request for staff resources be forwarded to the Finance Committee for consideration as part of the budget process.
THAT Council support the development of a Solid Waste and Recycling Incentive and Disincentive Program;
AND THAT Council support the establishment of an Environmental Protection Committee sub-committee to work with staff to define measurable targets and an implementation timeline.
THAT staff develop a formal policy to protect streams during fire response for Council approval;
AND THAT following Council approval, the policy be forwarded to the Northeast Sector Environmental Stewardship Committee and the City of Burnaby for their information.
THAT Metro Vancouver regional municipalities be advised of Port Moody’s proposal to develop a protocol for the protection of watercourses and to request these municipalities to consider establishing a standard regional approach.
7.2 Ratification of Finance Committee resolutions
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolution of the Finance Committee meeting of September 18, 2007 be endorsed as follows:
THAT the $43,671.00 dividend cheque from the Municipal Insurance Association of BC be allocated to fund insurance cost overruns for the Recreation Centre project.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolution of the Port Moody Police Board meeting of October 1, 2007 be endorsed as follows:
THAT the Port Moody Police Board continue to support the Fraser-Burrard Community Justice Society, and will include the amount of $6,960 as a line item in the 2008 budget.
10. Public Input
David Ritcey, 2518 St. George Street, vice-president of the Moody Centre Community Association, commented on the results of the Moody Centre design charrette and provided feedback as a participant in the process.
Rob Lilley, 137 Blackberry Drive, Anmore, advised that the request for sanitary sewer service to Anmore Green Estates was a request of Anmore Green Estates through the Village of Anmore and suggested an agreement between the Village of Anmore and the City of Port Moody could be drafted so as to limit the sewer connection to Anmore Green Estates.
Xavier Serrano, 150 Blackberry Drive, Anmore, representing the sewer committee for Anmore Green Estates, urged Council to consider the request from Anmore Green Estates for sewer connection to Port Moody a project with limited scope as was originally requested, rather than a larger, more costly project.