Oct 11,2007 NESESC
4.1 Anti Litter Campaign
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the North East Sector Environmental Stewardship Committee approve receipt of the report entitled “North East Sector Litter-Free Campaign – Options”, dated September 6, 2007 submitted by Mr. A.V. Jensen, Manager of Environmental Services, City of Port Coquitlam, as amended;
AND THAT the North East Sector Environmental Stewardship Committee supports Option 1 (as amended) from the report, including the joint funding of a part time “litter free” coordinator based on the Simon Fraser Formula;
AND THAT the resolution of the committee be forwarded to the respective North East Sector Councils.
4.2 Zero Waste
4.3 Speaker series
4.4 UBCM / Provincial Govt Climate Change Accord, GHG Reduction Strategy
4.7 Waste To Energy
5.1 UBCM Resolutions
5.2 Zoned RS-1