Dec 11,2007 Council

Public Hearing
Agenda            Minutes
1.1 Public Hearing
3215 - 3221 St. Johns Street – Onni Development (St. Johns Street) Corp.
Zoning Bylaw Amendments 
Committee of the Whole
Agenda             Minutes    
4.1 Interactive Government and Communications Project

The Director of Corporate Relations presented the Port Moody Interactive Government Project Report and requested feedback from Council on the findings of the report and areas of interest Council would like staff to explore more fully.


Councillor Elliott left the meeting at 6:43 pm and returned at 6:47 pm.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT staff review the Port Moody Interactive Government Project Report dated October, 2007 and report back with suggestions on how to review and process the recommendations contained in the report.
5.1 Spirit of BC Committee Designation

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT in order for the community to receive the full benefits of Spirit of BC Community Committee status, the structure of the Games Legacy Task Force is to be changed to reflect the Chair being a community representative.
5.2 Environmental Protection Committee Annual Report

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the 2007 annual report of the Environmental Protection Committee be received and that the Environmental Protection Committee be asked to review this report and bring forward its annual work plan by February 2008.
5.3 City / CPR Advisory Panel Annual  Report

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the 2007 annual report of the City/CPR Community Advisory Panel be received for information.
5.4 Economic, Tourism and Arts Development Committee Annual Report

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the 2007 annual report of the Economic, Tourism and Arts Development Committee be received and that the Economic, Tourism and Arts Development Committee be asked to review this report and bring forward its annual work plan by February 2008.
5.5 Land Use Committee Annual Report

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the 2007 annual report of the Land Use Committee be received and that the Land Use Committee be asked to review this report and bring forward its annual work plan by February 2008. 
Regular Council
Agenda            Minutes
1.2 Public Input
Maria Wahl, CUPE Local 825 President, addressed Council to advocate for in-house solid waste collection.
Tarrance Grieve, 125 – 101 Parkside Drive, expressed support for the proposed re-zoning
application for 2318 St. Johns Street that would allow for temporary overnight shelter use at
St. Andrew’s United Church.
Barbara Junker, 817 Coylton Place, urged Council to support the Notice of Motion on the agenda regarding
opposing efforts to close the Burrard Thermal Generating Plant.
Peter Dasnieres, 7 - 2125 Clarke Street, requested clarification as to whether Council still
supported the Vintner alignment option for the Murray-Clarke Connector.
Ann Kitching, 120 April Road, requested a motion of support for the 2008 Seniors Housing and
Support Initiative “Where Minds Meet” project proposal grant application.
1.3 Mayors Annual Address on 2007 Activities

The Mayor highlighted  accomplishments of the past year relative to the four key goals identified in Council’s strategic plan:

Community Engagement and Planning for the Future
Excellence in Service Delivery
Livability and Sustainability

The Mayor advised of storm recovery efforts in response to last winter’s wind storms and noted efforts undertaken to urge the province to build the Murray-Clarke Connector and Evergreen Line. 

3.1 Interoperability Pilot Project
Jeff Lambert, Fire Chief, introduced Mike Dubé, Assistant Fire Chief Special Projects who made a presentation to Council on the North East Sector Interoperability Pilot Project, the goal of which is to align people, processes and technology across jurisdictions relative to fire, police and ambulance services.
3.2 Recreation Centre - Project Update

The Director of Community Services provided an update on the recreation centre expansion project, highlighting the four phases of the project:

·         tennis court relocation;

·         excavation, demolition and pile driving;

·         new arena, fieldhouse and viewing area; and

·         renovation of the existing areas.
Mr. Higo advised of the expected construction completion schedule for next year for phase four and provided information on the project budget.
4.1 Regular Council Minutes
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the minutes of the Regular Council meeting held Tuesday, November 27, 2007 be adopted.
4.2 Report of Public Hearing(s)

“City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 181, 2007, No. 2738”a bylaw to rezone 3355, 3365 and 3375 Dewdney Trunk Road from  a one family residential zone to a comprehensive development zone to permit 23 townhouse units.


“Municipal Heritage Site Designation Bylaw, 2007, No. 2746” a bylaw to designate the Appleyard Residence and the land upon which the building is situated as a municipal heritage site.


“Municipal Heritage Site Designation Bylaw, 2007 No. 2747” a bylaw to designate the land and buildings situated at 2320 Clarke Street as a municipal heritage site.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the Report of the Public Hearing on Bylaw Nos. 2738, 2746, 2747 held Tuesday, November 27, 2007 be received.
4.3 Fees Bylaw Amendment

“City of Port Moody Fees Bylaw, Amendment Bylaw No. 23”, No. 2740 a bylaw to update and regulate various fees and charges throughout the city.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2740 be now adopted.
4.4 Zoning Bylaw Amendment - 3215-3221 St Johns

“City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 182, 2007, No. 2744 “a bylaw to rezone properties located at 3215 – 3221 St. Johns Street from Automobile-Oriented Commercial (C5) to Community Commercial (C3).


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2744 be now a third time.

Voting Against:  Councillors Elliott and Watkins
4.5 Road Closing Bylaw - Onni/Suter Brook

“Road Closing Bylaw – Morrissey Road and Murray Street”, No. 2750” a bylaw to close a portion of Morrissey Road and Murray Street.


The Mayor provided an opportunity for public representations on the bylaw.  There were no speakers.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2750 be now adopted.
4.6 Zoning Bylaw - Site Specific Text Amendment
St Andrew's United Church, 2318 St Johns Street

Moved, seconded

THAT Bylaw No. 2752 be now read a first time.


Moved, seconded and DEFEATED

THAT Bylaw No. 2752 be amended by attaching a housing agreement to spell out the terms and conditions that the proponent has put forward as their operating plan.

Voting Against:  Mayor Trasolini, and Councillors Elliott and Rockwell


The motion on first reading of the bylaw was then put and CARRIED

Voting Against:  Councillor Clay
Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2752 be now read a second time.

Voting Against:  Councillor Clay


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2752 be referred to a Public Hearing to be held on Tuesday, January 22, 2007 at City Hall, 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody;


AND THAT the fees associated with the zoning bylaw text amendment be waived.
4.7 Solid Waste Bylaw Amendments

“City of Port Moody Solid Waste Bylaw, 1993, No. 2143, Bylaw No. 2755” a bylaw to update the City of Port Moody Solid Waste Bylaw, 1993, No. 2143 to reflect the upcoming Metro Vancouver disposal bans which take effect January 1, 2008.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2755 be now read a first time.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2755 be now read a second time.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Bylaw No. 2755 be now read a third time.
Staff were directed to report back to Council on whether there was a mechanism to allow for the disposal of yard waste in labeled re-useable garbage containers rather than in plastic bags.
5.1 Murrary Clarke Connector
The Mayor advised that TransLink would be making a decision as to whether to proceed with the Murray-Clarke Connector overpass project at its December 12, 2007 board meeting.
5.2 West Coast Express Parking

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the Corporate Relations Department report dated November 26, 2007 relative to the West Coast Express parking lot options be received for information.
6.1 Mayors Appointments 2008 Committees - Council Appointments

The Mayor made the following Council member appointments to select, short term select (task forces), standing and  statutory committees as well as regional and local committees:


Select Committees


Burrard Thermal Liaison


Community Care


CPR Community Advisory


Economic Tourism & Arts Development


Environmental Protection


Fire Department Advisory


Traffic Safety

Youth Focus

  • Representative – Councillor Rockwell
  • Representative – Alternate – Councillor Clay



Standing Committees:



  • Chair – Councillor Rockwell
  • Vice-Chair – Councillor Dilworth


Land Use

  • Chair – Councillor Lahti
  • Vice-Chair – Councillor Elliott



Statutory Committees:


Emergency Measures Policy Planning

  • Chair – Mayor Trasolini
  • Representative – Councillor Elliott


Heritage Commission

  • Chair – Councillor Elliott
  • Vice-Chair – Councillor Watkins


Joint Family Court & Youth Justice

  • Representative – Councillor Watkins


Library Board

  • Representative – Councillor Lahti


Parks & Recreation Commission

  • Chair – Councillor Rockwell
  • Vice-Chair – Councillor Clay


Police Board

  • Chair – Mayor Trasolini



Task Forces:


Boat Trailer Parking Working Group

  • Chair – Mayor Trasolini


Games Legacy

  • Representative – Councillor Elliott
  • Representative – Councillor Watkins

Light Rail Transit


Mountain Biking


Murray-Clarke Connector



Regional and Local Committees:




Chamber of Commerce


Community Dialogue Table


Festival of the Arts


Fraser Burrard Community Justice


Fraser Health/Municipal Government Advisory Council


Golden Spike Days


GVRD Port Cities Task Force


NorthEast Sector Environmental Stewardship


School District 43


Tri-Cities Homelessness Task Group

Representative – Councillor Dilworth

Vancouver Port Authority

  • Representative – Councillor Elliott


West Nile Virus Adult Mosquito Control Local Advisory

Representative – Councillor Dilworth
6.2 Mayors Appointments 2008 Committees - Community Appointments

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the following community members be appointed to committees, for a term of one year, except where specified:


Statutory Committees:


Board of Variance (3 year term)

George Broderick


Joint Family Court & Youth Justice Committee (2 year term)

Jenny Hyechun


Library Board  (2 year term)

Nawar El-Khouri

Barry Fleming

Katherine Fraser

Don Logie


Parks & Recreation Commission

Christina Bennett

John Callaghan

Marisa Cohen

Ann Kitching

Steve Kurrein

Jessica Lahti

Amelia Lee

Melanie Montgomery

Nancy Scott

Anita Wilks


Select Committees:


Burrard Thermal Liaison Committee

Tricia Bloomfield

Elaine Golds

Dave Fox – BC Hydro representative

Gillian Robinson – BC Hydro representative

Bob Hinkel


Canadian Pacific Railway Community Advisory Panel

Wade Leslie – Pacific Coast Terminals representative

Richard Thorne

Ulric Wong

Rick Weber


Community Care Committee

Marie Brymer

Helen Chen

Klaus F. Dorr

Nicki Forster

Chana Fuks  

Tarrance Grieve

Gillian Hepburn

Allen Hunt

Robert Simons

Clifford Van Alstyne

Jessica Wakeling


Council Indemnity Task Force

Margaret Carr-Hilton
Ron Curties
Rosario Passos
Darryl Tolentino

Economic Tourism & Arts Development Committee

Stephanie Booth – Chamber of Commerce representative

Jamie Cuthbert

John Grasty

Munu Hicken-Gaberria

Ann Hulbert

Shahid Hussain

Salim Jan-Mohamed

Lili Nasseri

Karen Pighin

Sharron Tulk


Environmental Protection Committee:

Tricia Bloomfield

Brandon Elliott

Timothy Bennett

Mike Doucet

Rick Glumac

Kathy Heisler

Diane MacDougall

Jim Mattson

Christine Patterson

David Ritchey

Valerie Simons


Fire Department Advisory Committee

Brandon Elliott
Denis Heinrichs
David Hilderley
Jae Kwon Kim
Jon Piasecki - volunteer firefighter representative
Mike Shefley - I.A.F.F. 2399 representative
Rob Suzukovich -  I.A.F.F. 2399 representative

Traffic Safety Committee

Gord Couling - I.C.B.C. representative

Sol Friedman

Patrick McGrath

Murray Peterson

Wayne Petrie

John Seinen

Richard Thorne


Youth Focus Committee

Braedyn Erlenbach

Natalie Forster

Taylor Jones

Jason Kim

Kacy Park

Geoffrey Suh

Ian Swanson

Shane Virani

Sheldon Wallace



The Mayor announced the following community member appointments to the Heritage Commission and Land Use Committee:


Heritage Commission (Statutory Committee)

Stephanie Caron
Stan Copp
Bob Hinkel
Darrell Penner - Port Moody Heritage Society representative
Ajay Shah
Ron Simpson
Fred Soofi
Dave Zille

Land Use (Standing Committee)

Dianna Brown
Helen Brown
Nicola Ho
Glen MacRae
Darryl Tolentino
Cynthia van Ginkel
6.3 Acting Mayor Appointments, 2008

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the Acting Mayor appointments for 2008 be as follows:



Councilllor Watkins



Councillor Rockwell


Councilllor Watkins



Councillor Rockwell


Councillor Dilworth



Councillor Clay


Councillor Dilworth



Councillor Clay


Councillor Lahti



Councillor Elliott


Councillor Lahti



Councillor Elliott

6.4 Council Member Appointments to Metro Vancouver LRB

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Councillor Rockwell be appointed Director on the Greater Vancouver Labour Relations Bureau;


AND THAT Councillor Watkins be appointed alternate.
6.5 Council Member Appointments to LMTAC

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the appointments to the Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee (LMTAC)be as follows:


Council Representative – Councillor Watkins             

Alternate Council Representative – Councillor Elliott
6.6 Council Member Appointments to MIA

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the appointments to the Municipal Insurance Association be as follows:


Voting Delegate - Councillor Dilworth

1st Alternate - Councillor Lahti

2nd Alternate - Councillor Rockwell
6.7 Council Member Appointments to Metro Vancouver board

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Mayor Trasolini be appointed Director on the Greater Vancouver Regional District Board;


AND THAT Councillor Clay be appointed alternate.
6.8 Funding Arrangements, Arts Centre and Heritage Societies

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the City enter into the new Arts Assistance Program Agreements with the Port Moody Arts Centre and the Port Moody Heritage Society replacing the existing Fee for Service Agreements.
6.9 Recreation Centre Running Track Fees

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT a drop-in fee of $2 be approved for the use of the running track in the recreation centre and that the fees and charges bylaw #2740 be amended to reflect this change.


AND THAT seniors 60yrs+ be provided with access to the running track from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. daily at no charge.
6.10 Notice Of Motion - Councillor Rockwell - Privatized Power and Burrard Thermal

Whereas the BC Energy Plan and the recent BC government self-sufficiency directive to the BC Utilities Commission (BCUC), could see the closure of Burrard Thermal even though the  Burrard Thermal plant has let BC Hydro take advantage of the wholesale electricity markets without being dependent on them and is an extremely important strategic asset to the BC Hydro system, and;


Whereas Burrard Thermal’s unique value includes being strategically located in the lower mainland close to a highly concentrated population base, helps ensure peak and annual electricity requirements can be met and is an important facility to the economy and tax base of Port Moody and can be retrofitted and repowered to include the full offset of GHG and other emissions, and;


Whereas the BC Utilities Commission has not yet addressed whether it is in the best interests of British Columbians to close Burrard Thermal, and recent independent analysis suggests our self-sufficiency requirements could be most affordably and environmentally met by balancing domestic and imported power supply combined with a retrofitted and repowered Burrard Thermal, however Calgary-based Westpac LNG has recently begun planning to construct a natural gas  generation and import facility on Texada Island in the Strait of Georgia, which the proponent claims will speed the closure of Burrard Thermal.


Therefore be it resolved that the City of Port Moody oppose all efforts to close this important and strategic asset and call for an immediate upgrade and repowering of Burrard Thermal to include the full offset of GHG or other emissions, and;


Therefore be it resolved that the City of Port Moody continue to oppose the actions of Bill 30 that precluded municipalities in having meaningful input into any energy developments, and;


Therefore be it finally resolved that the City of Port Moody call upon the UBCM to conduct a comprehensive review of the impacts of the BC governments Energy Plan including the future of Burrard Thermal, the impacts of new developments and the future of our public hydro system.
Councillor Rockwell advised that when the motion comes forward at the next Council meeting she would be providing research critiquing the provincial government’s Energy Plan. 
6.11 2008 Seniors Housing and Support Initiative Grant Application
Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT Council fully supports the 2008 Seniors’ Housing and Support Initiative “Where Minds Meet” project proposal and will provide overall grant and financial management for the project;


AND THAT the project proposal be referred to the Community Care Committee for information.
6.12 Council Attendance at FCM Sustainable Communities Conference and Expo
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Councillor Clay be authorized to attend the FCM Sustainable Communities Conference and Trade Show 2008 taking place February 14 - 16, 2008 in Ottawa.
6.13 Live Aboard boats and Unauthorized Docks in Burrard Inlet
Following up on a request from Council, the City Manager provided a recommendation relative to the issue of live aboard boats and unauthorized docks in the inlet at Port Moody for Council’s consideration.


Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council supports an initiative by the Vancouver Port Authority’s Harbour Master to enforce all regulations applicable to temporarily and permanently anchored boats, docks, floats, water crafts, and other structures;


AND THAT Council supports strict measures to prevent illegal dumping in the Port Moody arm of the Burrard Inlet.
7.1 Ratifcation of decisions from Committee of the Whole

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of December 11, 2007 be endorsed as above 
7.2 Ratification of decisions from Finance

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of December 4, 2007 be endorsed as follows:
Whereas the Murray Clarke Connector project was initiated in the 1990s; and 
Whereas this project is not a City of Port Moody project, no funding has been appropriated for it;
Therefore be it resolved that we communicate to TransLink the urgency for the completion of the Murray Clarke Connector project.
THAT pre-approval be of the 2008 capital projects be authorized based on the recommendations submitted by staff.
THAT the City send a letter to residents advertising the public budget meeting scheduled for January 24, 2008.
10. Public Input