Feb 12,2008 Regular Council

 Public Hearing
Agenda                 Minutes

City of Port Moody Zoning Bylaw 1988, No. 1890, Amendment Bylaw No. 183, 2007, No. 2752 - Zoning Bylaw Text Amendment 2318 St. Johns Street(St. Andrew’s United Church)


Public Input

Wendy Swalwell, 2129 Clarke Street, asked how many homeless people are picked up in Port Moody and from where and what the 24 hour phone number was for anyone who had concerns about the shelter which she had been told was available.

Tim Lissmore, #1 – 302 Afton Lane, thanked Council for its support of the project and issued an open invitation for those interested to drop by the church to view the operations of the shelter.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2752 be forwarded to the next Council meeting for further consideration.
Regular Council Meeting
Agenda               Minutes
2. Public Input
Wendy Swalwell, 2129 Clarke Street, representing the Moody Centre Community Association, spoke regarding the Evergreen Line ALRT alignment options, advising of her organization’s reluctance to endorse either alignment option without further details of the project, as well as her organization’s efforts to inform its membership of the two options and requesting both the city and TransLink provide the required project information by the time the Town Hall meeting is held and communicate the information to Port Moody residents.
Responses from the Mayor:
 - detail sent by Minister (Falcon), at grade on CP Right of Way
 - Translink staff will be at the Public Meeting
 - Should have been done deal already, POMO OCP and Livable region strategic plan based on LRT to NE Sector
 - would not accept elevated, to be at grade all the way.
Hazel Mason, 2918 St. George Street, spoke to the proposed road closing for 3002 Murray Street, requesting that all other options be explored to fund the city’s portion of the Murray-Clarke Connector project instead of selling 3002 Murray Street.
Response from Mayor:
 - provincial government has option to purchase this land should it not be used for MCC
 - city will have to 'buy' it from the province if it wants to keep
 - community garden was aware of this when they commenced using this land
 - city is looking into every and all option.
3.1 Delegation - Mayors for Peace

Susan Ruzic and Jacquie Boyer, together with students from Moody Elementary school, requested that Council adopt a resolution to make the City of Port Moody a “Mayor for Peace City” by having the Mayor join the Mayors for Peace organization.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the delegation request be dealt with this evening.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Mayor Trasolini become a member of the Mayors for Peace organization.
3.2 Delegation - Heritage Week
Diana Brown, Acting President, Port Moody Heritage Society and Station Museum, and Mr. Jim Millar, Manager / Curator, Port Moody Station Museum, provided Council with an overview of the 2008 Heritage Week community events taking place February 18th – 24th.
4.2 Housing Agreement - St Andrews United Church, Cold Wet Weather Mat Program
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2761 be now adopted.
4.3 Zoning Bylaw 1988, No 1890, Amendment Bylaw no 183,2007, No 2752
Zoning Bylaw Amendment for St Andres United Church, 2318 St Johns Street
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2752 be now read a third time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2752 be now adopted.
4.4 (A)  Road Closing Bylaw, 2933 and 3002 Murray Street
Road Closing Bylaw – 3002 Murray Street, No. 2756” a bylaw to facilitate the disposal of 3002 Murray Street in order to utilize the funds towards the cost of building the Murray-Clarke Connector.

An opportunity was provided for public representations on the bylaw and the City Clerk advised that a piece of correspondence had been received and circulated on-table:

Email: Hazel Mason, Louis Sztrigan and Shani Sztrigan dated February 10, 2008. There were no speakers.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2756 be now adopted.
4.4 (B) Road CLosing Bylaw, 2933 and 3002 Murray Street
“Road Closing Bylaw – 2933 Murray Street, No. 2757” a bylaw to facilitate the disposal of 2933 Murray Street in order to utilize the funds towards the cost of building the Murray-Clarke Connector.

An opportunity was provided for public representations on the bylaw.

There were no speakers.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2757 be now adopted.
4.5  Fees Bylaw Amendment
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2758 be now adopted.
4.6 Onni Suter Brook Road Closure Amendment Bylaw no 2759
“Road Closing Bylaw – Morrissey Road and Murray Street”, No. 2759” a bylaw to amend the area noted within the legal description of the portion of road closed at Morrissey Road and Murray Street by Bylaw No. 2750.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2759 be now adopted.
4.7 Notice against land title, 137 Buckingham Drive, Building Regulation Contravention(s)

An opportunity was provided for the owners of the affected property to make representations. There were no speakers.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the property at 137 Buckingham Drive, Port Moody, BC (Lot 12, Block E, Plan 13859, DL 233, NWD, PID 009-864-385) is in contravention of the City’s Building and Plumbing Code Administrative Bylaw No. 2577, in that “no person shall commence or permit the commencement or continuation of any construction or demolition unless a valid permit has been issued for the work by the Building Official;

AND THAT in accordance with the provisions of Section 57 of the Community Charter, the City Clerk file a Notice in the Land Title Office, New Westminster, BC with respect to the aforementioned property stating:

a) Council has passed a resolution relating to the property at 137 Buckingham Drive, Port Moody BC, (Lot 12, Block E, Plan 13859, DL 233, PID 009-864-385);


b) Further information respecting it may be obtained at the offices of the Municipality.
4.8 NOtice against land title, 315 Highland Way, Building Regulation Contravention(s)

An opportunity was provided for the owners of the affected properties to make representations.

Bella Daniels and George Tumpach, owners of Unit 4 - 315 Highland Way, addressed Council, advising of their efforts to seek compliance with the city’s Building and Plumbing Code Administrative Bylaw.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the properties at 315 Highland Way including:

Unit 1 – 315 Highland Way legally described as Strata Lot 109, DL 470, Group 1, NWD, NW971 PID 001-607-812
Unit 2 – 315 Highland Way legally described as Strata Lot 110, DL 470, Group 1, NWD, NW971 PID 001-607-821
Unit 3 – 315 Highland Way legally described as Strata Lot 111, DL 470, Group 1, NWD, NW971 PID 001-607-839
Unit 4 – 315 Highland Way legally described as Strata Lot 114, DL 470, Group 1, NWD, NW971 PID 001-607-871
Unit 5 – 315 Highland Way legally described as Strata Lot 113, DL 470, Group 1, NWD, NW971 PID 001-607-863
Unit 6 – 315 Highland Way legally described as Strata Lot 112, DL 470, Group 1, NWD, NW971 PID 001-607-847

are in contravention of the City’s Building and Plumbing Code Administrative Bylaw No. 2577, in that “no person shall commence or permit the commencement or continuation of any construction or demolition unless a valid permit has been issued for the work by the Building Official;

AND THAT in accordance with the provisions of Section 57 of the Community Charter, the City Clerk file a Notice in the Land Title Office, New Westminster, BC with respect to the aforementioned properties stating:

(a) Council has passed a resolution relating to the properties at:

Unit 1 – 315 Highland Way legally described as Strata Lot 109, DL 470, Group 1, NWD, NW971 PID 001-607-812
Unit 2 – 315 Highland Way legally described as Strata Lot 110, DL 470, Group 1, NWD, NW971 PID 001-607-821
Unit 3 – 315 Highland Way legally described as Strata Lot 111, DL 470, Group 1, NWD, NW971 PID 001-607-839
Unit 4 - 315 Highland Way legally described as Strata Lot 114, DL 470, Group 1, NWD, NW971 PID 001-607-871
Unit 5 – 315 Highland Way legally described as Strata Lot 113, DL 470, Group 1, NWD, NW971 PID 001-607-863
Unit 6 – 315 Highland Way legally described as Strata Lot 112, DL 470, Group 1, NWD, NW971 PID 001-607-847;


(b) Further information respecting it may be obtained at the offices of the Municipality.

4.9 Lot Dedication, Lots 6,7,8 Pleasant Street
Moved, seconded and CARRIED

1. An Official Community Plan amendment be prepared to change the land use designation from Single Family Low Density Form to Parks and Open Space for Lots 6, 7, and 8 on Pleasant Street;

2. A Zoning Bylaw amendment be prepared to rezone Lots 6, 7, and 8 on Pleasant Street from RS1 to P1; and

3. A park dedication bylaw be prepared to dedicate Lots 6, 7, and 8 as park.

AND THAT this item be referred to the next Finance Committee for identification of a funding source.
5.1 Evergreen Line, Alignment Community Consultation Process

Council provided feedback to staff on the proposed Evergreen Line feedback form and Town Hall meeting agenda. 

Moved, seconded

THAT staff undertake a comprehensive community consultation process and a Town Hall meeting regarding the Evergreen Line.

Councillor Rockwell left the meeting at 8:44 p.m.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the foregoing motion be amended by replacing the period (.) with a semi-colon (;) and adding the following:

“AND THAT an invitation be extended to the Minister of Transportation to attend the Town Hall meeting.”

The motion, as amended, was then put and CARRIED as follows:

THAT staff undertake a comprehensive community consultation process and a Town Hall meeting regarding the Evergreen Line;

AND THAT an invitation be extended to the Minister of Transportation to attend the Town Hall meeting.
6.1 Port Moody Firefighters Wellness and Fitness Initiative
Jeff Lambert, Fire Chief, Mike Cornish, Port Moody Firefighter, and Rod de Boer, Port Moody Firefighter, provided a presentation on the proposed joint labour/management wellness and fitness initiative for Port Moody Firefighters.
6.2 Additional Community Member Appointments to 2008 Committees
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following appointments be made to Select Committees:

Council Indemnity Task Force

Ann Hulbert

CPR/City Community Advisory Committee

Marg Karset, Industry representative

Rick Poznikoff, Co-chair, CPR representative

Bob Zeglinski, CPR representative

Economic, Tourism and Arts Development Committee

Barrie Seaton replaces Stephanie Booth as Chamber of Commerce representative

Traffic Safety Committee

Mel Mercier

The Mayor announced that Councillor Clay replaces Councillor Elliott on the Metro Vancouver Port Cities Task Force.

6.3  Consent to receive Greater Vancouver Water District Grant in Lieu
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council consent to receive the Greater Vancouver Water District’s Grant in Lieu in the amount of $12,984;
AND THAT the foregoing resolution of consent be forwarded to the Greater Vancouver Water District for payment of the grant in lieu.
6.4 Equitable Police Funding, Endorsement of City Of Abbotsford Resolution
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City of Port Moody endorses the City of Abbotsford’s resolution regarding equitable police funding.
6.5 City of Port Moody, Award of Merit
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proposed structure for the identification, qualification and presentation of awards of merit within the City of Port Moody be endorsed in principle and that a corporate policy be brought forward for Council’s review and approval.
6.6 Support of Engagement Framerwork - Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Fraser Port Authority
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City of Port Moody endorses the Preliminary Engagement Framework – Metro Vancouver and Vancouver Fraser Port Authority.
6.7 Multi Family Public Consultation
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City Manager’s report dated February 5, 2008 be received for information.
6.8 Proposed City-wide Property Audit

Moved, seconded and CARRIED

THAT the City-Wide Property Audit Project Concept Statement be endorsed;

AND THAT staff proceed with advertisements announcing a city-wide property audit program, setting out the intent of the program;

AND THAT staff proceed with investigating and resolving encroachments by orthophoto map page starting at A1 through to E7;

AND THAT affected property owners be given written notification of the encroachment and their options, following which a final agreement would be negotiated;

AND THAT a new account titled City-wide Property Audit be created with a budget of $50,000, with funding to be determined.

Voting against: Councillor Clay
6.9 Proclamation Request - Heritage Week - Feb 18-24
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proclamation request from Heritage BC to proclaim February 18 – 24, 2008 “Heritage Week” in the City of Port Moody be approved.
6.10 Proclamation Request - Stop Bulling Day - Feb 27
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proclamation request from CKNW Radio’s Christy Clark Show to proclaim February 27, 2008 “Stop Bullying Day” in the City of Port Moody be approved.
6.11 Thin Film Plastic Bag Ban
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the City of Port Moody endorse the District of Maple Ridge’s resolution with respect to supporting a lower mainland wide ban on free thin film plastic bags as has been suggested by Vancouver city council;

AND THAT the foregoing resolution be forwarded to the Lower Mainland Local Government Association for consideration.

Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Clay and Watkins
7.1 Release of In Camera Resolution
The Mayor requested the City Clerk to read out a resolution that was passed at the February 12, 2008 Special In-Camera meeting and approved for public release regarding the proposal for joint funding by the Tri-City municipalities for a permanent homeless shelter in the Tri-Cities as follows:

“THAT correspondence be forwarded to the Cities of Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam advising that, although the City of Port Moody supports the need for a permanent homeless shelter, the City of Port Moody is not prepared to provide funds for land, development cost charges or capital costs of such an initiative.”

7.2 Ratification of Finance Committee Resolutions
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meeting of February 5, 2008 be endorsed as follows:

THAT a grant in the amount of $1,137 to the POCOMO Meals on Wheels be approved.

THAT consideration of the grant request received from the Golden Spike Days Society be tabled until the next meeting, and

THAT a representative of the Golden Spike Days Society be invited to attend the next meeting.

THAT a grant in the amount of $1,120 to Coastal Sound Music Academy be approved.

THAT a donation of prizes, to include recreation passes, up to a $300 value be approved for the Heritage Woods Secondary School 2008 After Grad Celebration.

THAT a grant in the amount of $350 to the Kyle Centre Fencing Club be approved.

THAT a grant in the amount of $5,500 to Port Moody Ecological Society be approved.

THAT a grant in the amount of $1,137 to Port Moody Senior Secondary School scholarships be approved.

THAT a grant in the amount of $10,000 to Port Moody Senior Housing Society be approved.

THAT the purchase of police vehicles be pre-approved from the 2008 capital budget.

9.1 Public Budget - Town Hall Comments and Questions
10. Public Input
Dianna Brown, 368 Oxford Drive,
· Suggested patrons of the Boathouse Restaurant may unknowingly park in spaces reserved for boaters at Rocky Point Park;
· suggested previous staff reports prepared relative to the Skytrain line be provided for the Town Hall meeting;
· sought clarification of the terms of the encroachment agreements that may be entered into as part of the city-wide property audit;
· suggested there was feedback from the multi-family town hall meeting that a community garden was desired by multi-family residents;
· advised that the police sign in front of the Public Safety Building was no longer lit up at night; and
· indicated she was surprised at statistics quoted earlier relative to brown bags vs. plastic bags.
Ron Curties, 1901-200 Newport Drive,
· thanked Council for supporting the re-zoning of St. Andrew’s United Church to permit its use as a temporary homeless shelter;
· expressed disappointment that Council does not wish to contribute to a proposed permanent homeless shelter for the Tri-Cities;· sought clarification as to the rationale for Council’s position that it didn’t support an above grade Skytrain alignment along the CPR Right-of-Way;
· suggested there was confusion regarding the intent of the Murray Street road closing bylaws and that the advertisements did not adequately describe the purpose of the road closures .