Business Competitiveness Task Force

Terms of Reference

Type: Select

Committee Name: Business Competitiveness Task Force File: 0360-20-32


Approval Date: September 28, 2004

1.0 Committee Purpose

To research, discuss and propose measures that can be taken by the City to be more business friendly

and facilitative in attracting and retaining small businesses in the City.

2.0 Duties

2.1 The Committee will provide advice and recommendations in the following areas:

 City processes or requirements that may act as impediments to establishment or

continued operation of businesses

 Measures to reduce time and/or cost associated with City business and development

application review processes

 Measures to ensure that City requirements related to business and development

application review processes, licenses and permits are rational and understandable

 Economic development initiatives that support business attraction and retention

 Any other matters referred to the Task Force by Council.

3.0 Membership

3.1 In addition to the two Council representative(s), the Committee will be comprised of the

following appointed pursuant to the Council Committee system policy:

 One representative from each of the Newport Village Merchants Association and the

Moody Centre Business Association

 One Chamber of Commerce representative

 One representative from the City’s Economic, Tourism and Arts Development


 Five members at large representing a variety of small business sectors in the City.

Council Committee Terms of Reference

Type: Task Force

Name: Business Competitiveness Task Force

File: 0360-20-32 Page 2

#19319 v1 - Terms of Reference - Business Competitiveness Task Force

4.0 Operations of the Task Force

4.1 Meeting Schedule

The Task Force will meet at the call of the Chair.

4.2 Final Report

The Task Force is expected to submit its final report to Council on or before the last Council

meeting in December, 2004.

4.2 Rules of Procedure

Meetings shall be conducted in accordance with the rules of procedure set out in the Council

Procedure Bylaw and Committee System Policy.

The Task Force is authorized to conduct public consultation as they deem appropriate within

established budget guidelines.

Within the first month of operation, the Task Force shall prepare a draft budget for their

activities. Should that budget exceed an amount which can be readily accommodated within the

staff liaison’s budget, the staff liaison will prepare a funding request for Finance Committee.