Dec 6,2005
The December 6 council meeting is a largely ceremonial meeting.
-Mayors appointment to committees
Burrard Thermal Liaison Committee
Chair: Councillor Lahti
Vice Chair: Councillor Clay
Community Care Committee
Chair: Councillor Rockwell
Vice Chair: Councillor Elliott
CPR Community Advisory Panel
Co-Chair: Mayor Trasolini
Representatives: Councillors Elliott and Rockwell
Economic, Tourism and Arts Development Committee
Chair: Councillor Rockwell
Vice Chair: Councillor Elliott
Environmental Protection Committee
Chair: Councillor Elliott
Vice Chair: Councillor Clay
Fire Department Committee
Chair: Councillor Clay
Vice Chair: Councillor Rockwell
Traffic Safety Committee
Chair: Councillor Clay
Vice Chair: Councillor Watkins
Youth Focus Committee
Representative: Councillor Watkins
Emergency Measures Policy and Planning Committee
Chair: Mayor Trasolini
Vice Chair: Councillor Elliott
Finance Committee
Chair: Councillor Lahti
Vice Chair: Councillor Dilworth
Heritage Commission
Chair: Councillor Watkins
Vice Chair: Councillor Lahti
Joint Family Court & Youth Justice Committee
Representative: Councillor Watkins
Land Use Committee
Chair: Councillor Dilworth
Vice Chair: Councillor Rockwell
Library Board
Representative: Councillor Dilworth
Parks and Recreation Commission
Chair: Councillor Dilworth
Vice Chair: Councillor Rockwell
Police Board
Chair: Mayor Trasolini
Business Competitiveness Task Force
Chair: Councillor Lahti
Vice Chair: Councillor Rockwell
Games Legacy Task Force
Representative: Councillor Watkins
Light Rapid Transit Task Force
Chair: Councillor Lahti
Vice Chair: Councillor Clay
Mountain Biking Task Force
Chair: Councillor Clay
Vice Chair: Councillor Watkins
Murray Clarke Connector Task Force
Chair: Councillor Elliott
Vice Chair: Councillor Dilworth
Representative: Councillor Clay
Chamber of Commerce
Representative: Councillor Rockwell
Festival of the Arts
Representative: Councillor Dilworth
Fraser Burrard Community Justice
Representative: Councillor Watkins
Golden Spike Days
Representative: Councillor Lahti
NorthEast Sector Environmental Stewardship
Representative: Councillor Elliott
School District 43
Representative: Councillor Lahti
TriCities Community Consultative Committee
Representative: Councillor Clay
Vancouver Port Authority
Representative: Councillor Lahti
West Nile Virus Adult Mosquito Control Local Advisory
Representative: Councillor Dilworth
-Acting Mayor Appointments
Jan/Feb - Dilworth
Mar/Apr - Rockwell
May/June - Clay
July - Watkins
Aug/Sep - Lahti
Oct/Nov - Elliott
Dec - Watkins
-Council appointments to GVRD board
Mayor Trasolini - Director
Lahti - Alternate
-Council appointments to GVRD Labor Relations Bureau
Elliott - Director
Lahti - Alternate
-Council appointments to municipal insurance association
Voting Delegate - Rockwell
Alternates - Clay (1), Watkins (2)
-Council appointments to lower mainland treaty advisory committee
Representative - Rockwell
Alternate - Dilworth
-Appointment of signing officer
Trasolini or Lahti or Royer or Roberts or Tulloch
Rockwood or Harding
-Appointment of approving officer