Jan 24,2006

Committee of the Whole
Agenda        Minutes
3.1 Port Moody Library 2006-2008 Strategic Plan
Jill Cook, Chair, Port Moody Public Library Board presented the Port Moody Public Library 2006-2008 Strategic Plan. Don Logie, Library Board Vice Chair, Dave Whelan, Board member and Diana Guinn, Chief Librarian were also in attendance. The plan addresses infrastructure, collections, services and programs, staffing, community relationships, funding and support.
Regular Council Meeting
Agenda        Minutes
2 Public Input
Mr. Brain Sproule, 3313 Dewdney Trunk Road advised he was a resident of the Cedar Brook mobile home park which has been acquired by a developer. He expressed his desire to have some of the land retained for residents of the mobile home park who wished to continue living on the site. He expressed his concern that there was very little funding allocated by the Federal and Provincial governments for affordable housing.
4.2 Rec Centre Borrowing Amendment
reducing the amount of borrowing for the Rec Centre from 11 Million to 5 Milion
Recreation Centre Improvements Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2583, Amendment Bylaw No. 2689
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2689 be now adopted.
4.3 Police Building Loan Authorzation
borrowing of $ 3 million for the police building construction, carried unanimously
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council approve the borrowing from the Municipal Finance Authority (MFA) of British Columbia, as part of the MFA's 2006 Spring Issue, $3,000,000 as authorized through Loan Authorization Bylaw title "Public Safety Building Construction Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 2679" of the City of Port Moody;

AND THAT the Greater Vancouver Regional District (GVRD) be requested to consent to the City's borrowing over a TWENTY (20) year term and include the borrowing in the GVRD's Security Issuing Bylaw.

4.4 Zoning Bylaw - Appia
- adoption of the zoning bylaw amendment for the Irly Bird/Appia Development proposal
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2656 be now adopted.
Voting Against: Councillor Watkins
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the Development Agreement Covenant and Easement documents required in support of Bylaw No. 2656.
4.5 Abandonment of Bylaw 2668 - Adoption of Adaptable Design Guidelines
- the city had previously instituted this bylaw for accessibility requirements in new developments, but are withdrawing the bylaw as it is inconsistent with legislation
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the report of the Planning and Development Services Department dated January 17, 2006, be received for information purposes.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2668 be abandoned.
4.6 Corporate Policy for filing of financial disclosure by municipal employees
- this policy lists the positions that are required to file financial disclosure to the city indicating interests they have in companies, etc that may lead to conflict of interest allegations
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Corporate Policy No. 1-0110-2 Designation of Municipal Employees for the Purposes of Filing Financial Disclosure Statements be approved.
6.1 Major Capital Financing Task Force - dissolution
- as the financing is now completed for the two major project, the task force was wrapped up.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Major Capital Plan Financing Task Force be thanked for its work and be dissolved.
6.2 Games Legacy Task Force
This item was not dealt with
6.3 LRT Task Force - Terms of reference
- Terms of reference for the LRT task force adopted.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the terms of reference for the Light Rail Transit Community Task Force as outlined in the Council Report dated January 17, 2006 be endorsed.
8.2 Staff Reports 
The City Manager advised of the Province’s intention to provide incentives to port industries by imposing a cap on taxes for port properties. The City Manager advised there were taxation implications to the city.
Direction was provided to staff to determine the intentions of the Provincial Government with respect to the recent ports competitive initiative and report back to Council.