Feb 26,2008 Regular Council
Committee of the Whole Meeting
4.1 Summer Playground Service - Recommendation from Parks and Rec Commission
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City replace the free Summer Fun Playground Service with a registered summer playground program that offers weekly, daily and ½ day registrations for a fee, as suggested through the Cost Leadership exercise in 2007
5.1 Rocky Point Park, Boatlaunch Mooring - Recommendation from Parks and Rec Commission
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the current policy that prohibits overnight mooring at Rocky Point Park be maintained
5.2 Waste to Energy , Site Visit - Recommendation from Environmental Protection Committee
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City explore opportunities for waste-to-energy facilities, or concept, within the City and the Metro Vancouver Region.
Regular Council Meeting
2. Public Input
Dave Ungless, 515 San Remo Drive, advised that he understood the property on Murray Street on which the community garden is located may be sold and presented a number of reasons for retaining it.
Ann Hulbert, Ioco Road, commented on the following:
• indicated she is opposed to getting rid of the community garden;
• advised that the advertisement outside City Hall for the March 3rd Town Hall meeting was incomplete and requested that the start time for the open house portion of the meeting be added;
• advised that park users are parking in the boater parking lot at Rocky Point Park; and
• advised that the Acting Mayor received an elementary school tour at City Hall.
Anne Kitching, 120 April Rd., urged Council to retain the community garden.
Diana Brown, 368 Oxford Drive, commented on the following:
• provided an overview of the events held for Heritage Week;
• requested clarification as to whether the city would be prohibiting the parking of boat trailers along Murray Street; • advised of her understanding that the Metro Vancouver Land Use Committee is encouraging municipalities to provide greenspace for growing produce.
Lulu Chavez, Relay for Life Co-Chair, Canadian Cancer Society encouraged Council to actively fundraise for the Coquitlam Relay taking place at the Percy Perry Stadium commencing on Saturday, June 7, 2008.
Wendy Koeppen, representing Inlet Community Garden, provided background on the development of the community garden and requested that Council not sell the land at 3002 Murray Street in order to ensure that the community garden is retained and further suggested that if the land had to be sold that the City purchase the property.
4.2 Report of Public Hearings
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Report of the Public Hearing on Bylaw Nos. 2752 and 2753 held Tuesday, January 22, 2008 and Tuesday, February 12, 2008 be received
Bylaw 2752 - Overnight Homeless Shelter, St Andrews United Church
Bylaw 2753 - Subdivision of Parcel 8, Commercial Property, Polygon Klahanie
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2764 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2764 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2764 be now read a third time.
Change of name of task force and amendments to terms of reference, and committee policies.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the amendments to the Games Legacy Task Force terms of reference and the Council Committee System Policy as attached to the report of the Director of Community Services dated February 15, 2008, be approved for implementation
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proclamation request from the Kidney Foundation of Canada to proclaim March, 2008 “Kidney Health Month” in the City of Port Moody be approved
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proclamation request to proclaim March, 2008 “Song of Peace Month” be approved
7.1 Committee of the Whole - Ratification of recommendations
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of February 26, 2008 be endorsed as noted above
7.2 Finance Committee - Ratification of recommendations
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolution of the Finance Committee meeting of February 19, 2008 be endorsed as follows:
THAT the minutes of the Finance Committee meeting held February 5, 2008 be adopted as amended. (Correction of grant to Port Moody Secondary School should be $1,200).
The Director of Engineering, Parks and Operations updated Council on the request from the Village of Anmore to hook up to the city’s sanitary sewer system to service Anmore Green Estates, advising that the Village of Anmore has applied to Metro Vancouver and that their request is on the upcoming agenda for the next Metro Vancouver Waste Committee meeting with a recommendation that the committee provide support in principle for Anmore to connect to the regional sewer system with the condition that Anmore enter into an agreement with Port Moody to accept sewage flows. Mr. Wat further advised of correspondence from Anmore to Metro Vancouver that indicates Anmore may be interested in having sewer servicing to an area larger than Anmore Green Estates and that the city may be receiving further correspondence from Anmore.
9.2 Release of In Camera Items
That staff exercise the option to repurchase the former city property at the original purchase price of $ 3.2 million
That following the sale, staff bring forward a request to the Finance Committee for demolition and property cleanup.
That staff be directed to market the property for sale.
That as a result of purchasing back the 'Brickyards' property, $ 502,898 be transferred from the Heritage fund to the Asset Infrastructure Renewal Reserve.
That staff proceed with the process outlined in the November 22,2007 memo from the senior project manager with a view to researching opportunities for a waste to energy plant at the landfill site;
AND that the process include research related to what site remidiation would be required for such a plant and what co-users might be appropriate;
AND that any future use be on a leasehold basis.
THAT while investigating the opportunities for a waste to energy plant on the landfill site, staff also investigate what local customers, such as Reichold Chemicals and other industries, could use the waste to heat energy and that BC Hydro also be consulted and considered in this research.
THAT correspondence be forwarded to the Cities of Coquitlam and Port Coquitlam advising that , althought the City of Port Moody supports the need for a permanent homeless shelter , the City of Port Moody is not prepared to provide funds for land, development cost charges or capital costs of such an initiative. That the foregoing motion be released at the Feb 12,2008 Regular Council Meeting.
10 Public Input
Dianna Brown, 368 Oxford Drive, commented on the following:
• requested clarification as to the consecutive term length permitted for Standing and Select committees;
• asked if anyone from Port Moody Council or staff would be attending the City of Coquitlam’s Evergreen Line Town Hall meeting; and
• suggested using the profit from the sale of the Brickyards property for the Murray-Clarke Connector project.
Ron Curties, 200 Newport Drive, requested that Council advise the Provincial government that its new carbon tax will have a negative impact on transit use as the increased tax will force transit fares to go up.