Apr 8,2008 Regular Council
Committee of the Whole
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT consideration of the report from the Director of Strategic Planning and Culture dated March 27, 2008 be deferred to the April 22, 2008 Committee of the Whole meeting.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the city install a pedestrian barrier/median fence on Ioco Road between Newport Drive and Ungless Way, as soon as possible, with consideration given to the “City of the Arts” branding and incorporating a decorative component.
Voting Against: Councillors Dilworth, Elliott, Lahti and Rockwell
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT ICBC, TransLink, and other government grant opportunities (i.e. Arts & Culture) be investigated for funding of a pedestrian barrier on Ioco Road between Newport Drive and Ungless Way.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the city study the additional installation of fencing on Ioco Road between Newport Drive and Guildford Way, and also on Murray Street west of Ioco Road, in anticipation of increased pedestrian traffic in this area.
Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Elliott and Rockwell
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff report back to a future Committee of the Whole meeting with design and financing options for a pedestrian barrier for Ioco Road between Newport Drive and Ungless Way;
AND THAT the arts community be consulted relative to developing possible design options.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Social – Safe Community category of the Sustainability Checklist be amended to include:
• Provision of adequate emergency access for the Fire Department including fire apparatus and firefighter equipment;
• Provision of Firesmart considerations in a new development if applicable;
• Ensuring that runoff during a fire event in commercial or industrial zones, can be contained and routed to the sanitary system rather than receiving watercourses.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Port Moody Fire Department be renamed “Port Moody Fire – Rescue”.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the delay in hiring two firefighters until June 30, 2008 coincide with the accelerated hiring of two firefighters for 2009 to take advantage of cost and training efficiencies.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT effective January 1, 2009 the 2009-2010 Recycling & Waste Collection Schedule be changed to reflect yard waste curbside collection in properly labeled containers or compostable paper bags in lieu of plastic as a result of a plastic bag ban effective January 1, 2009;
AND THAT effective immediately, residents be encouraged through advertising and a notice on the web site, to replace the use of plastic bags with labeled containers or paper compostable bags for collection of yard waste.
Public Hearing
1.1 File: BL2765
“Heritage Revitalization Agreement Bylaw No. 2688, 2005, Amendment No. 1, 2008, No. 2765” a bylaw to amend the existing Heritage Revitalization Agreement for the Appleyard Residence at 2714 Clarke Street.
Public input
- there were no speakers
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2765 be forwarded to the next Council meeting for further consideration.
Regular Council Meeting
2. Public Input
David Spence, 2722 Henry Street, Port Moody, speaking on behalf of the Coastal Sound Music Academy Children’s Choir, thanked Council for providing financial support for the Coastal Sound Children’s Choir’s tour of China enabling them to purchase jackets with the Port Moody City of the Arts word mark which choir members wore during the tour and particularly thanked the Cultural Services Manager and the Mayor for arranging to have the city’s friendship city Tianjin Tanggu host the choir for part of their tour.
Donna Otto, 2722, Henry Street, Port Moody, provided an overview of the hospitality shown to the choir during the choir members’ stay in Tianjin Tanggu.
Dianne Brown, 368 Oxford Drive, Port Moody commented on the following:
• expressed support for pedestrian fencing on Ioco Road if the design included artistic elements and shrubs on either side of the fencing;
• expressed support for elimination of plastic bags for yard waste;
• on behalf of the Port Moody Heritage Society, advised that the society receiving funding from Direct Access which will be used to make needed repairs and refurbishments to the museum.
Bill Brown, 124, 101 Parkside Drive, Port Moody, expressed support for Council’s recent budget decisions.
Gerry Nuttall, 137 April Road, Port Moody, commented on the following:
• asked what the city was doing in terms of enforcement of the recent smoking ban regulations;
• spoke in support of a resident’s application to the city to rent a portion of the Queen Street Plaza for the purpose of operating a bedding plant outlet and requested clarification from the city as to why it would be necessary to re-zone the area for that use.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Public Input Period be extended.
Hazel Mason, St. George Street, Port Moody, commented on the following:
• spoke to the proposed amendments to the Heritage Fund Bylaw asking how much money was in the fund and what park land had been purchased with the funds and spoke in opposition to the proposed amendments to the Heritage Fund Bylaw citing concerns that acquisition of park land may become less a priority;
• asked when the public consultation process for the proposed tree protection bylaw would commence.
Representatives from the Eagle Mountain Girl Guides provided Council with an update of their recent community activities and promoted their 2008 Classic Cookie Campaign.
3.1 b Chegdu Artists Exhibit
The Mayor thanked the artists delegation from Chengdu,China and presented them with a collage of materials related to their activities during their visit to Port Moody.
3.2 Public Budget Presentation - Public Input Opportunity
The Director of Finance and Information Technology provided a presentation on the proposed 2008 – 2012 Financial Plan, providing information on:
• the financial plan process;
• the city’s financial position;
• financial plan drivers;
• the general revenue fund;
• capital & operating projects;
• utilities; and
• the dollar impact to the average taxpayer.
Public Input:
Helen Daniels spoke to the proposed budget:
• requested that a larger percentage of the city’s budget be spent on arts and culture;
• expressed concern regarding the process undertaken by Council to reduce the budget; and
• indicated that from the information provided at the budget open house in January that she expected the budget increase to have been approximately 6%.
Judith Atkinson spoke to the proposed budget:
• advised she was a local artist and expressed her opinion that if Port Moody wished to live up to being City of the Arts, more than 2% of the city’s budget should be spent on arts and culture; and
• spoke about Vancouver’s cultural initiatives.
Gerry Nuttall spoke to the proposed budget:
• indicated that as a former Councillor he could not recall the city turning down any request from the arts community;
• expressed support for Council’s budget decisions;
• suggested that at the January budget open house information should been provided on the other governmental agencies tax increases;
• requested clarification as to whether the City would be responsible for covering any cost overruns for the Murray-Clarke Connector project if it exceeds the $50 million budget;
• recognized the work of the budget sub-committee; and
• suggested a further budget reduction could be made to Council’s travel budget.
Councillor Elliott left the meeting at 8:50 p.m. and returned at 8:52 p.m.
Diana Brown spoke to the proposed budget:
• requested clarification as to what types of maintenance would be reduced due to the reduction in the parks contracts budget and whether it would impact the boulevard maintenance on St John’s Street;
• requested clarification as to whether the art component budgeted for the new Public Safety Building would be placed inside or outside the building;
• requested clarification as to what the $85,000 budgeted for the Murray/Moody intersection was to be used for; and
• asked how much money the city borrowed through the Municipal Finance Authority for the expansion of the recreation centre.
Darryl Tolentino spoke to the proposed budget:
• advised that he was on the Board of the Directors of the Port Moody Arts Centre and was Chair of this year’s Festival of the Arts;
• stated that, in his opinion, lack of support from residents is the biggest challenge in terms of support for arts and culture in the city.
Ron Curties spoke to the proposed budget:
• requested clarification as to the status of the Boat Trailer Parking Working Group’s recommendation last year that additional dockage be installed at Rocky Point Park.
Sharon Dibble spoke to the proposed budget:
• requested clarification on plans for redevelopment of the former land fill site and the feasibility of moving the works yard to that site;
• the development plans for the works yard site if the works yard is moved; and
• whether there are plans to clean up the vegetation in the area next to Pioneer Park.
4.2 Heritage Revitalization Agreement Amendment - 2714 Clarke Street
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2765 be now read a third time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2765 be now adopted.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2763 be now read a first time.
Voting Against: Councillor Clay
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2763 be now read a second time.
Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini and Councillor Clay
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2763 be now read a third time.
Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini and Councillor Clay
4.4 (a) 2008 Financial Plan Bylaw
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2774 be now read a first time.
Voting Against: Councillors Elliott and Rockwell
Moved, seconded
THAT Bylaw No. 2774 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the foregoing motion be amended by adding: “as amended in Schedule B – Revenue Plan Objectives and Policies under the graph entitled, Share of Property Tax Revenue by Class, by adding the words, ‘Share of Property Tax Revenue by Class in 2008 is budgeted to be similar to levels in 2007.’”
The motion on second reading as amended was then put and CARRIED as follows:
THAT Bylaw No. 2774 be now read a second time as amended in Schedule B – Revenue Plan Objectives and Policies under the graph entitled, Share of Property Tax Revenue by Class, by adding the words, “Share of Property Tax Revenue by Class in 2008 is budgeted to be similar to levels in 2007.”
Voting Against: Councillors Elliott and Rockwell
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2774 be now read a third time.
Voting Against: Councillors Elliott and Rockwell
4.4 (b) Reserve Expenditures Bylaw
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2775 be now read a first time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2775 be now read a second time.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2775 be now read a third time.
An opportunity was provided for property owners of the effected properties to make representations on the following proposed recommendation. There were no speakers.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT properties relating to 200 Newport Drive including:
Unit #704 – 200 Newport Drive, Port Moody, BC legally described as Strata Lot 114, District Lots 191 and 470, Group 1, NWD LMS2505 PID 023-506-962; and
Unit 705 - 200 Newport Drive, Port Moody, BC legally described as Strata Lot 115, District Lots 191 and 470, Group 1, NWD LMS 2505 PID 023-506-971
are in contravention of the City’s Building and Plumbing Code Administrative Bylaw No. 2577, in that “no person shall commence or permit the commencement or continuation of any construction or demolition unless a valid permit has been issued for the work by the Building Official;
AND THAT in accordance with the provisions of Section 57 of the Community Charter, the City Clerk file a Notice in the Land Title Office, New Westminster, BC with respect to the aforementioned property stating:
(a) Council has passed a resolution relating to the properties:
Unit 704 – 200 Newport Drive, Port Moody BC legally described as Strata Lot 114, District Lot 191 and 470, Group 1, NWD LMS 2505 PID 023-506-962; and
Unit 705 - 200 Newport Drive, Port Moody BC legally described as Strata Lot 115, District Lot 191 and 470, Group 1, NWD LMS 2505 PID 023-506-971
(b) Further information respecting it may be obtained at the offices of the Municipality.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the use of the single sourcing process for the procurement of a fire engine for the Port Moody Fire Department be approved;
AND THAT Smeal Fire Apparatus Co. be identified as the single source provider for a 2008 Smeal 8000 LPM Custom Rescue Pumper on a 2008 Spartan ELFD Custom Cab and Chassis for the sum of $701,500 plus taxes.
6.1 Committee Appointments
The Mayor appointed Councillor Lahti Chair of the Finance Committee.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Gray Giovanetti be appointed to the Environmental Protection Committee.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proclamation request from the Public Works Association of British Columbia to proclaim May 18-24, 2008 “National Public Works Week” be approved.
7.1 Ratification of Committee of the Whole resolutions
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of April 8, 2008 be endorsed as above.
7.2 Ratification of Finance Committee Resolutions
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the following resolution of the Finance Committee meeting of April 1, 2008 be endorsed as follows:
2008 – 2012 Financial Plan
THAT the Fire Chief and City Manager report back with funding requirements for the Fire Department training program in the amount of $54,000 funded on a one time basis;
AND THAT they report back with a strategy to establish a Fire Department training budget.
Corporate Policy – Recognition
THAT $2000 funding for the Corporate Policy – City of Port Moody Recognition of Merit be approved and funded from the unallocated operating reserve.
Onni Assessment Appeal
THAT the one time retroactive reduction to the 2007 tax revenue in the amount of $13,518 be funded from the Assessment Appeal Reserve;
AND THAT the tax rate be increased to 3.58 % to accommodate the tax revenue loss for years 2008 forward.
Port Moody Secondary School Dry Grad
THAT the City provide a donation of goods up to $300 value for the Port Moody Secondary School Dry Grad.
8.1 Verbal Reports - Council
The Mayor spoke of the benefits of exercise in contributing to the health and wellbeing of city staff and suggested Council consider making the new recreation centre facilities available to Port Moody staff free of charge.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the recreation centre facilities be made available to Port Moody staff free of charge.
8.2 Verbal Reports - Staff
The Director of Community Services provided a status update on the actions taken by International Paper Industries, the city’s solid waste and recycling collection contractor, to address service issues identified by the city advising:
• they have completed review of routes to better balance workload and current equipment;
• are in the process of securing additional collection equipment;
• have increased their supervision of route collection; and
• are evaluating their call centre structure with respect to the feasibility of 24/7 phone service.