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June 27,2008 The Now News


Angela Mackenzie, Coquitlam NOW

Published: Friday, June 27, 2008

Port Moody councillors voted to support the continued operation of the Burrard Thermal Generating Station beyond 2014 as a "reliable and relatively clean energy source" to help meet the province's needs during high-demand periods, such as during the winter months and in emergency conditions.

The resolution states that pollution from the energy plant has been "significantly reduced" in recent years and that there is "no significant negative impact" from the plant on water quality in Burrard Inlet.

In a written committee report to council, Coun. Bob Elliott states that the mayor and the city manager met with B.C. Hydro officials, who confirmed that the plant's closure in 2014 is no longer part of the provincial government's energy plan.

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