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July 22,2008 Council Meeting

Committee of the Whole
Agenda               Minutes
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT as an interim measure, the southbound midblock Ioco Road bus stop north of Newport Drive be relocated to farside Newport Drive for a six month period;

AND THAT pedestrian behavior be monitored during this period;

AND THAT Port Moody Police be requested to undertake a second survey of jay walking activity in this area.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council endorse Alternative #2 identified in the Planning and Development Services report dated July 11, 2008 with respect to the naming of streets, parks and trails.

Separation of the question was requested.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City make improvements to allow pedestrian and stroller access to the sidewalk at the corner of Guildford Way and Carlsen Place.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the City investigate the feasibility of installing a pedestrian activated traffic signal at the intersection of Guildford Way and Carlsen Place.

Voting Against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillors Clay, Dilworth, Elliott, Lahti, Rockwell and Watkins

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City complete the bike lane connection on Guildford Way between the eastern City limit and the Ioco Road/Murray Street intersection.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2008 Heritage Commission Work Plan and Budget be endorsed.
Separation of the question was requested.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Mayor and Councillors be provided with City approved PDAs upon request;
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council members be provided with the option to enroll with single coverage, in extended health and dental benefits (Pacific Blue Cross) with 50% of the premiums covered by the City;
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
AND THAT the next Council Indemnity Task Force revisit whether there should be compensation for Acting Mayor in all circumstances, and the potential for an increase to the $250 expenses allocation including surveying other jurisdictions.
Voting Against: Councillors Clay, Elliott and Rockwell
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Council Indemnity Task Force be thanked for its work and be disbanded.
5.4 Draft Translink Consultation, Interim Report
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT TransLink’s draft Consultation Interim Report and publication entitled, “Transport 2040 – A Transportation Strategy for Metro Vancouver, Now and in the Future” be received. 
Public Hearing
Agenda               Minutes
Regular Council Meeting
Agenda               Minutes
2. Public Input
- no speakers
4.2 Suter Brook Parcels B and D, LUC and OCP amendments
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT Bylaw No. 2779 be now read a third time, as amended, by replacing schedule H with revised schedule H.
Voting Against: Councillors Clay, Dilworth, Elliott, Lahti, Rockwell and Watkins

“City of Port Moody Land Use Contract No. 4, 1978, Authorization Bylaw No. 1409, Amendment Bylaw No.6, 2008, No. 2780” a bylaw to amend the Land Use Contract for Suter Brook site in Inlet Centre.

Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT Bylaw No. 2780 be now read a third time.
Voting Against: Councillors Clay, Dilworth, Elliott, Lahti, Rockwell and Watkins
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2783 be now adopted.
4.4 Automated Voting Machines Authorization Bylaw
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2784 be now adopted.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the RS-1 Zone under the Zoning Bylaw No. 511 for 11A First Avenue be varied in accordance with Development Variance Permit No. 2008-76 to reduce the front yard setback from 7.5 meters (24.6 ft.) to 3.0 metres (9.8 ft.) and to reduce the rear yard setback from 7.5 metres (24.6 ft.) to 1.5 metres (4.9 ft.);

AND THAT Development Variance Permit No. 2008-76 be issued subject to the finalization of the legal documentation and fulfillment of the remaining conditions of the subdivision to the satisfaction of staff;

AND THAT the Mayor and Clerk be authorized to execute the necessary legal documents required in support of this application.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proposed Coquitlam City Centre Area Plan be received for information;

AND THAT the City of Port Moody’s concerns relative to traffic be conveyed to the City of Coquitlam.

5.1 Park dedication, Knowle Street/Newport Drive, former Petrocan lands
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
WHEREAS Petro-Canada donated a parcel of land located at the intersection of Ioco Road and Newport Drive as a contribution to the City of Port Moody in support of the Recreation Centre capital campaign;

AND WHEREAS this prominent parcel is immediately adjacent to Pioneer Memorial Park and adds significantly to the city’s green space in the Inlet Centre area;

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT staff proceed with the requirements to dedicate as park the property legally described as Lot 54, District Lot 191, Group 1,New Westminster District Plan 57149 (PID: 000-661-821).

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2007 Annual Water Quality Report be received.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City applies to the Canada-B.C. Building Canada Fund – Community Component for the Ioco Road Bridge at Noons Creek Replacement.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the City applies to UBCM for a $5,000 Emergency Planning grant to prepare and execute an Emergency Preparedness Functional Exercise for staff.
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT the City of Port Moody Council consents to the adoption of the Greater Vancouver Regional District Regional Emergency Planning Service Establishment Bylaw No. 1079, 2008.

Voting Against: Councillors Clay, Dilworth, Lahti and Rockwell

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proclamation request from the New Westminster & District Labour Council to proclaim September 1 – 7, 2008, “Union Label Buying Week” be approved.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the request from the Canadian Red Cross to issue a proclamation of support for its Auxiliary Role Project be approved.
7.1 Ratification of Committee of the Whole recommendations
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meetings of July 15, 2008 and July 22, 2008 be endorsed as follows:
July 22,2008 - as above.
July 15,2008 COW meeting:
THAT the Sustainability Charter be adopted.

THAT the section entitled, “Explanation of Sustainability Plan” be adopted as amended as follows:

�� by removing the second paragraph in its entirety;

�� in the third paragraph, by replacing the word, “SPM”  with the word “city” and revising the wording for better fluidity;
�� in the fifth paragraph, by adding the words, “This plan is consistent with Council’s Strategic Plan”.

THAT the sections entitled, “Environmental Sustainability: Principles” and “Environmental Sustainability: Categories” be adopted as amended as follows:

�� under Principles, in the third bullet, by replacing the  word, “resources” with the word, “environment”; and
�� in the fourth bullet, by adding the words, “and wildlife habitat”; and

�� by removing the ninth bullet in its entirety; and

�� Under Categories, in the eighth bullet, by removing the  words “and plant species”; and
�� adding “Wildlife habitat” as the ninth bullet.

THAT the sections entitled, “Economic Sustainability: Principles” and “Economic Sustainability: Categories” be adopted as amended as follows:

�� under Principles, by adding as a fifth bullet, the words, “Maintain the value of the public assets through proper asset management, planning, policies and programs”; and
�� by adding as a sixth bullet, the words, “Ensure service delivery is commensurate with the needs and financial capabilities of the community”; and
�� by adding as a seventh bullet, the words “Consider the full lifecycle costs and benefits when making investment decisions”; and

�� under Categories, by revising the wording under bullet one to read, “Infrastructure renewal planning and maintenance planning”; and
�� revising the wording under bullet two to read, “Facility lifecycle planning”; and
�� revising the wording under bullet three to read, “Fleet maintenance and planning”; and
�� revising the wording under bullet five to read,  “Taxation and long term financial planning”.

THAT the sections entitled, “Social Sustainability: Principles” and “Social Sustainability: Categories” be adopted as amended as follows:

�� under Principles, by revising the wording under bullet  one to read, “Ensure an inclusive, accessible, attractive, livable and healthy community with excellent quality of life for all citizens”; and
�� under bullet five by correcting the spelling of “well being” and removing the words, “and using our lobbying role”; and
�� adding as a sixth bullet, the words, “Provide a safe and secure community”; and
�� add as a seventh bullet, the words, “Support the development of compact community design in developments”; and
�� under Categories, by adding as a fourth bullet the words, “Pedestrian and Cycling”; and

�� adding as a fifth bullet, the words, “Public safety”; and

�� adding as a sixth bullet, the words, “Parks and Recreation”; and
�� adding as a seventh bullet, the words, “Civic engagement”.

THAT the sections entitled, “Cultural Sustainability: Principles” and “Cultural Sustainability: Categories” be approved as amended as follows:

�� under Principles, by revising the wording under bullet one to read, “As City of the Arts, incorporate arts and culture as part of the fabric of everyday life”; and
�� replacing the wording under bullet three with the  words, “Promote, conserve and enhance heritage assets”; and
�� replacing the wording under bullet four with the words, “Perpetuate ethnic and multicultural knowledge and practices”; and
�� under Categories, by replacing the two existing bullets with three new bullets – “Art”, “Culture” and “Heritage”.

THAT the Sustainability Goals be returned to staff to further develop the Sustainability Plan by incorporating the Council Strategic Plan goals as well as components of the Sustainability Checklist;

AND THAT the plan be returned to a future Committee of the Whole meeting for Council’s review.

Sustainability Checklist
THAT the comments from committees and staff relative to the Checklist for Sustainable Community Development be received.

THAT the Sustainability Checklist be referred back to staff to incorporate civic committee and Council comments, develop a glossary, seek developer and DRG feedback, particularly on the weighting component of the document and apply the document to the following four development proposals as a practice/training/checklist testing exercise:

�� Crescendo Tower;

�� Thrifty’s in Suter Brook;

�� Shoppers Drug Mart; and

�� Mosaic;

AND THAT staff report back to a future Committee of the Whole meeting.

8. Councl / Staff Reports
9.2  Release of In Camera items:
December 12, 200 Special In-Camera meeting:
THAT the Mayor and staff meet with Onni representatives to look at all other options that will make the building of the hotel possible.
February 12, 2008 Special In-Camera meeting:
THAT staff and the Mayor continue discussions with Onni representatives on the proposed development proposal relative to:
�� a larger affordable housing fund;
�� advising Onni that the original hotel concept is nonnegotiable; and
�� urging a Leed certification higher than silver for the project.
February 26, 2008 Special In-Camera meeting:
THAT approval in principle be provided for Onni to bring forward their revised concept proposal for the Suter Brook development through the development approval process.
June 24, 2008 Special In-Camera meeting:
THAT staff be authorized to execute a Non-Binding Letter of Intent with the PlascoEnergy Group regarding the potential construction and operation of a waste conversion facility at the Barnet Highway Landfill;

AND THAT the Environmental Protection Committee or a Task Force formed by the Committee oversee the due diligence review of the Plasco waste to energy proposal and make recommendations to Council by the end of September 2008.

June 24, 2008 Special In-Camera meeting:
THAT the report of the Planning and Development Services Department dated June 16, 2008 and the Memorandum from Mayor Trasolini dated June 18, 2008 be received for information.
10. Public Input
- no speakers 
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