Dec 9,2008 Regular Council
Committee of the Whole
5.1 Traffic Safety Committee 2008 Annual Report
Regular Council Meeting
2. Public Input
J Matthews - Port Moody Arts Centre, re: Phone system replacement. Old system was bought by the arts centre, not the city.
3.1 2009-2013 Port Moody Police Dept Budget Presentation
Community police office in Newport Village
Re-establishing reserve program
No call too small - 4 minute response to priority 1 and 7 minute average to other calls
Port Moody has comparatively low crime rate
Ratio of police to population: Abb 1-666 , Pomo 1-667, West Van 1-583, Victoria 1-452, New West 1-574
- 1 to 642 if proposed budget approved with new officers
Assume pop of 32000 in 2009
- $ 197 / capita cost in 2006 , $ 220 / capita cost in 2008, $ 234 / capita proposed 2009
- average cost for municpal police in 2006 - $ 273 / capita
Improve ratio 1:642
Improve Dispatch service
Continued work with Integrated teams
Address ever incrasing legal documentation and requirements
Better meet risign expectations of the community
- community policing office, reserve program, K9/dog services, increase officers
8.2% of 13.1% is due to collective agreements, and carry over of staff hired last year.
.25% inflation and charges from outside agencies
1.14% improvements for dispatch services
.1% new programs
2.9% additional police officers (3)
Community police station: $ 18,500
Community security for pre-olympic events: $ 9,000
Reserve Program: $ 33,000 less approrpation from surplus, $ 29,000 - net $ 4,000
Dog services: $ 4,600
4.2 Receipt of Public Hearing Report, Zoning Text Amendment for Public Service (p1) zone
Port Moody Recreation Centre, 300 Ioco Road
Moved, seconded and carried:
THAT the report of the Public Hearing on Bylaw No. 2795 held Tuesday, November 25,2008, be received.
4.3 Fees Bylaw Amendment
Moved, seconded and carried: That Bylaw No. 2793 be now adopted.
Q. What was the revenue for the early opening from the swim club.
A. Opened 10 days earlier, revenue 2500 for early opening, 5500 for the season.
Q. Will this be reviewed later ?
A. Council can pass as it is, staff will bring back in January, can be amended then.
Moved, seconded and carried:
THAT all capital expenditures except for those specifically excluded in the Mayor's report dated November 25,2008 be placed on hold until adoption of the 2009-2013 Financial Plan
Q. When will budget town hall meeting take place ?
A. Early in the new year - January - council to meet to discuss priorities. Finance committee reviewing budget impacts. Town hall meeting likely in February.
THAT further direction be provided to staff regarding the pre-approval of any or all projects submitted as part of Schedule A.
Moved, seconded:
6.3 Port Moody Recreation Complex, Gift Cards and Take Your Seat Plaques
Verbal Report, Director of Community Services
Gift cards are available at the rec centre for fitness passes and programs in any financial denomination.
Take your seat, promotion, dedicate a plaque on a seat at the rec centre and contribute to fund raising for the rec centre capital campaign.
Moved, seconded:
THAT the report of the Chief Election Officer dataed December 1,2008 be received for information.
It was noted that Sylvia Richardson was missing from the results list.
the motion was amended to be received with the inclusion of Sylvia Richardson on the results. And carried:
THAT the results of the public opinion question on increasing the interval between elections from three years to four years be forwarded to the UBCM and the provincial government
Canada-BC Building Canad Fund - Communities Component
Moved, seconded and carried:
THAT the Mayor, on Council's behalf, send a letter and supporting information to the chair of the Translink Board, the local Member of the Legistlative Assembly, the Provincial Minister of Transportation and the Federal Minister of Western Economic Diversification Canada, requesting their support for this project.
Moved, second and carried:
THAT the report be received.
Moved, seconded and carried:
That council receive the proposed Southwest Coquitlam Area Plan for information;
AND THAT staff report back to the next meeting with are report encompassing council and staff comments on the OCP amendment.
6.8 Council Appointments of Acting Mayor
January |
Counc. Elliott |
February |
Counc. Elliott |
March |
Counc. Dilworth |
April |
Counc. Dilworth |
May |
Counc. Rockwell |
June |
Counc. Rockwell |
July |
Counc. Nuttall |
August |
Counc. Nuttall |
September |
Counc. Clay |
October |
Counc. Clay |
November |
Counc. Lahti |
December |
Counc. Lahti |
THAT Mayor Trasolini be appointed as Director on the Greater Vancouver Regional District Board;
AND THAT Councillor Rockwell be appointed as alternate.
THAT Councllor Rockwell be appointed Director on the GVRD Laobur Relations Bureau.
AND THAT Councllor Nuttall be appointed alternate.
6.11 Council Appointments to Municpal Insurance Assocation
THAT the appointments to the Municipal Insurance Association be as follows:
Voting Delegate: Counc Elliott
1st Alternate: Counc Nuttall
2nd Alternate: Counc Clay
THAT the appointments to the Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee be as follows:
Council Representative: Counc Nuttall
Alternate Council Representative: Counc Elliott
6.13 Appointment of Signing Officers
THAT effective December 2,2008, the Signing Officers Resolution, approved on December 6,2005, be rescinded;
AND THAT the Signing Officers for all the City Bank Accounts be Mayor Trasolini; or in the abscence of the mayor, the chair of the finance committee, or G. Royer, City Manager; or M.A. Roberts, Deputy Director of Finance and I.T.; or C. Harding, Manager of Revenues and Taxation
AND P.M. Rockwood, Director of Finance and IT; or R.Anderson, Senior Accountant
7.1 Committee of the Whole
8.1 Council Verbal Reports
8.2 Staff Verbal Reports
10. Public Input