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May 9,2006

Committee of the Whole
Agenda     Minutes
5.1 Council Procedure Bylaw
5.2 Portland LRT Study Trip - John Seinen
5.3 Portland LRT Study Trip - Ron Curties
5.4 ETAD - MCBA appointment

Public Hearing
Agenda      Minutes
Mosaic - 3314-3327 Dewdney Trunk Road
Regular Council
Agenda     Minutes
2 Public Input
 Ron Curties on the loss of boatlaunch parking at Rocky Point Park
 Guy Black on Chip Kerr Park dedication for June 25
 Richard Chick on San Remo LUC and issues around rotten wood and engineering defects.
 Willy Martin on San Remo LUC and statutory building requirements
3.1 Vancouver Port Authority - Port Tax Cap
 A presentation from Tom Winkler VP and CFO for Vancouver Port Corp on the Port Tax Cap and how this is benefitial to the port industries.
3.2 Festival of the Arts
  Presentation of video by Ann Kitching on the 2006 Arts Festival
4.2 Tax rate Bylaw
 Adoption of the 2006 tax rate bylaw.
 Carried Unanimously
4.3 OCP and Zoning Bylaw amendments - 3313-3327 Dewdney Trunk Road
 Third reading of the bylaw amendments for the Cedarbrook Mobile Home park redevelopment proposal from Mosaic Homes.
 Carried with Counc. Rockwell and Watkins opposed
5.1 Gateway Project - Verbal Report Mayor Trasolini
 This item was deferred until after the council of council meeting on this subject on May 25
 A report from the fire chief was submitted in response to questions from the fire department advisory committee questions regarding the safety of the existing no1 firehall, specifically the seismic upgrades and whether the crew quarters was done with the other upgrades. The report from the chief indicates that the previous project, contrary to some earlier discussion, DID in fact include the crew quarters and was done to spec.
6.1 Rocky Point Park Redevelopment
 A presentation by Ron Higo and Peter Cuthbert (project manager) on the status of the Rocky Point Park redevelopment project and the works done as part of the project.  The project is targeted for completion before July 1,2006.
 A resolution to the UBCM requesting that the province exempt city services from PST as this is , effectively, a tax on a tax.
 Carried unanimously 
6.3 Appointment to Community Care Committee
 Clifford Van Alstyne appointed to the committee.
6.4 Fee Waiver Request - Como Lake District Girl Guides
 A request from the Girl Guides for a fee waiver for their use of the Inlet Theater for their advancement ceremony.
 Carried Unanimously 
7.1 Resolutions from Committee of the Whole:
  John Seinen Vancouver Cycling Coalition, Cheryl Seminiuk MCBA and Ron Curties Community Care Committee, join the group going to portland for the LRT study trip.
7.2 Resolutions from Finance Committee:
 $ 750 grant to the Port Moody Soccer Assoc U14 Gold Girls Soccer team for Provincial cup tournament expenses
 $ 500 grant to Society for Community Development for 2006 spirit of community awards
 $ 500 grant to POCOMO youth services for maintenance expenses of the community bus
 $ 185,500 allocated from System and Technology reserves for Agresso (HR and Accounting package) upgrade
 $ 68,200 from reserves for completion of Rocky Point Park redevelopment including turfing
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