May 23,2006
Regular Council
2. Public Input
Ann Hulbert inquiring as to the meeting with council and MP James Moore, and suggesting a public meeting be held to discuss the Rocky Point Boat Launch changes.
Helen Daniels, ED of Arts Connect, provided an update as to the activities of ArtsConnect in promoting arts and culture throughout the Tri-Cities and villages.
3.2 CASH Delegation
Carmen Maretic asking council to send resolution to the UBCM in support of CASH society resolutions for leaky condos and proceeds of crime.
4.2 Report of Public Hearing - 3313-3327 Dewdney Trunk Road
This is the report of public hearing for the Cedarbrook Park Mobile Home / Mosaic redevelopment proposal.
This was a result of the EPC recommendation that council limit curbside collection to one bag or container per week per residential address.
6.1 Appointment to community care committee - Verbal report, Mayor Trasolini
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the sidewalk on the east side of Albert Street between Hope Street and the Port Moody Senior Secondary School property line be installed.
This was in response to a request from the school and PAC group that the city install a sidewalk on the East side of Albert Street between the school and Hope Street. This request had come before the Traffic Safety Committee, where it was felt that a crosswalk to move the pedestrians across Albert to the west side would have been appropriate - monitoring the area shows that there is little adherence to using designed areas by pedestrians or motorists as students are picked up and dropped off from school. Partial funding for the sidewalk is being provided by ICBC and the work will be done in conjunction with some infrastructure (water/sewar) work being scheduled in this block as well, to reduce costs.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2006 Council Strategic Plan be adopted;
AND THAT the Plan be disseminated widely to the general public and Port Moody staff, including a public presentation of the Plan at the June 13th Regular Council meeting.
The council strategic plan documents the underlying goals of council for the current term. This document was developed as a result of many meetings of council and city management staff, and provides direction to staff, and the community, to the priorities of council.
6.4 Chip Kerr Park - Verbal Report, Director of Community Services
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT in consideration of the unique Port Moody recipient of the Victoria Cross medal, that the renaming of Century Park be amended to be Chip Kerr, VC Park.
This is an amendment to the name for the park encompassing existing Century Park and the new dedication at the corner of Jane and Hugh Streets. Previously council approved Chip Kerr Park, but it was felt important that the VC be included in the name of the park to properly honour John Chipman Kerr and his service to our country.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to apply to the Union of BC Municipalities and Provincial Emergency Program for the 2006 Emergency Planning Program grant.
This is authorizaiton for staff to apply for the UBCM grant.
7.1 Committee of the Whole resolutions
Heritage Committee Work Plan
THAT Council adopt the Heritage Commission’s 2006 Work Plan;
AND THAT expenditures be authorized according to the 2006 Work Plan as contained in the Commission’s report dated May 9, 2006.
9.3 Release of In-Camera Items
From the May 9, 2006 In-Camera council meeting.
THAT Council reconsider the San Remo Drive Land Use Contract resolution passed at the April 25, 2006 In-Camera meeting.
THAT staff reiterate that the city will not be enforcing the colour scheme of the Land Use Contract.
Council directed that staff provide notice to residents of San Remo Drive of Council’s decision to continue with the process of seeking consensus of the residents to amend the Land Use Contract governing their area.
Council reconsidered a previous decision to suspend the process for amending the land use contract for San Remo drive, and to move the process forward.
10 Public Input
Helen Daniels in support of additional greenspace and restaurant in Rocky Point Park
Dianna Brown questioning increased greenspace in Rocky Point Park and urging council to consider recommendation of the Murray Clarke Connector Task Force for the Vintner Street alignment.