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June 23,2009 Regular Council

Committee of the Whole
Agenda                 Minutes
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the letter drafted by the Heritage Commission be amended by adding as a first paragraph a statement to express that Port Moody Council continues to support the alignment that was approved by Council on March 11, 2008 and Council wishes to remind the Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure and the TransLink CEO of the important heritage significance of properties along the proposed alignment through Port Moody.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the current fee structure and rates for spinning, aerobic and yoga classes be maintained.
Voting against: Councillor Clay
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2009 Games Legacy Task Force work plan be approved.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to identify options for enhancing the banner program through new banners, additional banner sites, and tails clearly identifying Port Moody on all new and existing banners.
AND THAT Council support an art can program as part of the Company’s Coming campaign which will allow businesses, community groups or individuals to sponsor a painted art garbage or recycling can for future use in the city.
Voting against: Councillor Clay 
Regular Council
Agenda                 Minutes
2. Public Input

David Spence, 2722 Henry Street, representing the Port Moody Foundation referred to the recent Annual General Meeting celebrating 20 years of service to the community. He highlighted a couple items – over the 20 years that the foundation has been active in city close to $1M has been generated and given to organizations and individuals to enhance life in the community. Just in the last year close to $100,000 has been generated.

Paul Murphy, 2004 Curling Road, North Vancouver, on behalf of the proponent for the development variance permit application for 125 Williams Street indicated he was prepared to answer questions and speak to the application at the time it comes up on the agenda.

Peter Dasnieres, 7-2125 Clarke Street, questioned the potential municipal growth capacity of 50,000 contained in the Official Community Plan draft, inquiring where in Port Moody this projected population is expected to be. He inquired what the expected population projections are for neighbourhoods like College Park, Seaview and Glenayre.

3.1  GFOA Canadian Award for Financial Reporting
The City Manager presented the Canadian Award for Financial Reporting to the Corporate Services staff. Finance Division staff including Paul Rockwood, Mark Roberts, Cheryl Harding and Rhonda Anderson were present to accept the award on behalf of the Finance Division from Acting Mayor Rockwell.
4.2  2008 Annual Report
The City Manager and Deputy Director of Finance and IT presented the 2008 Annual Report.
Opportunity for public feedback.
No public feedback was made.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2008 Annual Report be approved.
4.3(a) Sign Bylaw Amendment, Banner Signs
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Bylaw No. 2813 be now adopted.
Voting against: Councillor Clay
4.3 (b) Fees Bylaw Amendment - Banner Signs
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT Bylaw No. 2814 be now adopted.
Voting against: Councillors Clay and Dilworth
4.3 (c) Municipal Ticket Information Utilization Bylaw Amendment - Banner Signs
Moved, seconded and DEFEATED
THAT Bylaw No. 2815 be now adopted.
Voting against: Councillors Clay and Dilworth

Mr. Paul Murphy, speaking on behalf of the applicant, highlighted the points that the application is intended to provide additional rental housing. He advised that some cities lower parking and other standards to provide additional rental housing in areas where transit is available. He noted that Port Moody has a high parking standard because of lack of access to major corridors and transit. This property on Williams is very close to St. Johns Street transit opportunities so, they suggested, the parking requirement is not as great. The additional units will also provide a sense of security with additional units on the main level near the entrance. They also intend to put in a full security system to address problems that have occurred in the past. These two suites are needed to ensure that high standard landscaping and security measures can be incorporated.

Dr. Ali Kazemi, applicant, noted that rental units are not readily available in the city. This project will not only enhance the look of the building but also the security which has been a significant issue.

Fred Soofi, property owner in Port Moody, agreed more rental housing and affordable housing is necessary. He expressed the opinion that the two proposed additional rental units will help to achieve more affordable housing options. He also expressed the belief that the reduced parking requirement would not cause a problem.

Brent Hilpert 1238 Alderside Drive, spoke to parking issues generally. He suggested lack of parking on site will push parking out into the neighbourhood.

Helen Brown, 827 St. George Street, inquired where garbage and recycling will be located given the problems in the past. She also inquired where the recreation amenity and laundry will be or will the two rental units take that space.

Mr. Murphy responded that there is a laundry room off the lobby, they have changed the heating system which reduced the space need and that the building has never had recreation facility. It is primarily storage areas that would be converted to suites. He also provided information on where garbage will be located out of site, secured with gates off the parking entrance. A garbage can will also be provided at the corner where typically passers-by drop their garbage from 7-Eleven.

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Development Variance Permit No. 2009-77 be denied.
5.1 Highway Use Permit Issuance , previous delegation (Traffic control training)
Mr. Wat advised that staff is working on a draft policy which will come forward to the next council meeting. There is also a moratorium on issuance of any further highway use permits for flagging training.
5.2 Moody Centre Community Association, previous delegation
The Director of Planning and Development Services advised that the Moody Centre Community Association’s information has been referred to the long range development planner to incorporate into further OCP consideration.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2008 Statement of Financial Information be approved.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council adopt the Greater Vancouver Regional Steering Committee on Homelessness resolution attached to their letter dated June 3, 2009;
AND THAT the City of Port Moody forward the resolution to UBCM’s 2009 Convention.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the petition submitted at the June 9, 2009 Regular Council meeting be received for information.
Mr. Luigi Dattilo, owner of 168 Water Street, spoke against notice being placed on title, suggesting that the city inspector should come and inspect and suggesting placing a notice on title will not resolve the city’s issue.
The Manager of Building, Bylaw and Licensing outlined the process followed to date by the city in trying to gain access for inspections of interior, written notices of deficiencies provided to the property owner on exterior deficiencies. He explained that a building permit was issued in 2004, construction progressed and when inspected for final occupancy a number of deficiencies were identified on the exterior that have yet to be addressed. Inspectors could not access the interior. Notices were sent to the homeowner advising that no occupancy permit would be issued until the deficiencies were addressed. The owner did not undertake the steps necessary to address deficiencies. With no response to correct deficiencies, a recommendation for notice on title is the next step.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the property at 168 Water Street, Port Moody, BC (Strata Lot C, PL 81924, DL 347, NWD, PID: 014-546-809) is in contravention of the City’s Building and Plumbing Code Administrative Bylaw No. 2577 10.1, in that “no person shall commence or permit the commencement or continuation of any construction or demolition unless a valid permit has been issued for the work by the Building Official” and 10.2, “no person shall occupy or permit the occupancy or use of any building or part thereof in the absence of a permit required by this bylaw and contrary to the terms of any permit, notice or certificate given by the building official”;

AND THAT in accordance with the provisions of Section 57 of the Community Charter, the City Clerk file a Notice in the Land Title Office, New Westminster, BC with respect to the aforementioned property stating:

a) Council has passed a resolution relating to the property at 168 Water Street, Port Moody BC, (Strata Lot C, PL 81924, DL 347, NWD, PID: 014-546-809); and

b) Further information respecting it may be obtained at the offices of the Municipality located at 100 Newport Drive, Port Moody.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the request for barrier fencing on Heritage Mountain Boulevard be received for information.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to submit a project grant application form to the National Trails Coalition for the Shoreline Trail Restoration Project.
7.1  Ratification of Descions of Committee of the Whole
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of June 23, 2009 be endorsed as above.
8.1 Reports from Council
Councillor Dilworth raised the issue of a recent transmission box painting program in Port Coquitlam which was done in partnership with BC Hydro.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT this item be added to agenda.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be directed to bring back a report on options to pursue a transmission box painting program.
10 Public Input
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