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July 14,2009 Regular Council

Committee of the Whole
Agenda                 Minutes
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the city host a series of workshops on green buildings at Glenayre Community Centre, or other venue that would be available, in the fall of 2009;
AND THAT this item be referred to the Finance Committee to allocate a funding source of approximately $770 to cover estimated workshop costs.
Regular Council
Agenda                 Minutes
2. Public Input
Janis Moore, resident of Klahanie, expressed concern with neon signs that have been allowed on the small commercial building in the development. Ms. Moore was advised that the sign does not conform to the development permit and will be addressed by staff.
Ryan Swire, Klahanie Drive, indicated his comments were on the same point as Janis Moore.
Ann Hulbert, Ioco Road, noted that a number of municipalities are doing utility box wraps and other public art and she would like to see Port Moody doing more.
Not the same eagles Ann was speaking about, but we do have one of these in Suter Brook at Thrifty's:
Bob Hinkel, Ioco Road, spoke in opposition to money being spent to narrow Ioco Road as part of safety improvements as the Imperial Oil trucks and other large vehicles already have difficulty staying in the travel lane while negotiating the curves in the roadway.

Rob Thiessen, and Andrea, on behalf of St. Andrews Church spoke in support of the shelter for homeless, item 6.2 on this evening’s agenda. He indicated that their experience shows that this program really helps the homeless find more permanent housing.

Reiner Specht, April Road, Director and Treasurer of Golden Spike Days Society, thanked Mayor and Council and City of Port Moody staff for their long term support of the festival. He noted that despite the economic downturn and fewer sponsors this year, the festival this year was a success although the financials have not yet been completed. He also spoke to item 7 on this evening’s agenda suggesting that the city should cash the donation cheque, issue a tax receipt to the donor then make a motion to give a grant of $500.00 to Golden Spike Days Society.

John Grasty, Grant Street, speaking on behalf of the Western Station Committee, indicated they were encouraged by Council’s public support for a third station. He advised that their committee has hired a professional planner to work with them on the 5 points needed to be covered to meet the requirements of an additional station. They plan to present those plans to the city soon.

Honorable Iain Black, Minister of Small Business, Technology and Economic Development and MLA, Port Moody-Coquitlam, presented Council with an award for taking part in the GamesTown 2010 contest. This was a contest to be GamesTown 2010 with Port Moody being one of five early bird winners. He read from the presented a letter of congratulations from the Honourable Mary McNeil, Minister of State for the Olympics and ActNow BC. He encouraged Port Moody residents to continue to post stories to the GamesTown2010 web site.
Maria Wahl requested public support for her involvement in the Parkinson’s SuperWalk taking place on Sunday, August 30, 2009 at Stanley Park, Ceperley Playground.
Evelyn Humphries, Executive Director, A Chance to Choose, spoke to the challenge made by City of Coquitlam Councillor Selina Robinson to participate in the dunk tank during the “Fun Filled Funnanzah for Kids” at Lions Way Park, Port Coquitlam, on July 15, 2009. The goal of the event is to raise $1,000 and 2,000 food items for Tri-City food banks.
Moved, seconded and defeated:
That Bylaw No 2814 be now adopted.
Voting against: Cllr Clay,  Dilworth, Elliott, Nuttall
Moved, seconded, and carried:
That Bylaw No 2814 be now adopted.
Voting against: Cllr Dilworth, Nuttall
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Cultural Services Division report dated July 6, 2009 regarding Electrical Box Painting Program Options be referred to Arts and Culture Committee for consideration and recommendation back to Council.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the Cultural Services Division report dated July 7th, 2009 regarding Banner Program Options for 2010 be referred to the Arts and Culture Committee for consideration and recommendation back to Council.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Corporate Policy No. 11-5400-4 - Highway Use Permit Approval Process, as attached to the Engineering and Operations June 30, 2009 report, be approved.
6.1 Port Moody Police Board 2008 Annual Report Presentation
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the 2008 Port Moody Police Department Annual Report be received.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT Council receive the report dated June 29, 2009 on the operation of the Cold/Wet Weather Mat Program emergency shelter at St. Andrew’s United Church for information;

AND THAT Council support the continued use of St. Andrew’s United Church for the Cold/Wet Weather Mat Program emergency shelter for the Winter 2009/10 season according to the terms and conditions of the existing Housing Agreement (Bylaw No. 2761).

Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT staff be authorized to issue a fee waiver to the Port Moody Aquarians in the amount of $252.92 for hosting their 40th Reunion celebration event at the Recreation Complex Wellness Room.
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the proposed process and timeline, as included in the Planning and Development Services report dated July 2, 2009, regarding the proposed amendment to the Official Community Plan for the properties at 2718 – 2732 St. Johns Street and 2713 – 2725 Clarke Street be endorsed.
7.1 Ratification of resolutions of Committee of the Whole
Moved, seconded and CARRIED
THAT the resolutions of the Committee of the Whole meeting of July 14, 2009 be endorsed as above
7.2 Recommendations from Finance Committee 
Moved, seconded
THAT the following resolutions of the Finance Committee meetings of June 30, 2009 and July 7, 2009 be endorsed as follows:

Separation of the motion was requested:

June 30, 2009 Finance Committee:

2009 Asphalt Repairs and Road Rehabilitation

THAT the Major Road Network portion including additional works be funded from Operations, Maintenance and Rehabilitation Pavement Reserves in the amount of $105,220.

The question on this portion of the motion was put and CARRIED.

Grant Request from Crystal Meth Society of BC

THAT the grant request from Crystal Meth Society be received for information.

The question on this portion of the motion was put and CARRIED.

July 7, 2009 Finance Committee:

Golden Spike Days Cash Donation

THAT the $500 cheque received by the city as an intended donation to the Golden Spike Days Society be returned to the donor.

The question on this portion of the motion was put and CARRIED.
Voting against: Mayor Trasolini, Councillor Nuttall
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